Tags : syntax

Doc Wood

Doc Wood

A Poem by Barbara Walker

My small tribute to a great writer!


A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

did i say that
Penetrating the Unknown

Penetrating the Unknown

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

While waiting but not watching for the sun to set, perhaps the bullfrogs are creating the shadows with their croaks, my friend screams out becau..


A Poem by Zyle Christian William Co..

A love poem bursting with nerdy grammar, art, and city similes and metahors.


A Poem by Symbol

It's a semantic experiment hoping to portray how words alter perception.


A Poem by Richard Mueller

Writing Techniques

Writing Techniques

A Poem by Jimmy Glenn

Just trying to be funny and talk about how important schooling is.
Wild Thoughts

Wild Thoughts

A Poem by Satish Verma

It was syntax killing a kiss.