I am a Writer

I am a Writer

A Poem by TJ

Words are Powerful as are the Wordsmiths


I am a Writer



I am a Writer


The creator of men

The destroyer of worlds

I can shackle the strong

I can liberate the weak


I am a Writer


With my thoughts I mold planets

With my words I wield power

With my pen I shape lives


I am a Writer


I am an immortal

With my words come permanence

My body may rot

But my spirt lives in


I am a Writer


Maya Angelou said words are things

And my words are things

The stuff of life

The primordial ooze from which all things originate


I am a Writer


The pen is mightier than the sword, at least mine is

Because my pen can become a sword

“this guy stabbed that guy with a sword”

See, I told you


I am a Writer


Do not doubt my power

I can create a beautiful world

“A vast expanse of green covering the rolling, hilly plains. Unkept grass swaying gently in the steady, summer breeze; waving and rippling like the waters of a massive but gentle lake under warm zephyrs”

And then I can burn it

“and it burned”


I am a Writer


I can give you a perfect life

“he had a great job, gorgeous mansion, beautiful wife, and three wonderful sons”

Just to take it away

“but the tornado destroyed his house, killed his family, and he fell into depression”


I am a Writer


I can kill you all

“Everyone logged onto WritersCafe died”

And resurrect you

“then they all came back”

Without you even knowing

“and they never knew”


I am a Writer


And when I leave you on that cliffhanger

Literally, a cliffhanger

“His legs dangled over the seemingly bottomless pit beneath him. The jagged rocks of the Cliffside tore at the skin on his chest and stomach. The agony was almost too much to bear. The pain in his fingers was unimaginable; a deep, fiery burn, begging him to relieve them of their duties. They could not be relieved, though, because their relief meant his death”

I could save you

“Then, in a sudden burst of strength and adrenaline, so strong it seemed like divine intervention, he found the strength to pull himself up.”


But I’m not that kind of Writer


Embrace your power

© 2011 TJ

Author's Note

We are ALL WRITERS do not just review this but once you do, ADD TO IT
Show us your POWER!

Hope you enjoy this, it'll be my last poem for a while, alas i am just not a poet!


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I am a writer because it allows me the freedom to express
I am a writer and I do it to impress
I am a writer because it relieves my stress
I find when I'm writing I'm at my best

I create characters in a situation
Which requires a little contemplation
Will they eat or suffer starvation
Some may die or achieve salvation

Writing was the only tool
That helped me to survive my school
The bullies in my world were fools
And I made sure I broke all the rules

I enjoyed your piece and have added to it - it is unrefined and a quick write but in there is a little of who I am and why. The whole story is much larger than the sum of its parts though.

A poet is someone who expresses and you have done so, it may not fit into a category but so what - who wants to be pigeon holed.

Keep up the good writes.

Posted 13 Years Ago

10 of 10 people found this review constructive.


i am a pencil maker

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 3 people found this review constructive.

"I could save you, the intervention of strength to pull myself up..." THESE lines are the strongest with so much positive charisma. You spoke the truth amplified and let yourself be grounded with pure determination to rise.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

my eye you're not a poet! this is excellent!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I can kill you all
“Everyone logged onto WritersCafe died”
And resurrect you
“then they all came back”
Without you even knowing
“and they never knew”

I really like that stanza. I've tried writing a poem like this before, and it didn't turn out well. Definitely going into my Favorites!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I am a writer
Meant to, put people on BLAST
make them question their very existence, motives, actions
Making you face who you really are
I am a writer retirw
Are you brave enough to look into the mirror?

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Very creative and a fun to read! I too am a writer. I could plot against you for killing us so brutally but you brought us back, an act of mercy. I can darken your heart. No act of mercy, you required a zombie army to fulfill your dark, evil plan. But I'm not that kind of writer...

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

lol i love this

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 2 people found this review constructive.

You may not think of yourself as a poet, but I liked this poem actually. I feel as though in your broad brush strokes creating and destroying worlds, you felt the essence of poetry--at least for me--to create a moment or an emotion or something that really allows me to feel deeply. I think your work does that my friend!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

In the beginning I felt that you should have chosen stronger word, but by the end, I can only tell you that you have done an amazing job, it’s beautiful, I love it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

This is AWESOME! Love it, man. I'd actually like to see more poetry from you, I rather enjoy them. Keep up the good work!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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138 Reviews
Shelved in 37 Libraries
Added on May 21, 2011
Last Updated on May 21, 2011
Tags: power, writer, author, poem, dark, light, hope



Virginia Beach, VA

My name is TJ and I'm still just your typical aspiring author :) Follow me on twitter @tj_coles And for some short stories in 140 characters or less follow @timmystales more..

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