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A Story by Theodule

The government tested out a drug on pregnant women so they can give birthed to enhanced humans. Little did they know of the how successful the drug will be, and the repercussion that will ensure.



For a long time, humans have strived for perfection. In 1998, under the protection of the government, a company called GeneTech developed a series of drugs to enhance human mental and physical traits beyond superhuman levels. To test these drugs, the company injected pregnant women during a survey, but the purpose of the survey was always kept secret. Each woman was given a different drug that, during the course of their pregnancy, would mutate certain genes in the baby.  The drug also implanted the babies with a natural instinct to seek out other beings of the same nature. But this would lead to a problem GeneTech could never have imagined.

Chapter 1

    (Nicholas POV)

“Nicholas Williams to the principal’s office, Nicholas Williams to the principal’s office,” announced the lady over the intercom. “Oooooh!” said the rest of the class. “Oh shut up” I said as I walked out of the class. As I walked down the hall, on my way to the principal’s office, I knew the incident with that kid in chorus had finally caught up to me. I think his name was Claudi- something ( it sounds Greek-like). As I walked into principal’s office, I was shocked by what I saw. “You!!” I said as I saw the kid from chorus. “Hey...uh how’s it going?” said the boy. I was filled with shock and anger as I saw him in the office, but I knew that this was about the incident in chorus. At that very moment, the Assistant principal, Mr. Jackson, walked in. He was a tall, black, bald headed man with a five o’clock shadow. He looked at us and shook his head slightly. “Come on boys.” he said with a passive aggressive voice. We both walked in his office, because Mr. Jackson was in charge of discipline. As we walked, I noticed that neither one of us looked around, which in my mind I figured that meant this wasn’t his first time in this office. He sat down in his black chair behind his desk and we sat in the two chairs in front. “I`m sure I don’t have to explain to you two why you are here,” he said. “Now, Nicholas you’ve been in here so many times I’ve lost track.” He said as he looked at me. I looked down and grunted at his statement, but it was true I had been to his office many times. At least twice every month for something.

“But you, Claudius,” he said. So his name is Claudius I thought in my head as he mentioned it. “You have been in here once before and I thought you and me had an understanding that you wouldn’t get into any more trouble,” he said towards him with disappointment. Claudius sighed and hung his head. I guess he could hear the disappointment in his voice. “Now, the report says you two got into an altercation which resulted in Mr. Williams here throwing a chair at Mr. Theodule here and several students,” he said. I smiled a little bit thinking about how I threw that chair at the kids. Mr. Jackson saw this smile and gave me a scowl so I quickly put my head back down. “Now I should suspend both of you but since this is almost a regular for you Nicholas...” I grunted at this statement, “... and this is unlike you, Claudius...” Claudius sighed at this statement. I don’t know much about Claudius but he seems like one of those honor kids, but at the same time he dosen’t seem happy about it.

“Ok boys. This is what’s going to happen. You two are going to spend the day in detention,” he said after giving it some thought. We looked at each other and I, for one, did not look forward to spending the day with this kid. He led us out his office and down the hall to the room at the end of it. He opened the door and I was shocked at how small it was, especially considering when you are 10 years old and everything looks big to you. The room had five desks and a window. The desks were kind of scattered, there was one kind of close to the door, two in the middle, and the rest by the window. He told us to sit in the middle. Claudius and I sat down in the desks. “Now, you two are to sit here until the dismissal bell,” he said with a stern voice. “And don’t break anything, Nicholas,” he said before walking out. I grunted at this comment. We sat there for thirty minutes before Claudius said something. “Sooo” he said “So what?” I said with a little annoyance. I didn’t know what my problem was with Claudius, but for some reason I didn’t like him.

