Jane, My Dominatrix

Jane, My Dominatrix

A Story by Dante Hieroden

There wasnt a lot things a girl could do when caught up in the moment that proved she wasnt losing it, figured Wesley.



Jane, My Dominatrix


By Lady Valmar



Jane Wesley wasn’t positive when she’d signed the paper for Westlakes College. It was a junior college and accredited which meant when she finally did go to a four year she’d have less to do in her academics. Sure, she was happy about that prospect and the fact that Westlakes was easily accessible. It was only four miles from home but it meant there was more chance that someone could follow her home. Someone could break in or worse kill her.


She shifted the books in hand, walking down the hallway.  Many of her friends said that she was just letting stress about a new environment get to her but she didn’t believe them one bit. It had been a few weeks but Jane was positive someone was following her.


Crincole, a therapist she saw now and again, had diagnosed her with obsessive/compulsive disorder but she didn’t agree.  The diagnosis was insulting if nothing else. Why. If she thought about all the ‘what ifs’ and made some kind of plan to stop them then she didn’t see the harm in that. Her mother had always taught her it was better to be safe and prepared than sorry.


 “Nicole did you get today’s assignment?”


Jane slid her eyes over to a classmate leaning against the wall to her classroom. They were all average but any one of them could strike and without a moment’s notice. She had to be careful and not just about stalkers either.  These ‘classmates’ could step on her like a bug and take the glory of the elusive ‘A’ at any moment.


The teacher was a middle aged woman who was noted for giving A’s to the exceptional only. Jane was determined to ‘ace’ this class as the terminology went. She was focused and sure she didn’t have time for her friends now with all the major classes she was taking but it meant less time she’d spend in the junior college, where she could be killed, if she finished quicker.


Jane noticed the door to the class had finally opened.  She filed into the classroom after George waved them in; he was teacher’s assistant for the time being. Jane had never liked T.A.’s and always suspected they played favorites but there wasn’t much she could do for that factor.


She took her usual seat beside Nicole and Max. Remember she told herself, don’t sit too close.  She didn’t want Max to think she was interested because that could mean one day after they got to know each other and she finally showed him to her house, he’d strike,  and she’d decided that she’d keep that from happening.


“We are beginning in Chapter 6 now so I’d like you to turn to it.” The Teacher paused allowing them to find it before she continued. “Notice how last chapter I described the Pioneer’s of women’s achievements and how they set those stepping stones we are going to follow.” The teacher wrote a few things on the board, her chalk squeaking along its smooth surface before she turned back. “Now we will be delving further into this concept of ‘stepping stones’ with women such as Jane Adams, Louisa May Alcott, Margaret “Molly” Tobin Brown and many other pivotal women in history.”


A collective groan sounded from the classroom.  Jane looked at the chapter describing key women who were considered pioneers in their day to an extent. She looked forward to this chapter for awhile. It had been difficult hearing the male pioneers as this was a ‘Women’s History’ class but it had been important to hear the basics because men had affected women’s new roles in history.


In the back, a hand raised, Jane only knew this because the teacher always paused and gave an annoyed look directed to the back of the classroom. “Yes Jeremy?”


His voice was gruff. “What about Amelia Earhart?”


Everybody began to snicker at this point. “Why that is a good question. Amelia Earhart, yes, we will be covering her role as well in history. In fact, I was going to delay telling you this until we reached the end of Chapter 6 however Mr. Weber, “ The teacher nodded her head towards the back, “has so poignantly pointed out our lost pilot, so I want everyone to copy this down.” Another blackboard hidden behind some Historical pull down maps was slid over.


She turned back smiling. “You will be doing an Essay on Amelia Earhart…”


Jane found herself zoning out and her head sliding off her hand under her chin. She couldn’t be sure but Jeremy was right behind her. She was running and her hands were sweaty. He was going to kill her. He was going to make sure she didn’t make it home.


He was laughing and she could hear his boots pounding into the cement behind her. She dropped a book but wasn’t going to stop for it. She had to get home. If she could just lock the door and…


“Miss Wesley!” A sharp smack as something hit the teacher’s desk echoed in the room.


Jane startled.  “Yes? Yes?”


“Have you been paying attention or is something else more intersting?”


“Wet dreams?” Jeremy supplied from the back of the classroom with giggles erupting around Jane.


“Excuse me? NO…”


“Mr. Weber I do not need vulgar commentary from you.” The teacher turned to the board. “Children, this is important. You are well aware this is no longer high school. I should hope some of you are as good a student as you appear. This essay,” The teacher turned back to face the class, “Will be due in a month from now.”


