A Story by Wicked Writings

1912 Augusta Georgia 4:00am

Fire blazes all around and screams sound him to the point where they don’t sound human any more. “We got him sir” one of his men said from behind him

William McDouglas turned around to see his men holding a young black man.

“I gave you a warning, and I told you to leave.”

“And I told you no this is my property. I paid for it fair and square.”

“You mean stole it cause no one would provide all this land to a black man. Your arrogance is what killed your friends and family. Look around son this all your fault.”

“First of all I am not your son and you will pay for what happened here. Your children and generations to come will pay for the blood that stains the hands of William McDouglas and his men.”

Then the man went in to convulsions and dropped dead on the spot.

“What ya gonna do all this land boss”

“Probably build my wife a house” he replied

McDouglas walked away choosing to ignore the man’s foolish warning not realizing it was he who was being foolish.


2002 Augusta Georgia 

90 years later 6:00 am


The sun is starting to rises as the man in black watches the local truck pull up. Must be that time of the year again. They come and cut the grass on the property as if it makes it more appealing. He watches as the men upload and glance at the house. No one approaches since that one man snuck in and accidently fell down the stairs. They keep their heads down cut the grass and leave. This is what he prefers. 2hours later the men pack up and leave again.  As he moves away from the window he is reminded of his favorite quote “I've learned a lot about good and evil. They are not always what they appear to be.”



Chapter 1 11:30am


“So this is the McDouglas estate” DJ thought “Wonderful” he said as he pulled up.

He put the car in park and got out to get a closer look. He was standing in front of a large white house that has seen better days. The shutters were barely hanging on to the windows, the paint was chipping, the wood was rotting and the driveway was mostly gravel. “Well at least the grass is cut” DJ said out loud.

“Thank God for small miracles” Justin his brother and best friend said from the passenger seat of the car.

People were always shocked when they said they were brothers. They are both over 6’2 with similar muscular builds but that’s where the similarities end. Where DJ was pale skinned with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. Justin had a caramel complexion with brown hair and brown eyes. The story behind how they became brothers is very long. Goes back to their great great something or other that were like best friends.  Justin knew the story by heart by DJ never really paid attention now he really wanted to know more about their history.

“Why are we here again?” Justin asked

“I told you. I want to know more about our past and when our Unlce died and left you that note I got curious”

“Oh right the creepy note; No McDouglas has set foot in that house in 50 years be careful.”  Justin said in his best creepy voice. “Isn’t this place cursed or something?”

“Do you really believe in that?” DJ said “Look I just want to check it out and maybe try to sell it”

“Maybe a museum would like it” His other best friend Ana said from the back seat. “I agree with Justin this place is creepy.”

Ana had grown up with them. She may also be the reason why they haven’t killed each other before now. She always said that we argue like an old married couple. Ana is short barely 5’4. People always would laugh at how someone so small could control two 6 foot monsters. She has long raven black hair, slightly tan skin with bluish green eyes.

“Okay enough. Everyone out of the car” DJ said

Hearing only one door open and close DJ turned around to see Justin still sitting in the car with his arms folded. DJ sighed and Ana laughed “You know you have to ask him.” She said

“Justin can you please get out of the car”

“Gladly” Justin said smiling. “Manners dude manners without them were savages” Justin said approaching the porch.

“Whatever” DJ mumbled while Ana continued to laugh.

“Watch your step” DJ said as they climbed the steps.

Ana felt someone watching her and she looked over to her left. In the field next to what appeared to be a burned down house stood a man dressed in all black with a black hat. He tipped his hat in a southern greeting and Ana smiled and waved back.

“Who are you waving and smiling at” Justin asked looking around

“That guy over there” She replied, but when she looked back he was gone.

“Ummm Ana no one is there”

Justin stepped close to her and placed a hand on her forehead “Do you feel alright?”

“I am fine “she replied slapping his hand away “I know what I saw and there was a young black guy in all black out in that field.”

“May just be one of the people working the land” DJ said “Come on”

They walked into the foyer.  DJ whistled “this place is huge”

“Justin help me get the bags out of the car?”


