Tags : kaiju

The Doom Beast

The Doom Beast

A Story by Elsa

From the mind of a 13 year old.


A Book by Chaos Dragoon

Part one

Part one

A Chapter by Chaos Dragoon

Two soldiers stood in front of a large metal door. Each one stood on either end with a card key. The one on the left looked to the one on the right wh..
Part Two

Part Two

A Chapter by Chaos Dragoon

Loneliness. That's what he had always known. For the longest time, he thought this was the norm. This was what everyone felt. That loneliness was all ..
Gentle Giants

Gentle Giants

A Story by UnsureTwit

The world got a brand new kind of pet
Act One: Some Really Bad Wine.

Act One: Some Really Bad Wine.

A Chapter by Jaredthefox92

Amanda enters a local winery to find a replacement brand from her usual imported wine. However, there is a conspiracy to poison the witch.
Act Two: A Plane to Catch

Act Two: A Plane to Catch

A Chapter by Jaredthefox92

Amanda has come to terms with being mutated into a colossal monster. Being the opportunistic villainess she is, she decides to make the best of it and..
Act Three: Playtime!

Act Three: Playtime!

A Chapter by Jaredthefox92

With the people at airfield grounded and forced to return back to the city, Amanda goes on a spree of demolishing bridges and blocking train tracks.
Act Four:  Some Bad Television.

Act Four: Some Bad Television.

A Chapter by Jaredthefox92

Amanda uses her size to get her demands at Mobius Global News. As she finishes and goes off on her merry rampage, an onlooker is watching the news sta..
Act Five: Amanda’s Big Plan

Act Five: Amanda’s Big Plan

A Chapter by Jaredthefox92

Amanda Bradanksa begins to set her wicked magical plan in motion. However, as the towering villainess begins her grand scheme, others act in order to ..


A Story by Angelo Kingston

Herak, born just a poor black child with zero expectations for the future, other than living and dying has his whole world uprooted when a giant monst..