Tags : rating

The Rantings of Some Idiot From Kentucky

The Rantings of Some Idiot From Kentucky

A Story by G.D. McLulz

Will is on his way to Nashville and Has Already Contemplated Suicide. He's fed up with life and he's looking for an alternative to the "bullshit" lif..
Sins Of The Daughter: The Curse Of Verdict Stone

Sins Of The Daughter: The Curse Of Verdict Stone

A Chapter by Jalaj Mishra

James, with his team is on world tour. He finally lands in India and discovers an appalling dark secret that shakes him to the core of his existence....
Sins Of The Daughter: The Curse Of Verdict Stone

Sins Of The Daughter: The Curse Of Verdict Stone

A Book by Jalaj Mishra

James, with his team is on world tour. He finally lands in India and discovers an appalling dark secret that shakes him to the core of his existence.
I Love You More

I Love You More

A Story by Diana Dirvariu

My world became very silent a few years back, when my true love left towards the sea. I was buried deep in a pile of heartache and tears. Confusion ..
Mature Rating

Mature Rating

A Poem by The Nude Writer

What? Why?
[Repost] Looking for REVIEWS and SUGGESTIONS

[Repost] Looking for REVIEWS and SUGGESTIONS

A Story by Phaedra

Based off a dream I had before. About a girl turned into dragon (or is it the other way around?) Please read and give your honest constructive critici..
TOP 10 Reykjavik Water Sports Activities | Compare Prices 2021

TOP 10 Reykjavik Water Sports Activities | Compare..

A Story by Tripindicator76

Compare Reykjavik Water Sports Get the best deals on Reykjavik Water Sports, activities tickets, sightseeing, Reykjavik day trips and reviews Check ou..