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Tags : irony

Mysterious Lady

Mysterious Lady

A Poem by Ryan Loftis

A man becomes smitten with a woman to which he meets at a town gathering. He is suprised when she notices him and ignores everyone else in order to wa..
Pretty-Full Place

Pretty-Full Place

A Poem by Fallacy Pharmacy

Loosely based on a character of Blanche DuBois from 'A Streetcar Named Desire'. This poem contain last thoughts of a girl who is about to die-she got ..
Black and Grey

Black and Grey

A Poem by Fallacy Pharmacy

A poem about the state that the world is in... Or at least the way I see the world.
Lust for Life

Lust for Life

A Story by Fallacy Pharmacy

Nothing to do with Iggy Pop, although I'm a fan of his. This writing contains my thoughts at the moment, which seem to be very depressing.
The Tale of Sir Teller

The Tale of Sir Teller

A Story by Tasha Mason

A story of a king.
Inductive Radioactivity

Inductive Radioactivity

A Story by zdzd

Two soldiers are on a mission which is bringing them through an endless wood of "green, brown, and tan". A short story about Power. Written: 18 March ..
Give and Take

Give and Take

A Story by zdzd

Young Joseph is not a normal child; nevertheless, he lives with an all too human problem. A short story about Power. Written: 11 May 2010 by Kyle Roe
The Man In The Cage

The Man In The Cage

A Story by Shoelessjoe

It was a sweltering day, even in the minute shade provided by the concrete walls of the recreation yard's three towering hand-ball courts. An ..
The Princess Who Had Brass Balls~

The Princess Who Had Brass Balls~

A Story by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

~tongue in cheek cautionary tale my style~lol
Diabolically Delicious~ PurrIAm

Diabolically Delicious~ PurrIAm

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

~poetic tongue in cheek response to the hypocritical sociopoloticos who seriously DO NOT need to be throwing the first stone~ with no apologies to Dr...


A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

I had waaaaaay too much fun writing this for Robin's Contest~ I permitted my inner cat to come out with claws unsheathed to the fullest~ I feel like I..
The Irony is a Lack of Truth

The Irony is a Lack of Truth

A Poem by PianoFiend

Because humanity has a habit of being contradictory.
Hanging Out

Hanging Out

A Chapter by Venompen

Killing time in a bathroom from... a different perspective.
It's Edgy, It's Hip (It's Lame)

It's Edgy, It's Hip (It's Lame)

A Poem by J. R.

This one reflects my opinion of the use of the word "edgy" in marketing
Stop being pretentious existential love

Stop being pretentious existential love

A Poem by L'Enfant Terrible

I sat on Solitude Hill the other dayand the sky just in front of my noseif knowledge was so easy to get grip ofOnce upon a time there was a guy called..
Your Very Own English Gentleman

Your Very Own English Gentleman

A Poem by Karina Longo

This is a lyrical poem inspired by the lyric-writing style of the 90s Britpop band Pulp.

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