On the Road to Bimbombey

On the Road to Bimbombey

A Poem by Harris

A lot of strange things can happen on the road.

On the Road to Bimbombey

On the road to Bimbombey
I met a man along the way
One eye was blue and one was gray
He reminded me of a cloudy day

On the road to Bimbombey
I saw a man with a white toupee
He smiled at me with teeth of clay
I got scared and I ran away

On the road to Bimbombey
The merchant’s wares are on display
A nickle each for a fine parfait
I bought a tart from a silver tray

On the road to Bimbombey
I saw some little girls at play
They played tag and keep away
Their motions made a fine ballet

On the road to Bimbombey
The sun was beating at midday
I saw some piles of golden hay
And that is where my head I lay

When I awoke the sky was gray
My hair and clothes in disarray
I looked a sight that much I’ll say
On the road to Bimbombey

© 2011 Harris

My Review

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Very good. I like the consistent rhyme throughout and the meter is pretty tight. Nice piece.Very good. I like the consistent rhyme throughout and the meter is pretty tight. Nice piece.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 9, 2011
Last Updated on July 9, 2011



Charlottesville, VA

Writing away in Charlottesville. Two crime novels published so far, a dozen children's books and piles of short stories. more..

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