Life in Hell/The Story Teller

Life in Hell/The Story Teller

A Story by Raver Ozzy

something different


Life In Hell/The Story Teller

            When you think of Hell what do you think of? Probably fire, demons, punishment for those who have sinned, and torture right? Well there is a lot of that, but I’m here to tell you the whole story of what life is like in Hell. My name is Wyld, I was a thief, murderer, and an anarchist. I never liked to follow the rules, so I decided to make my own. I stole from anyone I could, from simple pick pocketing to grand larceny, stealing ships, robbing banks, and robbing rich snobs. The murders, they were of people who got in my way or pissed me off. I never had a short temper, I was a pretty laid back guy. But as soon as someone crossed me, tried to hurt my friends or family, or did something I thought was morally wrong, I would snap. The best part of my life was rising up against the government, taking places by storm, turning people against them, running s**t for a little while, that was a fun time.

            My death came of no surprise though, I tried to rip the “wrong guy” and things went bad. Turns out he was a mob boss, and one thing led to another, he ended up with a slit throat and a few of his men dead, and I ended up with a bullet in my head, and a few in some other places. After death there is nothing for a while, then the good part starts. Your God, not just one but whoever you believe in, shows up to pass judgment on you. They decide where you go right there in front of you, of course it was obvious where I would end up but it was a pretty amazing process. I’ll let you see the process for yourself when you die, but let’s just say they really do see everything you do.

            So let’s get to the part I wanted to tell you about, Hell. My first day there I got a tour from Lucifer’s niece, Winter. She was unbelievably gorgeous, with her long brown hair, her pretty brown eyes, a breath taking smile, and a slim figure. We walked through Hell as she showed me my room, the torture chambers, the City of Evil, Lucifer’s Castle where she and the rest of the unholy family lived, and she showed me some fun spots full of adventure and danger. As we got to the tour Winter turned to me and asked “is there anything else you need before you are sent to your room before your torment tomorrow?”

            I was confused and asked “What torment?” “Every few days everyone is punished for their sins, including me. Since today is your first day we will wait until tomorrow and it gives you a chance to adjust to the limited yet extensive freedom you have in Hell” she answered. “Ok,” I answered as I looked around, “how do I get a hold of you that would be the only thing I need.” Confused Winter stuttered “W-What? Why do you want to get a hold of me?” “You seem like an interesting person, you’re beautiful, and I will want to hang out with you again.” I answered and smirked. Winter blushed as she gave me a phone and put her number in it, “You can get a hold of me through that number, dork.” I smiled, “Good I’ll text you later.” Soon a couple of guards escorted me to my room.

            It was nice an apartment, not the fanciest place but it felt like home. People always had a misconception that Hell is an awful place. The truth is its pretty nice down here, you have a tv, a computer, bed, and other stuff in your room. Anyways, I went and laid down listening to music, took a little getting used to but I finally got to sleep. In the morning, I was awoken by a short dominatix. She was sitting on me, wearing a tight leather outfit with boots and gloves, rubbing a whip across my face. “Wake up mutt,” she said as she hit my cheek with the whip. “F**K!” I yelled trying to get up. “Shush, boy the party is only just starting,” she responded with a giggle. I looked around, I was no longer in my room, “where am I and who are you?” I asked. “My name is Mistress Mini, I have been assigned to be the one to be your torturer,” she said with a grin as she whipped my chest. I grunted, “I wasn’t expecting a little girl to be my torturer.” Mini got pissed, she got off of me and went over to a table full of trinkets, toys, and weapons. I went to sit up not realizing I was cuffed down, then felt a shock go through my body. I fell back down to the table, and saw Mini with a remote, and a knife. She pressed a button and I was shocked again and again. She climbed back up and drove the knife through my shoulder. I screamed as she twisted the knife, she stopped and shushed me.
            She looked me in the eyes and said, “I’m NOT so god damned little kid, I AM YOUR F*****G MISTRESS!” She gagged me with something so I wouldn’t scream and twisted the knife again. “Now, your experience in Hell can be so much worse, if you piss me off. Respect the role you have mutt and we won’t have a problem. GOT IT?” I nodded as she ripped the knife out, she tossed it into a target behind her and got her whip back out. “Now we’ll go back to the first day stuff, if behave if not I can make you bleed in worse ways than a simple blade” she said as she took the gag out and started whipping my chest. “I’m sorry Mistress I will behave” I said squirming from the pain. Hours passed and Mistress Mini had left me in horrible pain from whipping, scratching, burning, and cutting. When she was done Mini got up and washed my blood off of her hands, and the restraints holding me down released. I sat up in pain, blood dripping from my chest, arms, and face.