While the guys walked back to the car Ana walked further into the house. She opened a set of double doors to her left and entered what appeared to be a living room. There were sheets over the furniture and dust on everything. She looked around for lights and only found kerosene lamps, candles, and a fireplace. There was a switch on the opposite wall but when she flicked it nothing happened. “Of course this place wouldn’t have power” she mumbled to herself. She walked over to the windows and began opening them to let in some air and light. Of the six windows in the room only three would open. Maybe one of the guys can open the other three she thought.

“GO NOW” came a whisper from behind her. She turned around and no one was there.

“You’re an idiot” DJ said entering the living room

“Seriously this place just screams haunted. Why do you think no one has lived here for over 50 years.” Justin said entering behind him. “I think we should lay down some ground rules.”

“Ground rules?”


“I know I’m going to regret this. Ok I’ll bite. What rules have you come up with?”

“First, No matter what we only stay here for one night. If you don’t get what you need by morning that’s too damn bad cause we out. Second, We go everywhere together and thirdly, no unnecessary screaming, I have bad nerves.”

“Ok first I am going to need more than a day” DJ replied

“How long?”

“At least a week”

“BULLSHIT!!” Justin yelled

“Well at least 3 days” DJ said fighting a smile

“How about 3 days 2 nights. Meaning we leave before dark on the third night” Justin said

“Deal and secondly as a grown a*s man I refuse to take a buddy to the bathroom” DJ said smiling

“And I’m ignoring you” Justin continued “As for sleeping I believe this room is just fine for all of us.”

“Dude you want us to sleep of these musty couches”

“Dude” Justin replied mimicking DJ “Do you prefer to sleep in a bed with sheets that haven’t been changed in 50 plus years?”

“Good point. Couch it is” DJ said “Ana you’ve been really quiet. What’s up”

“I thought I heard something when I was opening the windows”

“Like what?”

“A voice, I think it whispered go now.”

“Yep I draw the line at voices” Justin said picking up his bag “Who’s for staying at a hotel”

“Chill, were not leaving. Ana it was probably just the wind”

“I hate to point out the obvious, but there is no wind outside. Not even a gentle breeze” Justin said from by the door.

“OR your imagination playing tricks on you” DJ said ignoring Justin

“Maybe your right”

“Okay new rule. Keep your stuff together. Sleep with your clothes and shoes on. In case we have to get the hell out of here in a hurry.”

“Fine, if it will make you feel better. I agree to your rules” DJ said rolling his eyes

“Loads now let’s go exploring” Justin said dropping his bag.


Chapter 2


They walked through the house for almost five hours. They took dozens of photos and collected a bunch of papers. They discovered that the house had five bedrooms, four bathrooms (none of which worked), a spacious kitchen, green house, dining hall, study/library, and living room. The place was truly amazing. They also discovered that the last owners must have left in a hurry because there were papers, clothes, and furniture everywhere. Through the entire tour DJ felt like someone was watching him but every time he looked no one was there. They discovered a generator on the outside of the house but it was out of gas. So it looked like they will be spending their first night without electricity.

They returned to the living room around 4 o’clock and began lighting the candles to go through the papers they discovered. About an hour in Justin got up and closed the double doors.

“What are you doing?”

“It’s dark. I’m not lighting every candle in this house. The last thing I need is to see is weird things in the dark. Remember bad nerves.”

DJ just shook his head and continued to read the papers.

“You guys look at this” Ana said from the couch

“What is it?” DJ asked as he and Justin joined her.

“It looks like a page from a journal dated December 5th 1917 and what looks like a note from 1918.”

“Read it”

December 5th 1917

My brother is an idiot. You would think losing his children and his wife in that stupid fight would have been enough to convince him. No he had to have this land. This cussed land. He built this huge house under some misguided notion that his wife and youngest child would return. They never found a body Mary that means that they are still out there somewhere.  Oh how many times have I heard that phrase it’s been 5 years they’re not coming back. Why didn’t he listen to us? He didn’t need this land. He killed all those people. Oh GOD those poor people if I could give it all back I would. Strange things have been happening. Sometimes I swear I hear whispers telling me to leave this place. It appears that insanity is contagious. Weather the voices are real or in my head they speak the truth. It time for me to leave my idiotic brother and this cussed place before it’s too late. 

