

A Poem by The High Poet

Another poem from my crazy mind lol


I am not the man I want to be

So much anger inside of me

Rage and anger is all that I know

Has been with me since I started to grow


I put on a mask that wears a big smile

Yet my anger burns like a funeral pile

Burning my soul with this heated rage

Must not let my monster out of his cage


For if I do, you won't like what you see

The raging monster that is really me

So I try to keep that part of me in the dark

But my monster is strong and has left his mark




© 2010 The High Poet

Author's Note

The High Poet
not finished but like everything a work in progress

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Please complete this. I do not know what motivation you need to complete this but I would like to know how this poem ends. I am seeing anger and darkness and chaos and I feel like the story doesn't have to end there. The poem is both raw yet polished--that makes it more, in a way, magical.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Although pertaining heavy themes this poem has rapid fluency caused by the rhyme, I'm not one to discourage rhyming, I'm a fan of the art and therefore find this a vary interesting write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Anger makes me sad and I don't like to be sad. It's a circle of sadness and anger. Certainly it is unhuman. Good writing, as usual.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Reminds me of me

Posted 13 Years Ago

I think that your monster can easily work as a metaphor for the darkness in all people and can mean any number of things. I especially like how you make no mention of why the monster is a monster... Anyone can read this and use it as a mirror to hold up to themselves and examine their own monster. Really good stuff. Truly.

Posted 13 Years Ago

So far, an awesome write, I'm waiting for the completed one!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Great poem! We all can be full of anger, life is not at all like fairy tales that we once read! I see you take your anger and create. Well done!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I really like this piece since it I can totally relate. The flow and rhyme are wonderful. Awesome job!!!


Posted 13 Years Ago

like to see how this one turns out...

Posted 13 Years Ago

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13 Reviews
Added on August 4, 2010
Last Updated on August 4, 2010


The High Poet
The High Poet

Guelph, Guelph, Canada

Once I ran and hid my face Scared to face my disgrace Always running no way out Now I stand and shout THESE ARE MY RHYMES! When I write it's like I have tapped into some kind of creative ener.. more..

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A Poem by The High Poet

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