The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
Longer Is The Night

Longer Is The Night

A Poem by Rainy

My mind and writing hand were just open, and this is what came through. I can't really figure out what it's about, myself.. But, I like it.


My eyes are set aflame by a screaming in my brain,

A certain knowledge in my mind, that he’s always been insane.

Wicked ways like his twisted maze, that keeps you locked up tight,

Longer days like his lingering gaze, but longer is the night.


Howling packs of rabid dogs are hungry for the moon,

“At least we’re safe in concrete walls, and they should stop quite soon.”

The owls don’t make a single sound, as though they’re waiting, too;

Or maybe they’re too afraid to call-- too afraid to move.


Destined for this strange solitude, your eyes don’t say a word,

Your tongue is telling lies to me, you pretend you never heard

All these things these people say about you, they talk of all you lack.

They don’t want to have to look into those empty eyes, so they say it to your back.


He took a will, he forged a fate,

He broke a promise he refused to face.

He made a plan, and chose to escape,

He had a past he chose to erase.


Wicked ways like his twisted maze, that keeps you locked up tight,

Longer days like his lingering gaze, but longer is the night.

© 2008 Rainy

My Review

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I was impressed, and from a 16 year old! You must be a old soul, because
you speak of life with clarity, and a wiseness most people don't have.
Great job!

Posted 16 Years Ago

Nothing short of delicious! I took a liking to your piece. It has an amazing aba format. Much like I use. Perfection on a line. xo - D.E.

Posted 16 Years Ago

That first line friggin sold me. Right there. I didn't even have to read the whole thing to know this was going to be a good poem. Great job, great write.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on March 29, 2008



Deltona, FL

My name is Raina. I haven't uploaded anything in a million years and my best work seems to be behind me (funny how my 16 year old self could write poems far superior to ones I write at almost 20). I t.. more..

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