“A month? Why?” Mr. Weber asked gruffly.


“This is for your benefit and those of you who do not pay attention or stay awake in my class,” the teacher glared at Jane, “You will still have weekly assignments, in class group projects, pop quizzes and the test on Pioneer women which will be in no less than two weeks from today.”


Another collective groan from the class issued. “I know I know. It is hard but such is life. Now I want all of you to pair off into teams of two. We still have a lot to accomplish for the group projects. I will allow each team to select a different woman in history. With exception I will not allow any of you to do Amelia Earhart as that is your essay topic. Go ahead find a partner. Once you have, I want each of you to look through page 102 and decide which woman you would like to present on. Remember each of your teams can only do that woman once. Pair off!”


Jane winched, there wasn’t anybody who could compare with her intellect. She could do this on her own and was more than capable, besides she needed to redeem herself after falling asleep. Now which woman did she want?


She opened the book and sought out the name that popped out at her. It was a real shame she couldn’t do Amelia Earhart for this project but at least she could do her for that essay. She groaned what if she didn’t have time for all this? It was bad enough with her lower division math class, English class and her astronomy class.


“Something tells me you didn’t find a partner yet.”


“Huh?” Jane looked up; it was Max giving her a concerned expression.


Well she didn’t need his pity besides why was he staring at her? “Ahh…no but I can do this by myself. I’m positive.”


“Well I don’t think the teacher is going for a one man team but okay. Hope she knows your plans.”


“Why do you think I can’t do this on my own?” Jane replied harshly.


He put his hands up defensively. “I didn’t say that. You know I think Jeremy is going solo too. Well good luck.”


Jane slowly cranked her neck over her shoulder to peer at Jeremy. He was sitting low in the chair. He wore black jeans that were shredding because they dragged on the ground so often. He had on a black muscle tee with a green army jacket, his finger nails were black and he had big black combat boots on. He always wore a beanie down low on his short oily, black hair and he was staring directly at her. Oh boy just what she needed emo boy…army boy…weirdo. Whatever the label, he was just plain creepy period.


Jane cringed and turned back quickly to her open History book. Oh that was just what she needed the creepiest guy in the class staring at her. She looked back and forth to either side of her keeping her head pointed straight down at her lap. Was he still staring at her?


She always knew one day somebody would fill the role of her “imaginary” fear like her friends told her.  Why her and now? Jane slowly opened the flap on her backpack and took out some gum. As she careful put it into her mouth she looked up.


The teacher finished writing something on the board before turning to face the class again. “Alright I think I’ve given ample time. Does everybody have a team?”


“She doesn’t have a team.” Max pointed at Jane.


Jane gave him a nasty stare. How could he so gleefully point her out like that? She grabbed her mechanical pencil and began to wiggle it in her right hand.


The teacher looked around the room. “Who else doesn’t have a team?”


A terrifying thought passed through her head at that moment…Max had said Jeremy was doing this project solo too so…  Jane shook her head and put her mechanical pencil down, nah the teacher wouldn’t do that to her would she?



Jane froze; Jeremy was known for being a jerk in class sometimes but not known for wanting to participate in group projects.


“Very well. Jane will be your team mate.”


Jane blinked. “But…”


“Ms. Wesley this is a group project. Now get into your group.”


Jane reluctantly picked up her books, her backpack and water bottle. She made her way to the back and found an empty chair. She sat down and kept her head straight ahead, only daring to look at him by moving her eyes over to her right side.


“I’m Jeremy.” He offered his hand to her, her eyes narrowed on his shiny black polish.


Jane slowly turned to look at him and his hand, giving it a disgusted look. “I don’t shake hands, emo boy.”


“Okay…I’m 19 and I’m not a boy nor am I an emu. Anyways…”  He said slowly. “So what woman in history do you want to do?” He winked at her.


“Oh please…Its Emo not emu!” Jane opened her book and looked at the list. She put her finger on one name and looked up. “Elizabeth Cady Stanton.”


He nodded and shrugged. “That’s if somebody doesn’t take her. I like being called Emu better…at least it’s not a stereotype.”


Jane didn’t like the way he’d acted so smugly.  Images of the frightening dream filtered through her mind. She was just had to remind herself she was safe and he couldn’t hurt her in class.


“We would like to do Elizabeth Cady Stanton.”


Jane groaned.


Jeremy crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows once. “So there goes our lady. So who else did you have in mind?”