Chapter 2

(Claudius P.O.V)

“40 minutes in and I’m already bored out of my mind.” I thought as I was sitting in the empty class. “Can I help you?” Nicholas asked “What do you mean?” I replied “Well you keep looking at me so is there something you need?” he said with slight irritation “Oh, sorry, I am just thinking.” I said “Well can you look somewhere else while you think, you’re starting to creep me out.” he said “Alright” I replied. another 10 minutes in and I decided to start up a conversation “ Hey can I ask you a question?” I ask “Do you really have to?” he questioned back sarcastically from the tone of his voice that sounded like a no I thought “ Why do you hate me?” I pressed on “Why do I hate you!?” he said giving me his full attention. I guess he finally decided to acknowledge me, I thought. “Well every time you look at me you keep giving me the stink eye, so I was just wondering if there was something that I have done to you?”  I emphasize “Well, Claudius maybe it's because I have to spend the day in detention with you instead of hanging with my friends.” he said very irritated. “My bad” I said. “ Your bad? Hahaha yeah that really makes up for it” he said with a voice that tells me that I am starting to make him mad.    

(Nicholas P.O.V)

This kid is really starting to make me mad I thought, but then I had an idea. Maybe if I show him that trick I can do then maybe it will scare him and he’ll leave me alone. “ Hey Claudius you wanna see a trick.” I asked. “Sure” he said. I guess he thought either by letting me show him the trick I might stop hating him so much or whatever. “It’s a secret so you can’t tell anyone ok?” I told him. “ Uh ok” he said with a slight reluctance. “ I can make fire with my hands” I said with excitement. “ No way,” he said with disbelief. “It was true for some reason I can make fire when I get mad” I said. I clapped my hands and held them together for 5 seconds and as I slowly opened them and a medium sized ball of fire, only slightly bigger than my hands. I expected him to freak out and get scared like my parents did when I showed them, but he didn’t. He was actually amazed at the ball of fire in my hands. “Whoa!” he exclaimed. “How can you do that.” he asked. “ I don't know I just got mad one day after some kids messed with me and I did it.” I told him. He came closer and reached his hand out, trying to touch it. “Hey don’t touch it!” I Exclaimed. I jumped back and started to fall out of my desk . As I fell back my eyes widened in terror. The fireball launched into the ceiling.  

The fireball crashed into the ceiling exploding on impact. Booooom! Immediately the sprinkler system activated and started spraying water everywhere. I guess the fireball weaken the ceiling because it came crashing down. “WATCH OUT!” Claudius said before I could react to the falling debris. CRASH!!. I opened my eyes and was shocked at what I saw. Claudius had created some kind of black/red shield around us. “ Are you okay?” he said to me. I look at him  with nothing but shock. Not only did this kid just make a shield, he also saved me. Me, the guy who gave him nothing but trouble. “Yeah I’m okay.” he reached his hand out and I grabbed it, pulling myself back up. I looked at him at for a sec. “What?” he asked curiously as for why I was staring at him. “What do you mean what?” I said slightly irritated. “ How can you do that” I asked “Do what?” he said “Do act dumb, I’m talking about this dome thing around us.” I said getting angry. “Calm down man. Look I don’t know how I did that. It just happened okay.” he said. I looked at him curiously for a second wondering how this kid could do something like this and have no idea how he even did it. Right before I could question him further Mr. Jackson burst into the room. “Boys are you-” he stopped mid-sentence as he looked up at the ceiling then back down to the boys soaking wet in the destroyed room. I hadn’t noticed until then we were really beaten up . We have a lot of cuts and bruises on us from that fireball explosion and the ceiling falling. “ Come on boys let's get you all out of here” he said as he grabbed our arms.

Chapter 3

(Claudius POV)