            Mini smirked at her work and sat in a chair in front of me to talk. “So Wyld, how did you enjoy the first of our many sessions?” Mini asked. I answered with blood dripping from my lip “It f*****g sucked Mistress.” “Good and if you ever see me outside of this chamber feel free to call me Mini,” she responded as she stood up. “Now you are free to do what you please, I suggest you clean up first though, my handy work tends to scare some people,” she laughed and walked away. “Oh and one more thing, Winter wanted me to give this to you,” she threw a knife and it stabbed through the chair in front of me, “it’s a good luck charm. Damn girl never gives away any of her knives, so you might want to cherish that.” Mini skipped off and I got the knife and looked at it, it was a bowie knife with the word “Lust” etched into the blade. I limped back to my room escorted by a guard so I wouldn’t get lost.

            When I got back I got into the shower and stood there the hot water burning the cuts, scratches and burns. I watched the blood flow down the drain wondering, how much worse could the torture get? As I got out most of the bleeding had stopped, and my phone went off, it was a text from Winter. It said “Hey come meet me at the mall, we can hang out and I want to introduce you to someone.” I got dressed and walked to the mall still limping a little. When I got there I was greeted by Winter and Mini. I was shocked when I saw Mini there, she smirked and pushed her finger into the knife wound in my shoulder. Mockingly she said “How’s the wounds doing mutt?” I cringed from the pain and responded, “They still hurt like a b***h Mistr… I mean Mini.” Winter laughed and said “You two play nice. Wyld this is my best friend Mini, I’m the one that got her put in charge of your torture.” Confused I asked “Why and if you knew why not warn me?” She responded “because, I thought you would enjoy the little ones punishing tactics, and you needed to see for yourself. This is Hell after all it can’t be easy.”

            I sighed and agreed “I guess you’re right but it would have been nice to know not to call her a little kid, I mean she so short who wouldn’t confuse her with one.” Winter facepalmed and took a step back, I looked at her confused then fell to the ground. Mini kicked me in the nuts so hard I could barely move, then put a collar and leash on me. “I told you not to bring up my size like that you mutt,” she said pissed off, “now since you want to act like a dumbass you can be my pet for the day now crawl.” She yanked the leash choking me and I crawled behind her and Winter as they started walking through the mall. Winter whispered to Mini “I know I gave him to you for the torture and stuff but you don’t have to be so rough. He is a friend you know.” Mini nodded “I know but this is my way of showing him how to treat someone more powerful than him. The b*****d may be stupid, but he’s a good guy relatively speaking.” We walked for a little longer then went into a store where Winter and Mini wanted to go shopping.

            Mini made me sit on a bench near the dressing room as her and Winter went to try on clothes. I sat there looking around searching around the stores for something I’d like. Mini and Winter showed off some of the outfits they were trying on when two guys came up to hit on them. Mini tried scaring them off and acting like a lesbian with Winter but it wasn’t working, the guys were persistent and forced the girls back to the wall. Mini went to hit one of them but he caught her arm and forced it behind her back, she struggled then yelled “MUTT ATTACK!!” Without thinking and off of instinct I got up and run at one of the guys, getting the knife from Winter out and stabbed him through the neck and ripped the knife out the side separating half of his neck from his shoulders. The guy dropped and Mini pulled Winter away from the other one and behind me. “Now mutt” she ordered as she backed away, “rip him to shreds.” Without hesitation I stabbed him in the gut repeatedly, slashing outwards every time the knife left his gut. He collapsed and I got on top of him and kept stabbing and cutting. “Stop,” Winter said as I was drenched in the guy’s blood, “he’s done, someone will clean this mess up let’s go.” I got up and wiped the knife off on a rag and tossing it on the guy.

            I followed Mini and Winter out of the mall and to a park, people staring at me as a passed them. We got to the park and Mini sat on a swing giggling and Winter sat on a bench next to it. “Good job mutt, obey like that more often and I may just learn your name,” Mini said swinging. “What happened in there, you barked your order and I couldn’t help but to obey Mini, even when you said stop I couldn’t resist Winter?” I asked. Winter answered “well she is your mistress so you be obeying her, but the blade also had a helping hand. Take it out.” I took the knife out and looked at it. The word “Lust” was gone and replaced with “Obey” in crimson letters. “It says ‘Obey’ I thought it said ‘Lust’ when you gave it to me Mini,” I said. Mini nodded, and Winter replied “that is a magical blade Wyld, and if I’m right it’s the same blade Mini used to make that hole in your shoulder.” Mini giggled “Damn straight, it needed his blood so we could use it on him. What better way than to teach him a lesson with it and stab him for being a dumbass?” Winter shook her head, “But, yes she’s right I used the blade for lust last, now for obey, it will make you react to the word as long as its near you so no ditching it got it Wyld?” I nodded while washing the blood off of my hands in a water fountain, “It’s a gift I can’t ditch it, plus you told me not to while I have to obey the two of you so there’s that too.” We all laughed.

