Why Being Gay isn't Wrong or Right

Why Being Gay isn't Wrong or Right

A Story by too big a thinker

Not a traditional story, but that's the best fit for the options given I guess. Just my opinion.

First off, by stating this as pro-gay or anti-gay, you are completely missing the point of what I’m trying to say. This is simply me trying to put a message out there, not telling people to think what I do, but to share what I personally think. And it has nothing to do specifically with being gay or not, but seeing how relevant and steamed people are about it, it seems to be a good example to get my point across with. I personally think being gay is completely fine and acceptable, I believe people should love whoever they want as a basic right. But that is not my point. My point, is that saying being gay is undeniably fine or is undeniably not okay, are both wrong by their own cases of logic. Nothing is definitively something; I mean you can’t say anything is 100% right or wrong or good or bad or any descriptive word. By judging people’s sense of right or wrong, which is ultimately whether you agree or disagree on someone’s beliefs/values, you yourself are just as bad by your own logic for saying the opposing person/side is wrong based upon your own values. So calling someone something opinion-based, you’re basically calling yourself that as well. The only cases where this doesn’t hold up are things based on fact, meaning anything that is set in stone and NOT an opinion in any way. Being gay isn’t right or wrong, it’s simply how YOU view it based off your values/beliefs. Everybody is entitled to having an opinion, or is anyone really? Who is anyone to judge, we don’t know if anything is right or wrong, we’re just basing things off what each of us individually were lead to think/believe. So saying anybody that doesn’t think being gay is right is a bad person, by your own logic makes yourself a bad person by judging others’ opinion based upon your own. Not saying people shouldn’t judge, judging is something everybody does without thinking, it’s an instinct, no one can help it, I’m saying you thinking being gay is fine doesn’t make it fine, it just makes YOUR OPINION on being gay fine. Neither side is right or wrong, just believe what you personally think is right or wrong, not what others do. So no, I am not against people who are gay, like I said I PERSONALLY think it’s perfectly okay, and if you say I am wrong or a bad person, then bravo. So are you. Don't be obnoxious.

© 2017 too big a thinker

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Added on February 28, 2017
Last Updated on February 28, 2017
Tags: gay, opinion, thoughts


too big a thinker
too big a thinker


I just write what I think. Don't get offended. more..