the fallen

the fallen

A Poem by The truth

a poem about what can happen if you fall in love

love is just a word, you have to make the meaning.
love is not when you catch your girlfriend cheating.
love is not an open word, love is closed captioned.
but love is the dominator of your brain fraction.
but as the old story goes, love is for the fools.
cause make the human smarter is what love doesnt do.
it kills the brain cells like a tumor or marijuana.
love srikes a foe down like a cop without armor.
sure it feels nice in the beggining but in the end.
i guareentee that you wont fall in love again.
and if your caught victim to this thing called love.
then surely you have fallen, but not in love.

© 2009 The truth

Author's Note

The truth
a poem by me. tell me how you feel about it

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I liked this! it does pretty much sum up love in a round about way :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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It would make a great rap.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I loved it! Lol, about the message I sent you. I'm very stupid. You scroll down and bam- REVIEW. I'm brand new so yeah :) Anyhoo, I really, really liked it. You have quite a talent. It's so true, but no one ever admits it. Really great job.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Other than a few minor spelling mistakes, this was a wonderful piece. I was pleasantly surprised by your refreshing perspective on the subject of love.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on July 19, 2009


The truth
The truth

New york, NY

I' am 15. my initials are K.B. I' am a new writer and i enjoy writing poetry. On my spare time i like to hang out with my friends. Every thing else you need to know about me will be showed in my writi.. more..

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A Poem by The truth