Too far gone

Too far gone

A Poem by Poetic_Vixen

Would the wonders of little joys be ever same for me again? I guess not.

Dear child,
hiding beneath my skin aged of adulthood
that their crooked lies taught it,
caught within the thick glass
could you giggle through it
and echo your joy till they shatter?
For it's been long since your melody reached me,
could you blossom hopes through this soul again
that I once dared repress,
and redeem it?
Oh, dear child!
This hardened guise is too tired to be,
I beseech you,
come save me.

© 2024 Poetic_Vixen

Author's Note

To those who grew up too early for their age.

My Review

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This is certainly someone who yearns for their days of innocence to return. A childhood that seems snatched. I loved the thick glass imagery and how the joy seems so trapped behind it. Indeed, it would take a mammoth wave of joy to shatter it. Wonderfully expressed, dear Muskaan!

"For it's been long since your melody reached me,
could you blossom hopes through this soul again"

Loved this lines, so reminiscent of the times when life seemed so melodious and full of magic. A sense of euphoria used to fill me as a child. The music was deeper, the colours more vibrant, the seasons were much sweeter.

If you ask me personally, I can only hope for such joy to return but not sure it ever does. Life just gets plainer and paler as time goes on.

My heartfelt compliments to you on such a thought provoking and relatable poem. You touch chords and resonate deeply here, my friend.

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Month Ago

Don't we all just long for those sweet old days when we were excited about everything, my friend? Wh.. read more


We live our childhoods again vicariously through our children. That's the finest joy of parenthood. But we don't want them to stay little forever nor grow up too fast. Everything needs balance in life. But keeping alive the wonder of childhood is a great way to stay young, no matter what our age.

Posted 1 Week Ago

I think there is a drug for this problem.

Posted 1 Month Ago


1 Month Ago

Is there? Wonder how it solves anything.
I never missed my young days but nowadays I do. We were so much more normal back then. Well written.

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Month Ago

Ah it's only when it's too late that we realise the value of what we have lost and can't but from ti.. read more
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This is certainly someone who yearns for their days of innocence to return. A childhood that seems snatched. I loved the thick glass imagery and how the joy seems so trapped behind it. Indeed, it would take a mammoth wave of joy to shatter it. Wonderfully expressed, dear Muskaan!

"For it's been long since your melody reached me,
could you blossom hopes through this soul again"

Loved this lines, so reminiscent of the times when life seemed so melodious and full of magic. A sense of euphoria used to fill me as a child. The music was deeper, the colours more vibrant, the seasons were much sweeter.

If you ask me personally, I can only hope for such joy to return but not sure it ever does. Life just gets plainer and paler as time goes on.

My heartfelt compliments to you on such a thought provoking and relatable poem. You touch chords and resonate deeply here, my friend.

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Month Ago

Don't we all just long for those sweet old days when we were excited about everything, my friend? Wh.. read more
This is so beautiful, special and a skillful write that speaks about struggle and the burdens of adulthood that results in us yearning for that childlike innocence. We're all grown up but still love to walk on the coloured tiles, love to make milk bubbles blowing into the straw. The inner child never really dies.
The imagery here is poignant and powerful
"caught within the thick glass
could you giggle through it
and echo your joy till they shatter?"
The inner child's laughter has the potential to break through the barriers.
Another wonderfully crafted work by you.
Wishing you a beautiful day ☺️

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Month Ago

Yes, my friend, that inner child is a priced possession of our soul, it shall never be pushed back b.. read more
A psychological exploration. Excellent writing friend

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Month Ago

I'm so grateful for this review, sir. It means a lot!
A very emotionally moving heart touching write, dear P.V. We all have an inner child who grew up in difficult times and he/she needs healing and our unconditional love regardless of our age. So many have been forced to grow up and accept responsibilities at a very young tender age in years gone by and it damaged us in so many ways. We all need healing and need to love ourselves more than we do, not in a selfish way, but unconditionally. WE are good enough, though we rarely believe or accept that fact of life. A poem with a universal appeal, dear P.V. finely inked and expressed. I love this poem to your inner child. It is a treasure and speaks for so many! Brightest blessings to you this evening, dear friend. In my thoughts and prayers. Excellent piece... Thank you for sharing...

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Month Ago

You are MOST welcome, dear P.V. and I agree fully with everything you so rightly say. The real 'Us' .. read more

1 Month Ago

You're the sweetest! Hearing you preferring my presence here means so much! God bless you, Marie and.. read more

1 Month Ago

MOST welcome always, dear P.V. Take very good care of you... With love to you too...
Truly beautiful and poignant. Tremendous work.

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Month Ago

I'm grateful for this! Appreciate you taking time to read this!
Thomas W Case

1 Month Ago

You are more than welcome. Great writing.
A poignant poem that moves the reader, excellent word choice along with a little alluring internal rhyme which always pushed the right buttons for me, and yep, so sad when a child has to grow up way before their time, leaves a gaping hole in the heart that often if ever rarely repairs itself!

" Oh, dear child!
This hardened guise is too tired to be,
I beseech you,
come save me."

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Month Ago

I often ponder back to what those experiences were worth it that most times killed my innocence of e.. read more

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9 Reviews
Added on June 9, 2024
Last Updated on June 9, 2024
Tags: Poetry, love, pain, innocence, heart, memories, beauty



I'm an ardent lover hidden within the deep confines of my maturity, a lover of poetry and expressing deep meanings in the most mundane observations. Clearing out the mist crowding my soul and peekin.. more..


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