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Tags : ozone

Talking Heads

Talking Heads

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

They said it was only climate change, It would take a hundred years To raise the temperature one degree, It was easy to reverse, B..
Jones' Nose

Jones' Nose

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Their unspoken opinionsare like a pot of unknowable, unnamed meatsincluding skunk partsone morsel of filet mignonFamily or workplacelonger the hours, ..
Make earth a safe retreat

Make earth a safe retreat

A Poem by Gerry Legister

We live in a world of chaos, but it can be a safe retreat
Popsicle's 20??

Popsicle's 20??

A Poem by Celie Rose

Global warming is a great threat to our very existence..
First Rain

First Rain

A Poem by Nathan the Sane

The scent of Ozone The feeling of the soft earth A new year begins
Reduced to Ashes

Reduced to Ashes

A Story by Q

Short story highlighting the dangers of burning through the ozone layer.