            “So Wyld,” Mini said as she jumped from the swing, “what are your plans for this week since you won’t see me until your next session probably?” I answered “Well I planned on exploring Hell, find some fun, and some other s**t.” Mini chuckled as she pulled my leash making me crawl over to the bench were Winter was sitting and sat on my back. Winter rolled her eyes and laughed, “Really there’s room on the bench I don’t bite.” “Bullshit!” Mini responded “Don’t try to lie to me, anyways I’m gonna use him as long as I can since I don’t have anyone else to right now and no work tomorrow. Any ways why don’t you give the mutt a tour of Lucifer’s palace one day this week since he wants to explore?” Winter thought about it then said “what the Hell I clear it with the family then I’ll text you the day. Ok Wyld?” “Yeah that works. I’ll keep free for the most part then.” I responded. Darkness started to fall and Mini and Winter walked home Mini taking only the leash telling me to leave my collar on. As I got home I changed out of the bloody clothes and got something to drink, I stood outside watching the people go by in the night life.

            As I finished my drink I walked back inside, when I got to my bed I noticed a box with a note on top of it. The note read “Greetings Wyld, I would like to invite you to my Masquerade. My name is Lina, and I run a special part of Hell. The party is tomorrow night and if you would like to join call the number on the other side, and someone will pick you up. There will be some powerful people there so, I hope to see you then.” I opened the box and took out the mask, it was a half mask, red with black and silver details. Under the mask was a matching suit, and a picture of the building the party would be in. I moved the box and sat in bed thinking if I should go or not. I thought for a while then said f**k it and went to sleep.

            The next morning, I woke up to my phone going off. It was a text from a number I didn’t know saying, “Go to the party. It’s not like you have anything better to do.” I thought about then realized the text was right, so I gave the number from the card a call. They told me to be ready by tonight, and they would deliver me to the party by the time it starts. I got off the phone and get dressed to go explore while I waited for time to leave. I threw on some jeans, a t-shirt, and some boots and went out grabbing Winter’s knife on the way out. I walked around seeing all kinds of groups hanging around certain places. When I bumped into one of the guys from yesterday, he was pissed and slammed me against the wall.

            “YOU’RE THAT F*****G PUNK FROM YESTERDAY!! I’M GOING TO RIP YOU F*****G HEAD OFF!” He shouted as he drew back to bash my skull in. I tried to brace myself but couldn’t so I waited for the hit. But, he never swung, I opened my eyes to see a man in a mask holding his arm back with ease. “You are really starting to piss me off,” the stranger said to the brute as he forced him off of me and onto the ground, “first you try to attack my niece then attack this kid who was helping her. You deserve a worse Hell then you were sentenced to.” The brute got up and swung at the stranger “WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE! THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS SO STAY OUT OF IT YOU FREAK!” Just as the brute’s fist was about to hit the stranger, the stranger grabbed him by the throat and burnt him alive. I was shocked see the flames come out of nowhere.

            The stranger then turned to me and said “I would like to personally thank you for protecting my niece yesterday, and do not worry about this fool he will not be bothering anyone for a very long time.” I scratched my head and said “Thank you I thought I was really about to die there for a moment. Well die again, but anyways who are you? And who is your niece?” the stranger chuckled “oh you’ll know who I am in a matter of time. As for my niece she’s the one who is looking out for you, Winter.” I looked at him confused but before I could say anything else he vanished. I looked around to see where he went but he was nowhere to be found. Confused as hell I kept walking and texted Winter asking about her uncle. I walked until I found a park full of people listening to music, I walked through and found a place where I could just lay and think. I went and found an open place without anyone near and lay there listening to music.

            A few minutes passed and I fell asleep, only to be woke up an hour later by Mini stomping on my stomach. I sat up but she just pushed me back down with her foot. I looked at her and asked “Why the hell did you just f*****g stomp on my stomach?” She smugly responded “I could have just as easily crushed you nuts. Would you of liked that better mutt?” Afraid of what she would do I just shook my head and asked “Whatcha doing here any ways?” She laughed and dragged me up by my hair, “I was told to come get you out of the park so you could get ready for the party.” “How the hell did you know I was going?” I asked as she made me stand up. “Stupid a*s mutt I know everything that’s going on with you it’s my job after all. I even know that Winter’s uncle just saved you “life” I little while ago.” she said leaving. I followed her as she walked out of the park towards my place. “So you know who he is?” I asked. She responded “Of course I do I know all of her family. Even the dark lord himself, Lucifer” I stopped her and asked “Then who was that in the mask that saved me?”

