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The Yawning BeastA Poem by Ahmad AlhourWritten : Feb 9th, 2010 - Tuesday - 7:35 PM |
The ThresholdA Poem by J.Lynne958Over mountains I have come seeking something moreValleys dark and shadows deep have brought me to your doorWill you give me refuge from this never-end.. |
The QuestionA Poem by MeeshA question with an answer that is not so easily found: “How long will you love me, how long will your heart be bound unto mine by string.. |
To Rhyme or not to Rhyme.. was that the question?..A Poem by shallimarRoseTo rhyme or not to rhyme was being talked about on another site I am on.. |
Time ExpiredA Story by Father Mojohttp://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Time+Expired%2CB00G1VNKT0A parking meter at a gravesite brin.. |
Incessant CallA Poem by Wendy KarasinAn ode to life, love and poetry. |
Mysterious JackA Poem by Simon J HallidayToday's Poem |
Am I a Poet?A Poem by Claire in VAThis is nothing deep---just random thoughts about my writing. =) |
The Beaver's TeethA Poem by Evyn RubinThis one started for me on a substitute teacher job. |
Erythrocyte Sedimentation RateA Poem by Robert RonnowI'm thinking about rhyme and meterbut also my kidneys and my liver.The nation-state and the failed stateand whether killers should be executedor forgi.. |
Either WayA Poem by Robert RonnowIf a poem or essay can end with a conclusion or its opposite, either one,Can it be of any use to anyone?Do the discrepancies and disparities, dualitie.. |