Jane glared at Jeremy. “What about you, anybody you have in mind?”


“Yea but I don’t think the teacher will let us do her.” He winked again.


“Don’t you think about anything except sex?” Jane found herself saying bluntly.


“Wow could you be any blunter?” He smirked as he said it at her before he looked up to the front of the class.


“Mr. Weber, Ms. Wesley have you chosen yet?”


Jane stuttered. “Ah…we…are…ah…”


“Yeah…I do have a woman in mind but she’s not in our book though. I’m hoping you’d be willing to let us do our project on her.”


“And who might that be?”


“19th century British Dominatrix Theresa Berkley.”


There had been low murmurs before but now it was dead quiet.  Jane turned to stare at Jeremy in shock.


The teacher crossed her arms but seemed intrigued. “Explain Mr. Weber.”


“Well she specialized in Flagellation and was the inventor of the Berkley horse, a piece of BDSM equipment. Who better to spell out women’s pioneering and leaps in freedom and change of status than her? I mean she dominated men and wasn’t put down by the stereotypes women before her had.”


Jane blinked rapidly and said in a low voice to Jeremy. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”


Jeremy turned to look at Jane, smugly. “Just because you’ve never tried it doesn’t mean it doesn’t intrigue you. You never know you might actually learn something.”


The teacher turned to look at her assistant before turning back to Jeremy. “19th century?”


“Yes,” Jeremy said.


“Well we haven’t quite reached that span of history yet however…I am willing to allow this group project but only if I get a guarantee that this project has merit.”


“Sure I can.”


“If I find otherwise I will flunk both of you out of this class is that clear?”


Jeremy nodded and Jane dropped her head on her book, she was doomed.


After class was over Jane gathered her things and headed straight for the stairs, tossing her wrapped up gum in the trash. She had to get out of here. She was done with classes for the day so it was time to get going. The sound of heavy boots thudding against the floor, made her freeze at the top of the stairs.


“Oh Ms. Wesley?”


Jane slowly turned around. “J-Jeremy?”


He strutted up to her, flipping a lighter with one of his hands, open and closed. “So…you headed to another class?”


“Excuse me?”


Jeremy smirked. “This is a conversation…a two way street right?”


“Look just because we have to do this project doesn’t mean I have to be social with you.”


He slid his hand over his heart in a pledge. “Ow…I’m touched. You despise me that much do you?”


Jane gripped her book tighter, feeling her ponytail brush the back of her neck. “I have to get going…”


As she turned around a hand landed on her shoulder. “Jane…”


She froze again. “Get your hand off me Emo boy!


His hand drifted off her shoulder. “You know…” He walked around her until he was standing beside her. “You’ve got the makings of a dom but you should try and socialize once and awhile. It might be good for you. Also it might also show you’re more of an adult than a two year old.”


He continued down the stairs, his lighter still flipping open and closed.  “Later, Jane of the Jungle.” He called out behind him.


Jane closer her eyes, annoyed.  He was such a freak. Why did she have to work with this jerk anyways? Right because she’d been so busy wrapped up in her thoughts hadn’t she?


“Are you okay?”


Jane turned and opened her eyes. “Ahh…”


The teacher’s assistant George was standing behind her. He had short hair with square frames, a preppie shirt and vest on, khaki pants, typical preppie shoes and a chewed, worn pen seated behind his ear.


“No, ah I’m okay.”


“Oh okay. Well good luck with your project. Remember the writing lab is open until 8 pm. I think they have their lab hours posted beside the door.”


“Thanks…” She watched him walk down the stairs. He really was a nice guy. He seemed kind of like the type that should have a sexy girlfriend hanging off his shoulders when he wasn’t working. Jane giggled then remembered Jeremy.


What if he was going to follow her home? Why did he keep saying such vulgar things to her? Maybe he wanted to… Jane gripped her books against her chest tightly. Well she was going to have to be extra vigilant right?


As she came down the stairs she saw someone duck into a classroom. Nah, she was probably imagining it. She needed to get over this obsessive behavior maybe everybody was right she needed to calm down and master her fear.


As she exited the building she heard the sound of heavy breathing and footsteps when she turned to see where it was coming from she saw nothing, only an annoyed Asian lady trying to exit the building behind her.


She moved aside and made her way down the outside ramp. As she walked down and passed several trees, she shuddered it was really cold today. Well it wasn’t a long walk and if she just kept up a quick pace she’d be home soon.