    “Compared to the classroom, this is somewhat an upgrade.” I thought as I was laying on a comfortable bed, while watching TV in a hospital. “Ah man I think the stuff they gave me to numb the pain is starting to wear off”. After 5 minutes of trying to find my call button, and failing, I decided to just get Nick to make the call. “Hey Nick can you press the call button to get the nurse?” I asked as I turned to the other bed on the other side of the room to look at him fully.” why don’t you hit your button?” he asked back. “Uhh...because I kinda forgot where the button is on my side.” I said a little embarrassed. “...I am not even going to ask you how you forgot.” he said as he pressed the button to call the nurse. “What I am gonna ask you, however, is how long have you been able to create barriers?”Nick asked “What are you talking about?” I asked trying to dodge the subject. “Oh we are not going through this again. Its either you start answering the questions voluntarily or I come over there and  make you answer them involuntarily!” He threatened while starting to slowly get out of bed. “Ah come on man I thought we was friends. You wouldn’t beat up your friend who is in a hospital...right?” I asked while rapidly pressing the emergency button. He stopped “2 things; 1.) I am in the same position as you and 2.) Friends? You think we are friends. Look I appreciate you saving me, but we aren’t friends. More like acquaintances.” He said to me. “Ouch, that hurt” I  thought “Well how about for saving your life you can’t beat me up.” I proposed hoping he would take it. He paused for a second. “ Fine I guess I can give you that much.” he said “But don’t think you are off the hook yet.” He stated as he went back on his bed.

At that moment the door almost got unhinged from the wall by the massive amounts of nurses and doctors that bursted into the room. “Ah crud. This is not good.” I said trying to shrink into my bed as much as possible. “What’s going on here? What’s the problem?” one of the doctors said. It was at that moment that I realized that the whole time we were talking I still had my hand on the emergency button. “Uhh I’m sorry I forgot my hand was on the emergency button” I said to all the frantic doctors. All the nurse and doctors shook their heads and walked out of the room except for one. “So boys why don’t you tell me how this all happened” asked the doctor.

(Nicholas POV)

    Me and Claudius looked at each other now wondering whether or not we should tell the doctor about our abilities. Claudius was about to say something when our parents burst in. “ Oh my god are you boys okay? What happened?” my mom asked me while hugging me. “ Mom, ah,  you can get off me now my body still hurts.” I strained “Oh sorry”  she said as she realized that I was pretty banged up. “Now what happened to you and that boy?” she asked now very serious. I looked over to Claudius and his mom only to see him getting yelled at by his mom. When I saw this I felt a little bad but I also wanted to laugh. “What are you looking at? Your mom is talking to you” my dad stated very seriously. “Uhh.” I said confused on whether or not I should tell them. I looked back over to Claudius and this time he was looking at me. I could tell we were both thinking the same thing.  It didn’t last long as Claudius’s mom smacked the back of his head for not looking at her while she was talking to him. At that moment I turned back to my parents. “Well you see-” I said before being interrupted. A man in a military uniform bursted into the room. Both our parents looked towards the man. The man was white, about average height and had a decent amount of medals and ribbons.

“ Good evening everyone. Now I’m sure you all are wondering what I’m doing here and why your sons are in the hospital. Well my name is Major Johnson and as for why your boys are in the hospital, that is classified I’m afraid.” he said casual with a southern accent. “Classified!?” Claudius’s mom asked curiously and angrily at the same time as she couldn’t find out why her son was injured. “ Yes Ma'am Classified” he said to her. “Well, why are you here then,” my dad interrupted. “ I’m glad you asked sir, these boys are coming with me” he said confidently. “ Coming with you!” our moms yelled out. “You have no right to take my child” my mom said angrily. “ You are not taking my child! Mr. whoever you are” Claudius’s mom said to Major Johnson. “It’s Major Johnson ma’am and I’m afraid you can’t stop me” he said confidently. He pulled out a paper and showed it to our parents. While this was going on me and Claudius looked at each other wondering what the man wanted with us and how much trouble we were in. After reading the paper my parents looked at me with a look I had never seen before, Claudius’s parents looked at him with the same look. They started arguing with the man at that point. I guess whatever was on the paper didn’t matter to them.  They argue for 5 minutes until Major Johnson had enough I guess. “ That's it!” he yelled. He stepped to the side and four men in black army suits walked in. They held are parents against the wall opposite to our beds. It was at that moment that Major Johnson walked up to me and Claudius as we got out of bed to help our parents.

“Come on boys, let's go,” he said, smiling at us. “What are you doing to our parents?” I said in a demanding tone. “Yeah, leave them alone!” said Claudius, also very serious now. He crouched down to us and put his hands on our shoulders. “Listen boys,” he said to us very nurturingly. “ You two are very special and have very unique abilities” he said. “Get away from my son”  my mom said furiously. He turned around slightly to my mom and gave her what I think was a small smile. He turned around and picked us up. “ let us go” I said struggling to get out of his grip.

