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Tags : wrap

For You...

For You...

A Poem by NoAirToBreatheXSuffocateX

Song on Bottom. It really put it together XD Wrote this for a contest.
Living or Dying

Living or Dying

A Chapter by Persona

Holding onto Stacy’s hand as he raced down the hill, Craig gripped a glass shard. “So what’s the plan?” Stacy asked, out of b..


A Poem by James William Dyer

Feelings of grief being prepackaged, preparing for the grief of a separation.
The Christmas Spirit

The Christmas Spirit

A Poem by Shayna Joyce

~Old bins filled with ornaments and trinketstrees get barer and whiterwe bundle in our blanketsholding our hotchocolate a bit tighterThe christmas spi..
Like a note

Like a note

A Poem by z.chéri

Hoping someone one day will find me.


A Poem by z.chéri

To stumble with another yet still feel content.


A Poem by z.chéri

you wouldn't

you wouldn't

A Poem by z.chéri

Sexism isn't dead.
Give our smiles

Give our smiles

A Poem by z.chéri

Give our happy days.


A Poem by z.chéri



A Poem by z.chéri

Don't tell you.
Honeyed words

Honeyed words

A Poem by z.chéri

And all

And all

A Poem by z.chéri

With my heart and all,I pay with love and give thanksto hearts that wonder.
Wrap Me in Thee

Wrap Me in Thee

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

Wrap Me in Thee Peace and joy fill this soul, As the treasure I’ve found Is more than I’ve lost so. Grateful grace ab..