The Old Man in the Tavern

The Old Man in the Tavern

A Poem by Tara

In the haze of city lights

amidst the drone of a far off ambulance siren

I hear these whispers

like untamed flames.

Hypervigilant, I look this way and that

feeling a heavy presence near me.

And still, nothing.

I get lost in the crowds

a blind sheep among many.

A tavern calls with it's neon sign

blinking "Escape".

Seeing the irony,

I enter

immediately calmed by the warm orange glow

of candles, the scent of whiskey, a welcome memory.

I see you in the old man in the booth

He sits alone reading The Times,

pen in hand, probably doing the crossword puzzle.

I am transported back to every Sunday morning

at our dining room table,

the low hum of Meet The Press

in the background,

the paper so spread out on the table,

there is barely room for plates of eggs

and mugs of coffee.

I suddenly feel old and alone

my childhood, lost to the years.

I turn to leave, unsure of my destination

saddened by loss

but suddenly I stop

and sit next to the old man.

He has the same smiling eyes as you

and I am astonished at the coincidence.

He asks me for a word

Just like you used to do

and  I am no longer sad.

I tell him all about you

Suddenly I feel less alone.


© 2009 Tara

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Hi Tara,
Nice read. Fears of the city bustling with crowds of the unknown lead a solitary person to find shelter from the streets but she discovers solace in the past, in the presence of whom she's missed for a long time. The atmosphere, sliced by the memory of breakfast and the Sunday newspaper, and the city, with all that it is, all that it conveys to the lonely traveller, changes to renewed happiness of cherished company.

Great prose, dear. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


You have such a great spirit!
I love hearing about childhoods
as I am sure you do,too.

Posted 14 Years Ago

How ironic life is sometimes when a loved one can be mirrored in another persons, face, stance, voice. I felt such stong nostalgia, or perhaps a bit of meloncholy in this write. Your imagary was well done and I just really like this piece.Nicely done!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Very good imagery. I have one suggestion -- a possibility for added symbolism, and that is a clue as to a special word he asks for, either to reinforce the irony, or to refer to the father, or to add to the change of feeling.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hi Tara,
Nice read. Fears of the city bustling with crowds of the unknown lead a solitary person to find shelter from the streets but she discovers solace in the past, in the presence of whom she's missed for a long time. The atmosphere, sliced by the memory of breakfast and the Sunday newspaper, and the city, with all that it is, all that it conveys to the lonely traveller, changes to renewed happiness of cherished company.

Great prose, dear. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is really good. It made me feel as if I were there in the third person. TY PS

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I really really like this. I like the nostalgia and the sense of wandering while searching at the same time. Somehow you turned a smoky, hazy bar into Sunday morning. Kudos, madam. Have a good one!

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on January 27, 2009



Long Island, NY

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