            She pulled me down to eye level and said “You know damn well he said that you would find out later and if you ever stop me like that again I will break your hand. Got it mutt?” I nodded. “Good,” she said as she slapped the side of my face, “now let’s get you back so you can get to the party.” She turned and continued walking, I followed rubbing the side of my face. “Are you going to the party too?” I asked. She smirked and replied “It’s a Masquerade idiot, the point is to not know the people there. That’s one of the reasons she wants you there.” I shrugged and agreed, I figured that she would based off of the smirk. So, when we got back to my place she told me that the party would be soon so I went in and changed as she left. The suit and mask both fit perfectly, I even had a pocket for the knife. As I finished getting dressed a text from Winter came in. it said “You dork. You’ll get to meet my family when you get a tour of the palace don’t worry about it. Till then have some fun :P” I smiled and sent a text back, then the guy arrived to take me to the party.

            He told me to get in the back and that there was one other to pick up before we go. I said sure and got in and he drove off to the other person’s house. When we got there a girl got in the front seat, dressed in a purple dress, mask, and black stilettos. She looked back smiled and said “Get ready for an amazing party new guy, Lina never disappoints.” I smiled and she turned back around as the driver took off towards the party. We drove for a while until we finally reached the party house. The lights were flashing and music was bumping, I got out and opened the door for the chick. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek saying “See you inside if you’re lucky.” She went in but I stayed back. I leaned in the car window and asked the driver “So what can you tell me about this Lina?” He chuckled and said “You really must be new huh? Well you can compare her to the great Gatsby, she always throws great partied like him. The differences are there, like for one she a chick, hotter, known, and not a fake. But you’ll probably get to meet her in there considering she got me to bring you. So get your a*s in there I’ve got places to be.” I backed up and said “Thanks man.” He waved and drove off and I turned and walked into the party. As soon as I stepped into the building I was greeted by three seductive women, they dragged me into the main room, got me a drink, and had me dancing with them. I partied with them for a while then snuck off to get some more drinks for myself and to find Lina. I walked around the place searching the rooms, I saw people f*****g, drinking, doing drugs, even some people fighting.

            When I got to the end of one of the halls there was a bedroom with double doors. I decided to check it out since Lina may be in her room and this may be it. I went in and found two girls making out on the bed. I went to turn around and leave when I heard “So this must be your new pet hun.” I turned around and they were both looking at me, I looked around confused and asked “Who me?” They both laughed and one of them came over and punched me in the gut, then took off her mask and smiled. I coughed then look at her and said “You really are a b***h sometimes Mini. Why the hell do you insist on having me at your eye level all the time?” Mini laughed and responded “Because mutt, you seem comfortable like that. Plus it gives you a reminder of which one of us can control the other.” She walked back to the bed and the other girl came over to me. She smiled and leaned over to look at me “He seems like he enjoys the pain hun. Maybe I should give him a round of fun.” Mini giggled and said “No, no. He’s off limits to you Lina, you know damn well what happens when you take a masochist in. None of them want this one dead, or in you trance.” Lina pouted “Oh come on he’s so cute at least let me hurt him a little.” Mini sighed “Fine. Grab a leash and bring him to the bed.” Lina got excited and ran to her closet, when she opened it, it looked like a dominatrix’s wet dream. I went to say something but before I could Lina gagged me and led me to the bed on the leash.

            Mini helped Lina tie me to the bed and strip me down to my boxers. Mini kissed Lina then said “I’ll give you an hour with him then it is back to the party with all of us.” Lina cheered and agreed as she changed into a full leather outfit. Mini the leaned over to me and whispered “Don’t enjoy this too much mutt, she may end up wanting to keep you then we all will be in trouble.” I tried to ask what the f**k but the gag started to choke me and mini left the room. “Now, now there’s no reason to try and resist,” Lina said as she scratched my chest, “it’s time for you to enjoy a true dominatrix.” She dug her nails into my chest as she teased me, rubbing her body on mine. She started biting and smacking, and I was enjoying it. She started moaning every time she smacked me and getting off at the sight of my blood. She then went and got a candle and let the hot wax drip down onto an open cut she made with her nails. I scream from the pain and she loved it. She kept on with the pain and brought me to the verge of tears. She was smiling wide and started kissing me.

            I lay there wishing it was over but for some reason I was still enjoying it. Through all the pain and torture I wanted more. She looked me in the eyes and smiled, she could tell I couldn’t get enough. This went on for the rest of the time and by the time Mini came back in I was bloody mess. Mini rushed over pulling Lina off as she was about to zap me with a Taser saying “That’s it Lina times up.” Lina pleaded to her “Come on hun, I want more. Can’t you just let me finish getting off to this pain that he’s loving so much?” Mini shook her head and took the Taser “You had your fun hun now get back to the party while I clean this mess up.” Lina growled but kissed Mini and left saying “Fine, but you will be taking his place later. And as for you little masochist I will see you later.” Mini shook her head as Lina left the room then came and sat beside me on the bed and took the gag out. I looked over at her and said “That…. f*****g… hurt…. Why did you leave me with her so long?” She started to untie me and said “She always goes too far when she gets a new ‘toy’. But she shouldn’t have gone so far if you didn’t enjoy it, she gets off seeing pain and pleasure in her, let’s say victims’ eyes.” I sat up in pain and looked at the door, Mini got up and grabbed a few towels. “I did enjoy it,” I said, “the rush, the kinkiness, it was all such a thrill.” I turned and looked at Mini as she put a wet towel on my chest, she looked concerned. She wiped some of the blood off then gave me the towel so I could get the rest. “So you think you’re ready to get back to the party mutt? I know you’re in pain but I think there is supposed to be one more person here you’ll want to meet.”