Jane crossed the teacher’s parking lot and turned. Somebody had ducked behind a car. She wasn’t imagining this was she? For weeks now this obsessive behavior and fear had plagued her because she’d thought somebody really was following her. When she’d told everybody about it they’d agreed that she needed to see a Therapist. And well the Therapist had said she probably was letting her obsessive behavior get the best of her. After all when questioned she didn’t have any real proof, only things she thought she’d seen.


She snorted and wiggled her shoulders before continuing. “It’s just in my head. Jane you need to get a grip.”


Four more cars and she was on the sidewalk. Now it was just about four blocks and she’d be home. About the only thing on her walk home that really bothered her was the construction site for a new house being built. The place had always freaked her out but now that it had been torn down and was being rebuilt it seemed just that much creepier.


The cross walk signal turned to a green hand, Jane looked both ways before crossing and when her foot hit the other side she breathed a sigh of relief, almost home. When she’d made it to the halfway mark, Jane turned around suddenly and stared.


“Huh nothing just like I thought well…I can never be too careful right?”


She smiled and turned back. “Jane Wesley.” She startled then relaxed as she recognized who it was.


“Oh hello Mr. Renuzi. You’re out late.”


Mr. Renuzi was an old man in his late sixties that sometimes brought her mother fresh roses. Jane wasn’t sure why but her mother always seemed happy to take them. 


“Well I was just about to go take these pies to the bakery.  Tell your mom thank you will you Jane?”


“Um sure…” Jane paused. “Wait Mr. Renuzi…is she…I mean I know I shouldn’t be asking but…ah…”


His face crinkled into a smile. “Oops! I think she should tell you sweetie but I guess I already said too much so might as well explain. Guess whose famous recipe was used to make these pies.”


Jane blinked and smiled slowly. “My mother’s? Oh now I get it! So that’s why you’ve been dropping off flowers isn’t it?”


He nodded. “Well I do what I can to say thank you for her recipes. She won’t let me pay her for it. I sure wish she’d just take the job at the Bakery it would make things a lot easier. I haven’t been able to convince her…but Jane if you would…”


She nodded. “Sure I’ll try.”


“Thank you sweetie. Now you better get going its late out here and there’s a lot creeps around these parts.”


Jane shivered. “Okay have a good night Mr. Renuzi.”


Just what she needed to be reminded of creeps at night! Jane looked around before continuing. When she neared the construction site Jane slowed her steps. She always found it hard to breach the Threshold but once she’d started in she would run until she made it to her house. It was a daily routine now.


Today Jane paused and looked over at the black empty construction site. It was so dark and thoughts of how easily she could be stabbed or beaten without anyone seeing came to mind. Jane shivered again and pulled her Cardigan sweater closer together with her left hand. Well at least she was wearing jeans and her van shoes to keep herself warmer than a pair of shorts and sandals might.


The sound of heavy breathing brought her out of her thoughts. What was that? Was it her imaginary stalker? Or Jeremy? Or a dog?


Jane turned around and the street was empty except for an old bag lady pushing her heaping car across the street. Jane looked down the sidewalk.  “Jeremy is that you? Are you trying to scare me? Look Emo boy get over yourself and go someplace else.”


The sound of something hitting metal made her turn around to look at the construction site again.  It was coming from somewhere in that black inkiness. That was it Jane decided she needed to face her fear today. If she didn’t do it now when would she get over it?


Jane approached the construction site very slowly. Watching for anything moving, she inspected every shadow and big shape. She could do this, she had to. When she reached the doorway Jane heard gravel crunch as if it were under someone’s shoe.


She turned around quickly to look behind her, back towards the street. There was nothing there. Maybe it was her own shoes…Jane made a small laugh, shook out her neck and shoulders, gripped her books and took a step.


Before she could shout, someone barreled into her and knocked her flat on her face. Her books scattered and rolled down the small incline onto the sidewalk. Her cheek pressed into the dirt, she felt a hand grip her backpack and try and tear it off her.


A deep, cranky male voice told her. “I’m going to have so much fun with you.”


She was about to scream when someone else barreled into her and her attacker. They landed beside her and from the sound of it; the other was a man too. As the heavy breathing, punches and clothing flapped beside her, Jane slowly crawled to get some distance between her and the two men fighting. Her leg was killing her and she could feel wetness below her knee.


There wasn’t a lot things a girl could do when caught up in the moment that proved she wasn’t losing it, figured Wesley.  So the choice was now either to accept that her worst fear was coming true…or that she would turn out okay and she’d be back to the boring melodrama that captured her attention everyday at college.


