I'm In Love With You

I'm In Love With You

A Poem by Solis-Lopez

~Adolescent feelings~ (how i used to feel...and sort of still do. >.>;;)


I'm In Love With You

*just a note: i am takling about a GUY in this poem!! XD why does everyone think i'm talking about a girl?? I'm a freaking girl!! RAWR! xD* 


When I saw you, maybe it was fear that attracted me to you,

Fear that that girl was really going to hurt you...

Because she kept threatening to choke you with that computer mouse wire o.o;;


I protected you from her,

and you were laughing,

but grateful because I, a stranger, wanted genuinely to help you.

And from then, I became your friend.


I kept wanting to see you,

I kept wanting to talk to you,

I kept wanting to be with you


And one day, as it was getting late into our friendship I realized

I really like you


And so I kept wanting to be with you,

I kept wanting to hear you,

I kept wanting to walk around in the rain with you,

I kept wanting to give you my heart

and eventually I did.

And then you gave me yours.


I made sure it never broke and you took just as special care of mine.

We were the odd couple to our peers,

But who cares what others think?

All I thought was: I really like you


And then one day I realized something as I waited to see you.

I wanted to hold you as long as possible when you arrived,

I wanted to kiss you as many times as possible while I held you,

I wanted to tell you something new,

I wanted to tell you:

I'm in love with you.

The most I could muster was the love i wanted to share with you...

And that was when you and I exchanged the keys to our souls

and the love was shared between us.


It's been two years since then,

and distance has seperated us.

Still, whenever I hear your voice on the phone,

or whenever I read your words in an e-mail

I feel the same way as ever.

Because I'm in love with you

© 2008 Solis-Lopez

Author's Note

XD WAHAHAHAHAHA!!! this has to be the mushiest thing i've ever written in my entire life! hmm...i wonder if maybe that love note to this person could have been mushier...nope, it definitely wasn't. *is laughing at the butterflies in her stomach and in her head*

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you are such a graceful poet. this one is yet another beautiful piece of art.

Posted 14 Years Ago

XD. that's hilarious a lot of people think you are talkin about a girl.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Very good! I like the start. Coming to her rescue! What girl doesn't want that to happen! I like the mushy stuff once in a while! Great poem!

Posted 16 Years Ago

that was very beautiful heart are like glass they can break good write

Posted 16 Years Ago

This is very lovely and so well written. When it comes to poetry, Love and pain sell! Mushy? Yes ...so very mushy . In a great way. I found myself falling in love all over again just from reading your words.( not with you wierdo! LOL) You take your readers on a cruise on your own love boat. Now it's my turn at being corny!! HA ! I absolutely loved the emotion and the way you expose your heart to the world and your love. Find her and keep her close for as long as you draw breath. Great job.

Posted 16 Years Ago

This is a great poem that shows how a sensitive love can evolve from a simple friendship. Most love relationships start as just friendships. I am sorry that distance has seperated you, and I am soon to go through the same thing, but I am soo glad that you are still able to feel the love like you did before. That is something precious to you and you should never let it go. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

I love it!!!!!!!!! it is just beautiful .........way better than one day to be honest ;-))))))))))))))

Posted 16 Years Ago

i really really like this! MUSHY IS GOOD !

well done (:

Posted 16 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 22, 2008
Last Updated on May 5, 2008



Houston, TX

Well it looks like I'm in college, writing and drawing in my spare time. I'm not much of a writer but it gets me going and I like to just sprawl ideas out wherever I am. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Solis-Lopez