                  Chapter 4

(Claudius POV )

    “Why is this happening to me?” I questioned as I continued to struggled to get out this man’s grip. “This is all your fault Nick!” I yelled  while we was getting dragged from the room to the elevator. “ How is this MY fault?, you’re the one that tried to touch the fireball.” He retorted “Well you’re the one that created a fireball in the classroom in the first place. Why didn’t you suck it back up?” I scolded back. “...Do what now?” He said a little uneasy. “ Oh my god don’t tell me.” I thought “Nick don’t tell me you can’t reabsorb what you create.” I said with realization, and questions slowly creeping up. “ see” He said not being able to look at me any more. “ So let me get this straight. You created a fireball, that you can’t absorb, to scare me away.  Did you at least know what you was going to do with it afterwards?” I said getting angry. He couldn’t even look me in the eye when he shooked his head left and right. “ WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” I yelled fully angry now. “COULD BOTH OF YALL PLEASE SHUT UP!!!” The Major yelled out. “Welp there goes my anger.” I thought as all the fury within me have disappeared. “Sorry” I said with my head down in shame. The Major gave me a small smile before turning to Nick with a blank face. “ What did I do? He was the one yelling at me.” He said pointing at me. Major just continued to look at Nick but with a harder type of glare. In no time Nick quickly gave in “I’m sorry” He said with his head down. The Major smiled once more before turning back around to resume our walk to who-knows-where. Right after he turned around, we glared at each other one last time. “Wait...when did we get outside?” I thought as I finally realized that we was heading for a huge black Jeep,with some weird looking wheels, and tinted windows that were so dark that I can’t even see through them.

 “ Welp, if you have any plans to get us out of this, I’m all ears,” I whispered to Nick as we walked closer to the Jeep.  “I think we should go with them.” He whispered back. ‘What!? Why!?” I angrily whispered “ Now here me out before you go on a tantrum, they might  have some information on our powers” He said “Or they could just take us in and do experiments on.” I responded irritated. “ Well, there is only one way to find out.” Nick stated while he was getting into the Jeep. I froze up. “Come along boy, we won’t hurt you.” Major said upon realization that I was still at the door of the Jeep. “ Yeah about that, I don’t really think this is beneficial to me at all you know?” I said slowly inching away from the Jeep. “What are you talking about?” The Major said,quietly moving his hand to his back pocket. “ I just don’t see the reason why I need to go. So on that note.” I turned around, and started walking back to my family in the hospital. At least I tried to, but, before I can get at least a dozen steps in, a whole bunch of people in camo clothing and guns came out of nowhere. “ You wonder what you’ll benefit from this?” The Major said walking to me with Nick behind him. “Well here is what you will benefit if you come with us.” He then threw me documents that talks about my powers.”You will be able to learn about your power. ” He said. I acted like I was actually giving this thought but I have already made my answer. “ Sorry but no deal. Now move these guys, so I can get to my family.” I said to him throwing back the documents. “ Alright then how about this. If you come with us, I promise you that your family will never have to work for the rest of their lives.” He said with a little smile. “ I guess.” I said, not sure if he was telling the truth, but the idea did sound nice. “*sigh* Will you hurry up and get in the Jeep already?” Nicholas said, his patience fully used up. “....fine” I said as I started walking back to the Jeep. “See, now was that so hard?” The Major said as he got in the Jeep after me. I just grumbled.

Chapter 5

(Nicholas POV)

Claudius finally got in the car and we drove off. After fifteen minutes of driving Claudius still hadn’t said a word, but the only thing that was on my mind on was where this guy was taking us and if my dad knocked out one the guards holding him back. I know most kids would want to stay with their parents in this situation, but I need to see if I can control this power before I really hurt someone. what happened at school could have been a whole lot worse. Thankfully Mr. Jackson thought the lights exploded for some reason.