            “Yeah,” I said as I stood up and got dressed, “most of the blood has stopped and I think I can make it through the night. Who is this person anyway?” Mini grabbed my knife and looked at it as I got dressed and said “Oh she’s the one who you’ll convince to get you that tour of the palace.” She walked over and put the knife back into my pocket and led me out of the room and back to the party. As we headed back to the main room Lina was down on the dance floor enjoying herself and when she saw me and Mini she smiled and winked. Mini smiled and led me to the bar. She ordered us some drinks and said “She should be here soon mutt, ready to make her like you?” I looked around and asked “Who is it? I thought Winter was the one getting me a tour?” And just as I said that I felt someone leaning on me and an arm grab me drink. Mini squealed and jumped you to hug the person. They hugged and I turned around, and the lady said “Now what is my niece doing promising a tour of our home again?” Mini laughed and I looked at her and asked “So you are Winter’s aunt?” She smiled “That’s right my name is Kit and who might you be?” I stood up “My name is Wyld I’m Winter’s friend and apparently Mini’s pet. I met Winter my first day in Hell and Mini was assigned as my torturer and mistress.” Mini giggled as she sat back down to drink and Kit petted her head. “So Winter gave you someone to look after for her, huh Mini?” Kit said. Mini nodded “And the dumbass is pretty obedient about it. Of course I did have to teach him a lesson his first day with me but I like my pet.” Kit laughed and sat in my seat beside Mini. “Oh he’s also the one I told you and Wolf about that saved me and Winter from those two pricks.” Mini said smiling at me.

            “Is that right?” Kit asked looking at me. “Yes ma’am, although I did have a little help from Winter’s blade but I did save them from those guys.” I responded. Mini rolled her eyes and Kit laughed “well you two enjoy the party I have to go tell Wolfy we will have people over in the next couple of days.” She got up and gave Mini a hug and as she was walking pass me she whispered “Call me ma’am again and I will tear your soul to shreds.” I nodded out of fear and she smiled and walked off. I took my seat next to Mini and the bartender gave me a drink. “She must of liked the fear and respect you showed her.” Mini laughed. I finished my drink and said “She f*****g terrifies me. And is Wolf the guy that saved me the other day?” Mini nodded “Yep the devil’s mercenary and former ruler of earth. Sold his humanity for power and used it to change his life and get revenge. Fire was weapon of choice but the true power came from the fear that most people had for him. You should feel honored he took time to help you.” I was shocked that the myth of the demon lord was true. It was a story I had always hear as a kid, but I thought it was just so folk tale. I looked at Mini and asked “So how many more Myths are true?” She laughed “Well mutt I guess you’ll see later, but for now let’s enjoy this party so you can get out of here and get ready to have you silly mind blown in a couple of days.”

            So the party went on and I had a great time as long as I avoided Lina. When it was over Lina and Mini showed me off. Mini waved and said “Don’t do some stupid s**t and get yourself killed. I will see you in a few days to try and do that myself.” I laughed and Lina came over and hugged me whispering “and if she doesn’t get the job done you always know how to find me” and she bit my ear. I nodded nervously and got into the car and told the driver “Get me the f**k back home!” He laughed and drove off and I looked back to see Lina and Mini waving as they went back in. When I got back home, I limped inside and changed out of the suit then climbed into bed. I lay there thinking how many more of the stories I grew up with were true. I thought about the ones like Wolf’s until I fell asleep. The next morning I went out and explored some more the day wasn’t that eventful but I did get a text from Winter saying that she did arrange to give me a tour of the palace tomorrow thanks to Kit. So I went through the day talking to people and finding some of the creepiest things I could. By the end of the day I went straight to sleep ready to see what Lucifer’s Palace and Winter’s family is like.

            When morning came I got up and got ready, when I got out of the shower I heard a knock on the door. I threw on so pants and opened it, Winter and Mini were both there ready to go. “Put on a damn shirt and let’s go mutt” Mini said as she tapped her foot impatiently. “Calm down and come have a seat, I still wanna eat for f***s sake.” I said as I went through my clothes to find a shirt. Mini rolled her eyes and Winter laughed as they came in and sat on the couch. Winter looked around and asked “So how have you liked your place Wyld?” I walked to the table and grabbed some food and answered “Its fine. Better than anything I expected.” “He’ll be surprised to see where we live if he thinks this is fine.” Mini scoffed. “What is that palace that great?” I asked. Winter smirked “You’ll just have to wait and see.” I finished eating and walked to the door. “Finally ready to go mutt?” Mini asked as she got off the bed and walked around. I answered “If one of you will grab the knife from under my pillow then yeah.” Winter grabbed and gave it to me then we got into a car and drove to Lucifer’s Palace.

