No Offense

No Offense

A Story by the_kate

  I walk up to her. "Hi," I say. She totally ignores me. Oh, she's talking to Emma. I'll just wait.

  When she's done, she comes up to me. "Hey, no offense but Emma's a lot more popular than you. So could you just not come around me when I'm talking to her? I mean, no offense or anything, but she doesn't really like you She thinks you're a loser. It's not that I think that, but you aren't exactly popular. Do you get it?"

  Why do you seem to think saying "no offense" makes it okay to say these mean and horrible things? "Yeah, sure. I guess. So you're coming over after school today?" She grimaces. "Oh, about that... Carly just texted me. She wants me to come to her party. And no offense, but you're not exactly invited. You understand, right?" Oh, I understand. I understand that you're being a terrible friend!

  "Okay, so what about Friday? Can you come over then?"

   "Sorry, I'm spending the night at Tamara's house.

   How does she not know that these girls are just using her? Her parents are rich, she has everything, and they just want some of that! "Okay, so we'll just see each other at my birthday next week."

  "Oh... I forgot about that. I'm going to the mall with Emma. Sorry."

   How do you forget about that?

   "Yeah, and no offense but... Emma and Carly and Tamara don't really like you. They say you're ugly and stupid. I mean, no offense. It's not what I think. But you really should wear more makeup. And like, cover that big zit on your forehead. I mean, no offense, but you aren't that pretty."

   I can not believe she just said that!

   "Yeah, well no offense, but I thought you were my friend."

   "Okay, are you really going to be that selfish?"

   "Selfish? You think I'm being selfish? You just called me a loser, you're going to a party without me, picked going to the mall with Emma over my birthday, and said I'm ugly and that I need to wear more makup!"

   "Well when you put it that way!"

   "Put it what way? The way you said it?"

   "Look. Emma and Carly and Tamara are just a lot more popular than you. They're kind of harder to keep happy. You understand when I cancel or say I can't come!"

   "Three times in a row? And called me ugly?"

   "I never said you were ugly!"

   "Right, you said that I need to wear more makeup and that I'm not very pretty."

   "Well, it's the truth!"

   "You know what else is the truth? That you're a terrible friend!"

   "Whatever! I'm finding Emma! She understands this stuff!"

   "Yeah, well no offense, but nobody really likes you! They're just using you!"

   "Will you shut up? You don't know anything about how popularity works!"

   "Oh, I know enough! I know that you care more about popularity than real friends!"

   I just walk away. Let her find out that nobody likes her the hard way. Not my problem. And by the way, I never liked you much either. No offense.

© 2011 the_kate

My Review

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This is a very funny conversation, and the way the 'no offense' was being repeated. I could also feel the fury that you had every time she said something mean. Maybe I am lucky enough to have never met someone that cold and mean in my life, but if I did, I would have never talked to her or him.
She sure does not know the real meaning of friendship and all she wants is to be popular. But she will think of you when her fake friends dump her because she got pimples, or has become unpopular.
Anyway, this short story is well penned and you have a way in connecting these people in a way that we understand the characters better, and you also have the ability to make your readers smile and feel what they feel.
Nice story.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow. I don't think I've ever heard, seen, or read someone capture this kind of conversation so well. Truly well done.

Posted 13 Years Ago

HAHAHA I loved this. This is just what I honestly wish I had the courage to tell to alot of my "friends" Thank you SO much for this :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow. Now that's drama! Cool story!

Posted 13 Years Ago

'No offense'.
I don't see why people even use those words.
Obviously, if they say something bitter or harsh, then people are going to take offense, whether they know it or not.
This was a very nice read, by the way.
Drama and honesty. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Oh so much drama makes my head hurt... I mean shallow people are just that... a small puddle that gets dragged into a bigger ocean and then find themselves lost. Very honest.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Sadly, that's how it really is in this world. This was an amazing write and very honest. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

honesty, its what makes the best writings the best

Posted 13 Years Ago

This was a very powerful piece of prose, I really liked it. A very heated argument indeed and the pure spite in the speaker's thoughts at the end - genius! An awesome bit of writing here, mortal, loving it. It sucks when people just can't be or don't realise what TRUE friends are - it's annoying. But this work is very good, well done!~

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow that was dramatic. Poor girl...that's so sad how they just blow her over. Ehh I'm so glad that I'm lucky enough to have friends who like me for me, not for my stuff. Amazing write!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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20 Reviews
Added on December 18, 2010
Last Updated on April 17, 2011



Emrald City, Oz

I'm a younger writer, and I live in a small town out in western Kansas. It feels like the middle of nowhere sometimes. I write because I want to get away from this place. When I write, I can go anywhe.. more..


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