“ Hey Claudius” I said, tapping his shoulder. “What” he said to me. “ I know you think you should be with your family right now but you’ll see this is for the best” I said to him. “ Yeah sure” he said to me detached. I just decided to let him be in his own thoughts. My mind couldn’t help but race about the potential adventure in front of me..or us I should say. Where was the Major taking us and what was gonna happen to us. What claudius asked me earlier really got to me. “Can I reabsorb the fire I create”, I thought to myself. I proceeded to create another small fireball in my hands. I closed my hands together tight enough so that Claudius and the others couldn’t see it, but that didn’t stop Claudius from seeing the light in my hands. He elbowed me lightly. “What do you think you’re doing?,” he whispered. “Well you asked me if I could absorb the fire I make,” I said to him. “Soo you interpret that as finding that out IN A MOVING JEEP FULL OF SOLDIERS!?,” he whispered harshly. Luckily we were in the back of the jeep by ourselves so no one can hear this conversation. “ I need to try this,” I said. “ I understand that but, your choice of location may not be the best of choices,” he told me. Ignoring Claudius, I closed my eyes and concentrated on trying to consume the fire in my hands. “HEY!!” Yelled the Major, trying to get my attention. The sudden noise through off my concentration. “We are about 15 mins out from the compound base,” he said to us. As I regained my focus I quickly realize something wasn’t right. I opened my hands to see that the fire that was inside was now gone. Claudius realized this too. “ Nick, you did it buddy,” he said to me proudly. “Yeah... I guess I can reabsorb the flames,” I said. “High five dude!” he said raising his hand. I was hesitant at first because in my head I still didn’t know how to feel about Claudius but I guess he was okay. I raised my hand to high five him back, but suddenly I had this feeling that something was gonna go wrong. Right when our hands made contact there was a flash and I saw Claudius flew back into the door of the jeep with a scream. A fire ball launched from my hand to his. I moved over to claudius who was holding his singed hands. “ What was that” he asked me holding his hand. “I guess I can’t hold the fire in for long” I told him still shockedat what just happened. “ How are your hands” I asked him. He then showed me his hands, they were burned but nothing too major. “Looks like second degree”  I told him. “Yeah, but it really hurts,” he told me looking at his hands. “Maybe we can wrap them u-,” at that moment something hit my head. Its wasn’t something hard, but its was soft instead. I looked down and it was some gauges for wrapping. I looked over to the front of the jeep to see the Major looking at me shaking his head. “I know which one of you is gonna be a handful now,” He said to me. “And which one of you is going to help him be a handful” he said looking over to claudius. “ What do you mean, I'm the one in pain here” said Claudius angered at the Major’s statement. “ Get ready boys cause we have reached our destination” said the major turning around.

Chapter 6

(Claudius POV)

 “Yeah just go ahead and ignore me Major.” I said in my head, still trying to get the feelings back in my hands. At that moment, the Jeep came to a halt. “Oh lord what now?” I thought as the Major moved to the door of the Jeep. When he opened the door, the first thing I saw is a whole lot of vehicles in the same color lined up neatly and orderly. ”there’s got to be at least 30 vehicles in this area.” I thought as I got out the Jeep. The next thing I see at the far end of this open field is three soldiers talking to each other. “Welp there is no turning back now.” Nick said as he and the Major walked passed me. I walked faster to keep up with them. After about 7 minutes of walking, we finally got to those three solders. “ Ah Major you finally arrived, and are those the kids?” the solder in the middle asked. “ Yes Colonel those are the two - “ Hey!, You mind telling us what you want with us,”  Nick said interrupting.

The Colonel lean over to the side of the major and looked down to see us and nick looking back up at him with an attitude. “yeah buddy I’m talking to-,” before he could finish I covered his mouth and try to do damage control. “ I sorry sir for my friends outburst. He’s just a little overwhelmed by all this stuff  that happened today.” I quickly said trying to soften the upcoming punishment. To my surprised, he just started laughing a whole lot. “ Well that one is really active isn’t he. What’s your name son?” The Colonel asked looking at Nick. “ Nicholas Williams” Nick said with irritation. “Well Nicholas, I hope we can be friends.” The Colonel said holding out his hand. “Yeah whatever.” Nick said not accepting the offer. “And you are?” The Colonel said looking at me “Claudius Theodule sir.” I said trying my best to hide how nervous I really am. “Well I see that you must be the mellow type huh. Hope to be able to work efficiently together kid.” He said holding his hand out to me this time. “Alright sir” I said accepting his offer. “Now that we got that out of the way, how about a tour around this place. Then we’ll drop you off to where you’ll’ be staying.” He said while walking away from us.

