The truth about nursery rhymes

The truth about nursery rhymes

A Poem by Vidya Bacchus

Does it make sense ?


              The truth about nursery rhymes

Nursery rhymes my mother read,

When I was young and they were cool,

Now I'm older though not to say wiser,

The beloved things make no sense.


It sounds so suspicious ,

That little Jack horner is in the corner ,

Sticking his thumb in a pie,

And pulling out a cherry....I mean plum.


What the hell is an egg doing on a wall?

He must be hard boiled or else all the kings horses,

Seriously they thought the horses were the best choice?

And all the kings men would be making a Humpty Dumpty omelette.


Peter ,peter the pumpkin eater ,

Had a wife and could not keep her,

So he called his pumpkin lawyer

And what do you know she got the shell and he got the car.


It seems to me that Jack falling and breaking his crown,

Encourages the question"did he fall or was he pushed?"

I can vouch for many a times .

Having an uncontrollable urge to push my Jack down the hill.














© 2014 Vidya Bacchus

Author's Note

Vidya Bacchus
People I was just thinking bear with my thought processes :)

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now, there's a girl after my own heart! very funny. I enjoyed the read, Vid. hey, I thought you only managed deep,meaningful stuff :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

My sweet friend I am very funny .Nah not only meaningful stuff some funny ones too and some angry on.. read more

10 Years Ago

Going there right away.
Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

lol....Thank you :)
I might do one lol.Thank you :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

ha! Funny. I would like to see one about fairy stories. x

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

I might one lol.Thank you :)
Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

I left out a word lol.I meant I might do one on fairy tales one of these days .Thank you :)

10 Years Ago

lol. cool send me a read review if you do :)
I'm surprised there has been no update on the fairytales...they've updated everything else :). You right they don't have the same meaning they had as a kid but the little toddlers today see them as we did back then. It's just cute to see the wonder in their eyes. Your new fairytales are probably poetry now, like all of the rest of us :). I'll bet you feel that same mystical wonder when you write or read poems...I know I do. Enjoyed your train of thought here.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Thank you hunny .You are right I really do and I always am glad to see you :)

10 Years Ago

You two V ;).
This poem, or should I say the truth of nursery rhymes is amazing! (:

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Thank you Simran :)
Those were indeed some obvious questions. Very funny and the last line just made me burst out laughing. You dont get to read something as funny so often. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Ha these nursery rhymes really make no sense,Poor humpty dumpty everyone has it in for him lol

10 Years Ago

Yeah they never make sense. If i had humbty dumbty on my wall it would solve the problem of my break.. read more
Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Hahaha yeah he would not last long on my wall either lol
Hahahaha! I'm in a children's literature class this semester and we talk about children's books and it has caused me to think about the strangeness of nursery rhymes. This piece is great! xD

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Thank you Britt .They are very strange lol
Nice take on the classics! Even tho they really make no sense, we still quote them and can have fun from all different perspectives, great stuff, humor is always good =)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Thank you Riffin Tiff.Yes humour is always good :)
Beautifully write.
My mother with grandpa... They Sing "Machali jal ki rani hai"
Thank for reminding that moment.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Thank you Ssaad :)
A creative little gem - these fairytales are a bit vague aren't they?...
Poor Jack - now I'm wondering if he was given a gentle nudge..
Thank you for the smile this morning!
:) Julie

Posted 10 Years Ago

Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

Thank you Julie :)

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27 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on February 28, 2014
Last Updated on February 28, 2014
Tags: Jack, corner, pie


Vidya Bacchus
Vidya Bacchus

point fortin, Trinidad and Tobago

I am usually a very happy person.I love writing ,I try to write what I feel. more..


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