Tags : holocaust

Iota Beta

Iota Beta

A Book by Brooke A. Larson

Prologue is description.
Poetry on Sexual Abuse during the Holocaust

Poetry on Sexual Abuse during the Holocaust

A Poem by kjryder

I am currently writing a collection of poetry for a Holocaust in Literature class and I wished to get some feedback.
My Honor is Called Loyalty

My Honor is Called Loyalty

A Story by Froomforsquares

A piece of historical fiction, My Honor is Called Loyalty is about the price of loyalty upon one's conscience. It was previously published in The MacG..
Arbeit Macht Frei

Arbeit Macht Frei

A Poem by Amorette Duvannes

please see "authors note" below for disclaimers
Stateless Shades of the Shoah

Stateless Shades of the Shoah

A Poem by Linda Marie Van Tassell

Ilse Koch - B***h of Buchenwald
I smiled

I smiled

A Poem by Norma Gonzalez

A woman who lost everything
The Dead Truth News Report #1

The Dead Truth News Report #1

A Story by Graysin Angel

The guys in prison kept saying that the Holocaust never happened. Maybe they are right.


A Poem by Karis

Eyes wilting with tears Like a willow in the rain Tears were all that were present On her emotionless face I looked up in her eyes The brown s..
These Are the Words that Defined Them

These Are the Words that Defined Them

A Poem by N.Sevilla

About the Holocaust
Her choice

Her choice

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

I am sure I have written of this is some form before, but it's plaguing me


A Poem by Emily

This poem is about the Holocaust.
It will never stop

It will never stop

A Story by lrigD

A woman, a people, suffering with a historical burden too heavy to bear...
Showered in Death

Showered in Death

A Poem by Julie

They say it's nothing, That we'll be fine. They say there's no way Those men think us swine. They say we'll be safe, At least, among our own. ..
Words for Birds

Words for Birds

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

First person singular prohibited. In orderto be more crow.War! war! war! war! war!Then there's that lowland wetland birdaround the stunted red pines c..


A Poem by Robert Ronnow

I like immigrants, immigration. Legal immigration,Jane passionately corrects. Actually my goal is a borderless world.That's a new idea to her.Gatherin..
Is It Stress?

Is It Stress?

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Is it stress,or loss, despair and survivalwe must discuss. Stress is just the symptomof a universe intent to destroy the individualbefore i..
Not like a figwort

Not like a figwort

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Not like a figwort but not an aster, either. Could he be a buttercupwith sepals, no petals, but sepals like petals? Alan is a bluebeech,an ash if his ..
South Bronx

South Bronx

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

While I'm reading a poem about it on the previous pagethe girls come over to visit their boyfriends and dancein high shoes and perfume. Their legs are..