As she reached her first book, she heard a familiar voice. “Call cops Jane! Cell phone!”


Something landed near her and Jane slowly looked over to where it had landed, her hand snaked out to grasp it. When she finally looked up to see who the men were, she froze.


Jeremy had lost his beanie; his hair was now a mess sticking straight up and all over the place. His jacket was partly off as he tried to keep another man from punching him.


He shouted. “JANE CALL THEM!” As the other man he was on top of, managed to throw a punch to his jaw, sending a small spray of blood to pepper the dirt.


“F****r!” Jeremy shouted.


Jane didn’t waste time trying to figure out who was the second man. She opened the phone which had a crack running alongside it, probably from the toss, and dialed 911.


“…what is the nature of your medical emergency?”


“Somebody just attacked me and my…classmate. Jeremy is trying to protect me from my attacker I think. We need help! We’re both injured.”


Jane gave the description of the street address and waited still hearing the two fighting as well as see and smell the dirt flying up around her.


By the time sirens erupted a few blocks away, Jeremy got tossed down the incline past her. Who had been the attacker? When Jane looked up the other man belted down the incline past Jane and down the street the same direction she had come from.  His khaki pants were covered with dirt and his sweater vest smeared with blood.


“Jane?” Jeremy’s voice choked and he coughed as he rolled over to look at her. “You okay?”


Jane struggled to sit up; she bit down on her lip to keep from yelping. The pain twanged up and down her leg. “I…don’t know.”


Jeremy coughed again. “Don’t move…looks like you have a small gash on your leg or something. And No…I know what you’re thinking but I swear I didn’t attack you. That jerk that ran away did it.”


“But how did you know to…?”


“I followed him…following you.”


Jane shivered. “Why?”


Jeremy struggled to sit up and swiped at the blood and saliva dripping down his chin. “Because I ah…like you and I wanted to ask you out but then I saw him trailing you.  So I followed…I dunno…I guess I was curious to know if he was your boyfriend…Thank god I was here.”


As he got to his feet the sirens began to get even closer. “Here,” Jeremy pulled off his army jacket that had gotten dirty from the fight and put it on her shoulders. “Damn…” He dropped beside her and looked at his phone. “I guess I’ll have to get another phone.”


“So given any thought to what I said?” Jeremy asked careful patted his swelling eyebrow with his fingers.


Jane blinked as a police car and ambulance pulled up to where they were. “I…didn’t get much of a chance. Did you see who it was?”


“No…he was wearing a ski mask but I think I might know who it was.”


“Why? I mean how?”


Jeremy picked up something near him. “This.” In his hand was a chewed ballpoint pen whose letters had been worn off. “Remind you of anyone?”


Within in minutes after both of them had been carted to the ambulance, Jane gave her account of what happened and then Jeremy gave his account. The injury for both of them hadn’t been severe so they didn’t have to go to the hospital. Jane’s gash had only been skin deep; the paramedics just cleaned both, her and Jeremy, up.  Jeremy helped her to her front door after they’d collected her books and her backpack.


“So I was expecting your parents would have come by now.”


Jane nodded. “Yeah…well…I think my dad is still working and my mom…she might be baking pies at the bakery or doing late work at the office. She’s a secretary. I’m not really sure but I am an adult. How’d you know I was still living at home with my parents?”


“Okay don’t bite my head off, I’m your rescuer after all. I knew because you seemed like the type besides it’s not often you hear of a college student owning their own home. Besides I live with my parents still too.” He smirked at her.


“So um…thanks…”


“Yeah…just remember this doesn’t get you off the hook about our group project.”


“I know that!” She winced. “Are you okay?”


“Yeah I’m fine. I’ve been in plenty of scraps before.  So when you’re feeling better…ah…” Jeremy reached into his jacket pocket that was still around her shoulders. “Here’s my number…”


Jane looked up. “What about your jacket…wait…is this suppose to convince me to date you?”


“Well…I’d like it to ask you out but I was actually giving it to you for the group project and as for the jacket just give it back later. I don’t really care about it; it’s just something I got on a whim.


She frowned. “Okay.”


“Hey if you want me to ask you out I will. I just figured it was probably a bad idea since your injured.  Call when you’re feeling better though, is that okay?"


Jane nodded. “Sure…okay Jeremy.”