            When we got there we got out and Mini put her leash on me. “What the hell is this for?” I asked pulling at the collar. “We may be giving you a tour of Lucifer’s Palace but we can’t have you wondering off. Now shut up and obey.” Mini said as we started walking through the gates. As we were walking Winter started talking, “Welcome to the Dark Lord’s Palace, home of Lucifer himself and his hellish family. Lucifer had this built when we wanted to be closer as a family. He wanted a place we could call home anytime.” We walked through the door and I saw Kit waving over to us. Winter introduced her “This is my aunt Kit, the niece of Lucifer. She once ruled earth after her love Wolf lost control.” Kit smiled “Looks like you two are having fun with the boy, don’t get him killed now Winter.” Winter hugged her “Don’t worry the one I have to worry about doing the most damage to him is Mini.” They both laughed and Mini flipped Winter off. “By the way where is Wolf?” Winter asked. Kit pointed towards the foyer and said “Him and Sid are in there, but be careful it’s almost time for their monthly war.” Winter nodded and we walked that way, Kit smiled as we passed and then headed off her own way.

            When we got to the foyer all we heard was shouting and as Winter opened the door a fireball shot out and nearly blasted me in the face. “YOU WON’T F*****G BEAT ME THIS YEAR WOLF! YOU MAY HAVE YOUR FANCT FIRE BUT IM THE STRONGER ONE DAMNIT!” Sid yelled as he punched Wolf in the gut. Wolf took the punch like it was nothing and taunted “Come on Sid, the all-powerful Blood Demon can’t even take me to a knee any more PATHETIC.” They locked up in a test of strength and we walked over to them. They were so focused they didn’t even notice when we got to them. Winter looked at Mini and they both nodded, they walked over and forced both of them apart with ease. Me, Sid and Wolf looked at them shocked, then Wolf laughed and said “How the f**k have you two gotten so strong all of the sudden?” Mini rolled her eyes and answered “My mom taught me how to break up a power struggle ages ago dumbass.” Winter giggled “Yeah and Mini taught me. But anyways Wolf, Sid this is my friend Wyld. Wyld, the one with the mask on is Wolf and the one, who for some damn reason doesn’t know what a shirt is, is Sid, the Blood-Demon. Sid was once a crime lord who corrupted the world and saved it from that same corruption.” Wolf looked at me “Yeah you’re the one who saved these two a few days ago. Nice to see you haven’t gotten yourself killed. Mini you must be getting soft” I nodded “Well Mini isn’t that mean.” As soon as I said that Mini kicked me in the gut and dropped me to my knees. Wolf laughed and she said “Dumbass.”

            Sid was looking at me scratching his head. “I’ll bite,” he said, “why the hell is he on a leash?” Winter looked at Mini so she could answer. “Because, for one we can’t have him wondering off and two I want the mutt close for when he acts like a dumbass.” Sid busted out laughing and came over to mess with me. “So he’s like a pet that is so f*****g funny,” he said as he threw a knife, “fetch boy.” I looked at him like he was stupid and Winter slapped him in the back of the head. She looked at him and said “He is Mini’s pet she is the only one who gets to treat him like crap. Got it?” Sid rolled his eyes and said “Whatever I was just trying to have some fun sheesh.” “Anyways,” Winter said “I have more places to show him and more people for him to meet. So we’ll be going but, you two better calm the f**k down. Y’all don’t want Kit or Lilith coming to break this up. Or worse Sid, if Rosie surprises you again.” They looked at each other and agreed “We’ll chill till it’s time for the war officially. Just don’t tell them.” Sid said. As we walked out the two of them argued and Winter shut the door. “So where to next?” I asked as I picked up the knife Sid threw. Mini looked at Winter and said “Well there’s Lucifer, your father, Lilith, and Dante.” “Let’s go see Lilith,” Winter said, “because dad should be with Lucifer.” As we walked through the halls I peeked inside the rooms. Winter was talking about some of the rooms and who’s they were.

