Today April 21st. Terrible Day

Today April 21st. Terrible Day

A Poem by Sunflower

i can't take this
not more of this
I lost my atm card
my money gone
my savings drained
my solo
no longer mine
I wasn't up to par
wasn't good enough
my pet
the one i could turn to
cancer in her body
her little body
and here i am 
searching for answers
when it's all my fault
that's all i can see
is that the answer
is hidden inside of me

© 2014 Sunflower

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None of that is your fault Taya...I'm terribly sorry you lost your ATM card, that's so terrible...and I'm sorry you didn't get the solo...and about your pet...but none of it is your fault.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 22, 2014
Last Updated on April 22, 2014



Kendallville, IN

27. About to be divorced from my abuser. Trying to heal, and still searching to find who my true self is and where my soul feels peace. My life is a constant battle of how tough can I truly be. I have.. more..

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A Poem by Sunflower

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A Poem by Sunflower