“Don’t really have a choice on the matter.” I thought as we began our tour around the base. After about one hour, Nick and I have finally went to our new living space at the end of the tour, and to be honest it wasn’t that bad of a place. There are two beds that are a little bigger then regular twin beds, and an average single bathroom. It was kinda small but also looks a little cozy however, compared to a regular bedroom for an average family, it can’t even match it. “ Finally, this is where you boys will be staying for now. Are there any questions?” The Colonel asked us. “ Yeah, in fact, I have tons of questions.” Nick said glaring at The Colonel. “I agree” I said looking at the him “Alright then shoot.” The Colonel replied

(Nicholas POV)

“Where are we” I asked him. “You two are at a secure military base outside of the…” he said being interrupted. “Colonel you are needed in the Orbital” said a soldier as he walked in. “what’s wrong Lieutenant Colonel?” “Colonel, it’s the kids. They’re fighting again.” The Lieutenant said distressed “You gotta be kidding me?.... Alright round up the men and start the detainment process.” The colonel said distressed. “Sir!” The Lieutenant half shouted before quickly darting off. “Wait… what!? There are other kids on this base?” I said shocked “ How come that wasn’t part of the tour?”. “ You wasn’t really supposed to know about them until you get comfortable in the base but I guess that plan has fallen apart huh?” the Colonel said chuckling. “ You know we don’t really have to meet them right now” Claudius said nervously. “ What do you mean we don’t have to meet them? Of course we have to meet them” I said “Give me one good reason why we should meet them right now?” Claudius said looking more serious. “ They have powers just like us.” I said starting to get irritated again “Yeah and they are probably using it against each other in the fight. Sorry if that doesn't really fill me with confidence” Claudius retorted “ You know what? Before we start bickering back and forth I propose an idea” I said confidently. “...I’m listening” Claudius said hesitantly. “Why don’t i just go check the kids out while you stay here? That way i can see the other kids, and you can do whatever.” I explained proudly “well…” Claudius said  “That’s actually a pretty good idea Nicholas” The Colonel said with smile “See even the Colonel is agreeing with me.” I said enthusiastically “...fine Nick.Go on I’ll stay in this room. Just don’t do anything stupid.” Claudius said finally giving in. “ Alright mom” I said sarcastically “ welp what are we waiting for Colonel? Let’s meet the other kids.” I said enthusiastically “ Alright then, We’ll see you in about fifteen to twenty minutes from now Claudius. Don’t do anything to chaotic.” The Colonel walking away from the room with Claudius in it. It took five and a half minutes to get to the cafeteria or, for military terms, the mess hall. On the outside it looks like a really wide one story building. However, on the inside it looks like our school cafeteria but with way better food and more modern and fixed. Basically a major upgrade from our school cafeteria. “ guess they’re keeping the kids in there” I thought as we go through the entrance doors to the front lobby.When we walked passed the front desk, we caught the Lieutenant walking to us. “Sir!” The Lieutenant said as the Colonel got close giving a salute. “At ease. Now how did the fight start” The Colonel asked as he continued his walk to the main lobby. “ Well it turns out that 

© 2016 Theodule

Author's Note

incomplete and likely to never be finished. co-writer bailed, but i didn't want this to just sit on the sideline.

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Added on October 17, 2016
Last Updated on October 19, 2016
Tags: Action, Adventure



Thibodaux, GA

I am an 18 year old novice writer. I like to mainly write two types of stories that's under the adventure category. They both have to do with powers but the difference is how they get them.... sorry.. more..

pointless pointless

A Poem by Theodule