            When we walked passed a screen door to a pool and I asked “Who’s that?” pointing to a woman sun bathing. “There she is.” Mini said as we walked out. The woman looked up when she heard the door open the walked over and hugged Winter and Mini. “This is my mother, Lilith.” Mini said, “She is the daughter of Lucifer himself. Well I say mother but I was adopted and they took me in like family none the less.” Lilith Smiled “And who might this on the leash be dears?” Winter answered “This is our friend and Mini’s pet, Wyld. We are giving him a tour of the palace today.” “Ohhh,” Lilith said “so dad must have wanted to meet him if he agreed to this huh?” I looked at them confused “Dad? You mean Lucifer wants to meet me?” Lilith looked around and laughed “Whoops must of said too much anyways have fun you three.” Then jumped into the pool, and I looked at Winter and Mini who were trying to act innocent. “So Lucifer wants to me? What for?” I asked. Mini muttered “damn it mom,” and looked at Winter who sighed. Finally she said “Yes uncle Lucifer wants to meet with you. He wants to talk business, and see the person we’ve taken an interest in. See why I interfered with the process when you got here.” “And why would that be?” I asked. She looked at me and said “I’ll explain when we get to him till then let’s just finish the tour.” They both looked at me and I agreed “OK I’ll find out later then.”

            We left the pool area and started looking for Dante. We looked from room to room but he wasn’t in any of them. We checked his room and there was a note on the door that said “Gone hunting be back when the pests are taken care off.” Winter sighed “That jackass said he wasn’t going to work this week. Well I guess it’s time to go see dad and Lucifer.” We walked to the middle of the palace and up the stairs to a set of huge doors. Mini banged on the door and yelled “Hey Lucifer open the damn door it’s time for you to meet the mutt.” The doors slowly creaked open and smoke poured out. “Mini what the f**k have I told you about banging on the damn doors? You nearly broke them last time you the god damned speaker system.” Lucifer said as some of the smoke cleared away. She answered back “I forget damn and didn’t mom tell you to stop smoking in the middle of the day any ways?” Lucifer rose from his throne and hugged Mini and Winter. He laughed and asked “So, how are you two today?” They responded in unison “Good!” and then Winter asked “Where’s my dad anyways? We figured he be with you.”

            All of the sudden I felt a chill go down my spine and a scythe move pass my face. I turned around to see Death staring me in the eyes. I was frozen in fear and unable to move as he grabbed my shirt and raised me up. “So,” he said in a bone chilling voice, “you must be the boy my daughter has taken an interest in.” I was too stunned to speak, then he dropped me back to the ground and walked over to Winter. She smiled at him and said “Now dad don’t get any funny ideas and take that stupid hood off. He’s a guest can’t you at least try to not terrify my friends for once?” Death laughed and took the hood off reveling a normal face, and he gave Winter and Mini a hug then took a seat beside Lucifer. Winter dragged me over and said “Introduce yourself, he shouldn’t be as terrifying now.” I unhooked the leash and tossed it back to Mini and said “Hello my name is Wyld, I’m a friend of Winter and Mini and also Mini’s pet. I’m sure y’all know of my life before Hell. And Lucifer my Lord I’ve heard that you wanted to speak some business with me?”

            “Nice to see you’re not completely ball-less.” Death said “So I’m going to leave you three here to talk this business. I have some souls to collect and some deals to make. Winter, Mini I will see y’all at dinner.” Death rose and left the room slicing my arm with the scythe as he passed. Then Lucifer summoned three chairs for us to sit in and looked at Winter “So explain to me why you chose him, and interfered in his process.” Winter looked at me and then back to Lucifer and said “Well uncle, I had a feeling when I saw him. I thought that he could be the one to fill the spot you have open here. Also, after reading him he seemed like he would need someone or two to be his controls. As you know he was an anarchist, he would have thrown the balance out of whack in whatever district he was put in unless the family had an eye on him. Mini has got him on a short leash as is but if he slips even once we can shorten it even more.”

            Mini then added “When Winter asked me to be his Mistress she also explained that he couldn’t be controlled. So she needed someone who has never been opposed and that’s where I come in. You know better than anyone that I am the most deadly, strict, and ruthless Punishers Hell has.” Lucifer nodded “That is true Mini, and it is good that you have picked up your mother’s eye for problems and mind for solutions Winter. But that still doesn’t excuse the fact that you not only interfered but did it behind the whole family’s back.” “We’re sorry Lucifer” they said and looked down. “How about you?” Lucifer added looking at me, “Did you know any of this? Or are you behind the whole thing?” I shook my head “No my Lord I had no clue what was happening. Only that Winter befriended me my first day in Hell and that she assigned Mini as my torturer and Mistress.” Lucifer looked around for a while then spoke “Mini, Winter you two are forgiven. But don’t ever go behind my back like that again.” They both looked up and smiled “Thank you, we promise we will never do it again.” Lucifer laughed “I’m sure you two will but anyways down to business. Wyld the position Winter mentioned earlier is in the palace library, working as a story keeper/teller. I have a collection of stories of my family, of people I have interfered in their life and made an adventure happen through earth. Wolf, Sid, Death, and many more have stories in there. Your job would to keep them organized, make sure their stories are spread through Hell and earth, and even write the stories for me from time to time. You will be allowed to live here if you want or where ever else as long as you are always prepared to answer my call.”

