Tags : sonnet

Lost at Sea

Lost at Sea

A Poem by Lucy Hatfield

My first sonnet about nightmarish sleep.
Looking Through

Looking Through

A Poem by Pinkjumpers

Iwouldcompare you to aSummer’s day-The glorified glaze of mother nature’s pride,But those words- so easily- melt away,Like the leaves of a..
Poem Battle #2

Poem Battle #2

A Poem by Zvs.K

one of our favorites
Poem battle #3

Poem battle #3

A Poem by Zvs.K

the man who invented poetry.
Poem Battle #5

Poem Battle #5

A Poem by Zvs.K

This is how our worlds ends.


A Poem by sonnets97

Everyone has their insecurities, mine happen to have made me develop an eating disorder. This is my way of sharing my story.
A Song of Sleep

A Song of Sleep

A Poem by AnastasiaBetts

We've been working on sonnets lately in our poetry group. Here's my attempt at Italian Sonnet.
Inheritance - A Sonnet

Inheritance - A Sonnet

A Poem by AnastasiaBetts

We've been studying sonnets in our little poetry group. This is my stab at the Shakespearean form.
Poem Battle #7

Poem Battle #7

A Poem by Zvs.K

we may have gone a bit meta
Poem Battle #8

Poem Battle #8

A Poem by Zvs.K

a description of a country murder
Poem Battle #9

Poem Battle #9

A Poem by Zvs.K

irony? maybe/probably
Don't Make Me Wait. . .

Don't Make Me Wait. . .

A Poem by KatDarkness

Drowning in red waves of empty pleasure, Lungs crushed like insects, ripped apart; Diamond hearts explode under the pressure, Scarred and bloodied wor..
Dear Stranger

Dear Stranger

A Story by Pranav Malhotra

Dear Stranger,At Once I saw you locked in the walls of a resting train. I sieved the meddling crowd to get a glimpse of you. A scarf draped around you..
Summer Blues

Summer Blues

A Poem by Ayana Abraham

The summer is a gorgeous sight to see. It fills my soul with happiness and bliss. What I desire is a cool iced tea. The sweetness gives me a ..