Tags : napowrimo

Cosmic Intervention

Cosmic Intervention

A Poem by Juana Garcia

This was a piece I did last April 6, 2013, for NaPoWriMo 2013 (which I failed by stopping on day seven). You were my solitude.
The Relaxing Moment

The Relaxing Moment

A Poem by ChaosxPaladin

NaPoWriMo 2014 Inspiration quote: Take it easy, even the scientific method is subjective and temporary. Apparently, we are born this way, ope..


A Poem by flameinthesnow

Day #1 NapoWriMo
Who Owns Cyberspace

Who Owns Cyberspace

A Poem by KWP

#3 NaPoWriMo April is poetry month - I am writing a poem every day for April
the song of no one

the song of no one

A Poem by flameinthesnow

Day 3 NaPoWriMo
Arduos Authenticity

Arduos Authenticity

A Poem by KWP

Day 4 NaPoWriMo ... April is Poetry Month and so to celebrate, I write a poem a day,
Bridge to Awareness

Bridge to Awareness

A Poem by KWP

Day 5 NaPoWriMo - April is Poetry Month - I'm writing a poem a day for each day of the month.
Yes, but tell me, what was your intention?

Yes, but tell me, what was your intention?

A Poem by KWP

Day 7 NapoWriMo April is poetry month - I write a poem each day ..
What's It All About (Sung to the chorus of the 1990 Run DMC Song by the Same Title)

What's It All About (Sung to the chorus of the 199..

A Poem by KWP

Day 11 NaPoWriMo - April is Poetry Month - I write a poem a day :D