            I thought about the offer and said “So if I take this job for you my Lord, will it end the torture for Mini or is that for all eternity?” Mini snapped at me “What you don’t like getting to spend time with me? Does the mutt need another lesson taught? I told you, you are mine until me or Winter release you got it!?” Lucifer nodded “She’s right, they wanted the responsibility of watching over you so they determine that side of your fate.” “Anyways,” Winter added, “we know you enjoy it Wyld. So why would you want it to end? Plus you really are close to making Mini flip off on you so you might want to be careful.” I looked at Mini who was growling and said “Ok, ok I’m sorry Mistress Mini. But, yes I will take the job Lucifer. Thank you for the opportunity. Also, I will want to live at my apartment. While your palace is amazing, it’s just not for me.” “Understood.” Lucifer said, “You will start next week until then go enjoy Hell. I’m sure the girls have some things for you like and a*s whooping from Mini. Also, I will leave instructions with Winter as to what you will be doing when you start.” We all stood up and got ready to leave. I shook Lucifer’s hand and Winter and Mini gave him a hug. Then we left the palace and went to the front gate. “So Mini I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow?” I asked. She was still growling and said “You’re damn right! F*****g disrespectful mutt! You know damn well what you have coming to you so you better get a good night’s sleep because tomorrow is going to be the worse pain you’ve ever felt.” Winter smiled and said “Maybe afterwards we can all go do something if Mini doesn’t end up killing you.” I looked at them and smiled then gave them both a hug. “I will see you both tomorrow then,” I said, “and thank you.”

            They waved as I got in the car and left and they went back inside. When I got home my door was open. I went in and as soon as I passed through the door I was hit in the back of the head and knocked out. When I woke up I was tied down to my bed naked and Lina was standing over me. She climbed on top of me gagging me with a ball gagging and saying “This time no one will interrupt us my dear masochist. Maybe I’ll actually get to finish also.” She started running her whip down my face to my chest. I tried to struggle but every time I did she would whip my chest as hard as she could. Eventually I just gave up and caved to her game. She smiled when she saw me so submissive, and started to tear my chest up with her whip and nails. She drew blood in no time and said “I could just cum from the sight of your blood. Why don’t you be a good boy and enjoy this?” She started biting me and moaning, she wouldn’t be happy until I was a corpse under her. She even went as far as to start cutting me with my knife Winter gave me. But as soon as the blade pierced my skin my phone rang. Lina picked it up and saw it was Mini and said “Oh your little Mistress is calling. But no your all tied up at the moment so I guess we will just get rid of this. No one will stop me this time honey.” Then Lina stabbed the phone and through it out the window.

            Four hours passed and I was very weak for blood loss I couldn’t even fight back if I wanted to. Lina was drenched in my blood and having an orgasm right on top of me. Finally I heard a loud crash as my door was busted down. Lina got up off of me and just as she turned towards the door Winter cracked her in the side of the head with a guitar. Lina fell to the ground and grabbed her head, when she looked up she yelled at Winter “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO THE F**K YOU JUST HIT!?!? I WILL HAVE YOU F*****G KILLED YOU STUPID C**T! CAN’T YOU SEE I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING!?!?” Winter wasn’t listening though he eyes were as black as the abyss and she summoned Death’s Scythe out of thin air. She got behind Lina pulling the scythe tightly against her throat drawing blood and said “No you obviously don’t know who I am. You’ll have me killed? B***h you won’t even live long enough to suffer.” And in one quick swoop Winter decapitated Lina who’s soul was absorbed into the scythe, and the scythe disappeared. Mini came over to me and covered me up and untied me.

            Winter sat beside me and said “Sorry it took so long we got here as soon as we could.” Mini was wiping the blood off when Winter went and hugged me. Mini shook her head “I guess you can get out of it tomorrow mutt. But don’t get to use to it, you’ll also owe for this.” Winter sat back up and Mini hugged me. When Mini sat up I smiled and said “Thank you both, again. I promise Mini I will make up for it later but, right now I’m going to sleep. That psycho b***h put me in so much pain I can barely stay awake.” I passed out and Winter and Mini giggled. They got most of the blood cleaned off then spent the night to make sure I didn’t die in my sleep.

            After that night my life in Hell continued I worked for Lucifer and he wrote my story, this one. Me, Mini, and Winter became close friends, and I’m still Mini’s pet. But, she doesn’t call me mutt as often anymore. I grew close to the family and became one of them. Now Lucifer has given me the job of sharing my stories with y’all. So buckle up it’s gonna be one Hell of a ride.

The End

© 2015 Raver Ozzy

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Added on August 27, 2014
Last Updated on August 25, 2015


Raver Ozzy
Raver Ozzy

Elizabeth City, NC

Fuuuuck more..
