Tags : jaws



A Poem by RENichols

A bird escapes its cage.
"Swallow This"

"Swallow This"

A Poem by stephen dillon

weird and old as hell like circa 2007 when i did not even have a license
Gulper Eel

Gulper Eel

A Poem by BClancy

A little homage to the deep - sea beast that scared me the most, and still does . . .


A Story by Gabriella R.

Keon Ulani, paleontologist, lives an uneventful life with his two children in Honolulu, Hawaii. But one day, all calm leaves the waters. Only he can s..
Vegan Craz At The Beach

Vegan Craz At The Beach

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

Short Humorous Story about a chance in a sharks diet.
Shark finning

Shark finning

A Chapter by Mandy Amanda

This is what I needed for an essay and I just expanded. I will have a works cited page.
"The Small Friends"

"The Small Friends"

A Story by Jostein Kasse

I had been around my Nan’s small white cottage which was situated next door to the flat I rented above the Fiat Garage before I discovered Jib..