The next day she went to class vindicated but still a little shook up. So she had been right all along. Still it was a little unnerving.  The entire class was alive with questions and instead of being annoyed by it she answered them. Jeremy had been as stand offish since the first day of class. He sat in his usual chair, slouching in it like he owned the room. He wasn’t wearing his beanie today, his hair looked silky smooth and she could see a silver earring in his upper ear. He was still wearing his usual attire but minus his jacket. His finger nails were still black but she noticed he wore a black sweat band and on his bicep was a skull tattoo and an odd circle with three spirals and three dots. When everybody had learned he was the one who had rescued her he hadn’t denied it and acted polite for once.


Before class could settle down to listen to the teacher, the door opened, admitting a campus police officer. He talked to the class about this attack. Jane hadn’t missed that the teacher’s assistant chair was empty today.


When the discussion was over, the teacher decided to excuse everyone to allow them to adjust to the news they’d just received.  On her way out Jane paused at the stairs again, aware of the sound of shoes slapping against the floor behind her.




She turned around and blinked. “Jeremy.” He looked clean, even his pants, that normally dragged on the ground, were hemmed up. He still had a purpling bruise over his eyebrow and a gash on his cheek but he smelled good.


“You look better.”


“Yeah ah it’s healing,” he hovered his left hand over his purpling bruise, “And you?”


“I’m better. At least I’m not using crutches.”


“Yeah that’s true. Hey you walking home again?”


Jane shook her head. “Nope my mom is supposed to pick me up by the east parking lot. I could have driven myself but she feels bad that she wasn’t home when the incident took place.”


“Let me guess work?”


“Yeah the boss made her stay late.”


Jeremy shifted his black Jansport backpack on his shoulders. “Well…ah can I walk you to the lot?”


“Are you offering to be my bodyguard?”


He smirked at her again. “Why Jane…you need Tarzan to keep you company after all.”


They both laughed before proceeding down the stairs. Maybe it was the attack that made her grow or being rescued by an unlikely source, in any case Jane was glad the whole thing was over. She was still shaken up but now she wasn’t so afraid.


As they neared the East parking lot, Jeremy asked. “So dominatrix I was wondering…”


“Hey…” Jane said slapping his shoulder playfully.


He narrowed his eyes and grinned. “What? I’m just saying you never know till you try it. Will you go out with me…later I mean?”




“Maybe?” He quirked an eyebrow at her. “I guess that’s as good an answer as I’m going to get aren’t I?”


Jane smiled and looked up as beeping sounded. “Well that’s my ride…I gotta go…thanks for walking me.”


“Sure not a problem, my lady,” Jeremy said bowing to her a little.


Jane rolled her eyes before she turned. Jeremy grabbed her hand. “Wait…this is for you.”


She looked at him in shock then blinked before looking down at what he’d dropped in her hand. “What is it?”


“A zapper. Just don’t use it on me.  The instructions are inside the case.”




He put up his hand. “I had an extra one. Don’t worry about it. Well, see you later my Dominatrix.”


As she watched him walk backwards away from her, Jane smiled.


“Seriously call me.” Jeremy made a phone gesture at her before turning around and heading back.


 Jane looked at the small device in her hands and thought Dominatrix? Me?  Jane shrugged; she’d have to look into that.  “Dominatrix…I think I like the sound of that.”



© 2012 Dante Hieroden

Author's Note

Dante Hieroden
This is my first short story to be posted online. I'd like to know what I can improve on. What I want most for viewers is to be challenged to think about the characters views, growth and what do you think might have happened etc.

I used the following two websites to help with this short story:
http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Theresa-Berkley and http://www.lkwdpl.org/WIHOHIO/figures.htm


My Review

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Featured Review

wow! i really liked it!! I loved how at the end Jane was starting to change her views about things. And the fact that her attacker was the teacher's assistant was a great twist! I'd like to see this continue. It would be interesting to see what happenes with Jane and Jeremy. I genuinely enjoyed reading this. The dialogue was good and was easy to follow. Over all, it was a pleasure to read and very well written.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


wow! i really liked it!! I loved how at the end Jane was starting to change her views about things. And the fact that her attacker was the teacher's assistant was a great twist! I'd like to see this continue. It would be interesting to see what happenes with Jane and Jeremy. I genuinely enjoyed reading this. The dialogue was good and was easy to follow. Over all, it was a pleasure to read and very well written.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on September 19, 2008
Last Updated on October 21, 2012


Dante Hieroden
Dante Hieroden

Murrieta, CA

Dante Hieroden is 26 years old. He is a council member (host alter) in a D.I.D. system called the The Valerian Legion. He is a punk at heart. He is passionate about writing poetry. He finds talking ab.. more..
