

A Poem by Richard Williams

Beauty in the distance.


Sometimes I'll pause to hold life's looking glass;
telescopes allow images of art.
Rustic scenes, imagination's mirror
utter curiosity, fawn or gnu
traipsing in mind's garden images start.
Herculean sights framed by an inner reach,
each one brought to size by the human side.
Refraction on afar, witness a star,
strength in the lights now traveled to en mass.

Glows of Genesis flow like river song;
ancient is night, the unfolding strata
read like large print in cafes of wonder.
Distance longs to doff its secretive lid.
Except I blink, I relish in a stare
next to it all that magnifies my gain.

© 2010 Richard Williams

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I see these "images of art" through your lense. I saw the sky filed with stars and the far off landscape. So much to see in the world, we should all take time to look at the world and the sky through a telescope.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 12, 2010
Last Updated on November 22, 2010
Tags: telescope, glass, mirror, reflect, star, travel, Genesis, strata, cafe, stare, gain, magnify