What Am I Doing Wandering?

What Am I Doing Wandering?

A Poem by Sarah

Wandering wandering,
Not knowing what to do,
Lost in a world of confusion and mistakes,
Wandering through the woods of the lost,
Were people go to save themselves,
A I wander i often think,
Does it really matter what I do now?
I want tho be forever wandering,
In this place that shall soon be my new home,
People do desperate things in order to be happy,
Wandering, Wandering,
lost in my thoughts of fear,
Not knowing what is going through my head,
What do I do?
Were do I go,
Why do I keep want to wander in my depression?
All I know is that I am,
Wandering, wandering

© 2013 Sarah

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"Wandering wandering,
Not knowing what to do,
Lost in a world of confusion and mistakes,"

Posted 10 Years Ago

very nice thanks for sharing

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

thank you for reading
You are so right on the money. Some people are lost and they make wandering their ultimate homes...Bravo

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

thanks, you know i often wonder why people wander where as they could always explore. thank you agai.. read more
Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago

Yep. You are welcome...:)....................

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3 Reviews
Added on December 20, 2013
Last Updated on December 20, 2013



i am 21 i have been through you can say through hell and back but currently stuck on my way back. i ride horses and i write as a second nature. i vent through my writing and my metaphors are sometime.. more..

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