A Poem by Bob B

It's very disturbing to hear people say

That they wholeheartedly object

To being forced to weigh their words

And having to be politically correct.


Forgetting the crassness of earlier times,

They want to return to the careless days

When Jews were called horrible things;

When blacks weren't "blacks" and gays weren't "gays";


When Native Americans were called "redskins";

When despicable names were given to our foes,

And children were taught horribly racist

"Eeny, meeny, miny, moes."


People didn't "cheat" you, they "gyped" you;

The Irish and Italians were both called names;

"Eskimo" was a generalized term;

Men referred to women as "dames."


Mute people were "dumb" back then;

Latinos and Asians were called names, too.

It seems that derogatory words

Were seldom if ever considered taboo.


Will decency and respect both

Be tossed out the window? Please say no.

We can't return to the ignorant days

Of racist jokes and slurs and Jim Crow.


Being a considerate human means

Sometimes bearing a heavy load.

Our lack of sensitivity

Can lead us down a dangerous road.



© 2016 Bob B

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Hi, Bob! :)
I agree. People should be sensitive to each other's feelings and reserve special words for picking fights.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 4, 2016
Last Updated on August 5, 2016


Bob B
Bob B

34 Counts! 34 Counts!

A Poem by Bob B