Freezer Cast

Freezer Cast

A Poem by Richard Williams

A tale of the freezer folk.


One cold and gray December day

in a Klondike jamboree,

near Healthy Choice I heard a voice

and it was Sara Lee.

Then Mrs. Paul began to call

and I saw Lean Cuisine;

the fries were staid but Minute Maid

has eyes for Jimmy Dean.

Was this a dream with pink ice cream

my Hostess for the night?

Was Uncle Ben my new best friend

along with Honeysuckle White?

Some Tasty Freeze and Mrs. T's

began to sing out loud;

the Banquet pies all rubbed their eyes,

while Kraft was mighty proud.

As Van de Kamps turned on the lamps

the words were clearly seen;

Hormel then eyed them all with pride--

and so did Freezer Queen.

Michelina's came between us

so I chose lemon pie;

Pillsbury dough just seemed to know

as Aunt Jemima waved goodbye. 

© 2014 Richard Williams

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Hahaha!! Loved this!! So unique and fun! Great job!!!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Excellent entry to my little contest.
Very well played.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ha! This was a fun read! :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

*Mmm.. Yummy* :P Hard to come across humorous poem these days (I don't write one too, Oh the irony :D). I feel humorous poems shouldn't be critiqued upon. Nothing costs more than a smile caused :D :) So, I literally have no job here, other than to say "Well done, amigo" :D :)

Keep writing.

Posted 14 Years Ago

LOL!~ extremely clever and a fun read~ you whet the appetite for sure!!!~

Posted 14 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on July 18, 2010
Last Updated on July 21, 2014
Tags: December, Klondike, Sara_Lee, Minute_Maid, Jimmy_Dean, pink, Uncle_Ben, Banquet, Kraft, lamps, Hormel, Pillsbury, Aunt_Jemima

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