Mary Ann McDouglas





You know I said that I would ride with you through hell, but I didn’t know that hell would be this bad. I can no longer stay here. Men are dying from unknown cause and mysterious accidents. Sometimes I swear I see the people we killed walking the streets. My Annabel took sick yesterday. I will not risk the life of my little girl out of loyalty for you. May GOD have mercy on our souls.

Clive 1918


“Well that wasn’t creepy at all” Justin said

“Sounds like some really horrible things happened at this house.” Ana added “You guys sure you want to stay here.”

Justin said “No” at the same time DJ said “Yes”

“3 day, 2 nights”

“Be reasonable”

“We’re not going anywhere! Case closed!” DJ half shouted

“Remind me to write that on your tombstone, Here lies DJ stubborn to the end case closed” Justin deadpanned

Ana couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up. DJ glared at both of them.

“I am never bringing you with me again.”

“That’s cool cause I DON’T WANT TO GO!” Justin yelled

“Okay you too” Ana said coming to stand in between them “We are all a little tired and freaked out. Let’s not fight with each other.”

“Fine” Justin sighed. “If you insist on staying here we are going to need to go into town in the morning and get gas for that generator.”

“Fine. Sorry” DJ said

“yeah” Justin replied  and the brothers sat down and began going through more paper.

“Lord give me strength” Ana mumbled looking up at the celling.


20 minutes later Justin popped up. “I have to go to the bathroom. DJ come on”

“What? Why me?”

“Cause Ana’s a girl. And I’m not going in the dark by myself. I am man enough to admit that I’m scared. Lastly I refer you back to rule number 2 and 3.”

“So you want me to go with you and leave Ana alone doesn’t that violate rule number 2.”

“She’ll be fine as long as she stays in this room with the door closed. Come on I swear I will go right here.” By the time he finished he was practically bouncing from foot to foot.

“I’ll be fine DJ.” Ana said


Chapter 3


She watched them leave and listened to them arguing. “I swear sometimes they acted more like husband and wife.” She smiled. She settled back and began reading some more of the papers when she heard a strange knocking sound.

“DJ” no answer

“Justin” again no answer

“Come on you guys this isn’t funny” She got up and the knock sounded again. It sounded like it was coming from the window.

“HaHaHa. Not funny” She said as she approached the window. When she got to the window what she saw made her blood run cold.




“Man are you done?” DJ called out

“Yes” Justin said coming from around the tree a glancing back at it with a worried expression.

“Are you okay?” DJ asked as he got close to him

“Yeah, I thought I saw something lets head back to the house”

“You could have just used one of the bathrooms”

“Them things are gross” Justin said making a disgusted face

“Ain’t like you have to sit down unless there is something you aren’t telling me.”

Before he could respond they heard Ana’s blood curdling scream coming from inside the house and took off at a run.


Ana screamed like she never screamed before and the man disappeared just as Justin and DJ ran into the room.

“Ana what happened?” Justin asked as they approached her and scanned the room.

“T T-there was a man at the window.” She whispered

She was a pale as a ghost and when Justin grabbed her hand it was icy.

“Justin stay with her I will go check.”

DJ grabbed the big flash light and went outside. The window was located at the end of the porch. He swept the flashlight back and forth and didn’t see anything. When he turned to go back he saw a something black under the window. As he got closer he saw that it was a black hat. He picked it up scanned the yard one more time and headed back in the house. DJ was completely unaware that someone was watching his every move.

When he entered the living room he saw that Justin had wrapped Ana in blanket. She was sitting as close as she could to him with actually being in his lap.

“All I saw was this hat.”

“He was wearing that hat. It was the same guy I saw earlier today but...” she whispered

“But what?” he asked gently

“I could see straight through him.”

“Awww Hell” Justin said “Time to go”

“Yes” Ana agreed jumping up and grabbing her things

“No so fast, Maybe your eyes are playing tricks on you.”

“Are you kidding me you found the bloody hat!” Justin exclaimed

“Yes, but we were on the porch and didn’t see anybody.”

“Because he was a ghost as in DEAD as in what we will be if we don’t get the hell out here” Justin half shouted

“Chill your freaking Ana out.”

“No this house is freaking her out. The Jackass ghost is freaking her out. I am the only one making sense around here. Listen I have a really bad feeling about this place. My vote is we leave here take these documents to the historical society and burn this b***h to the ground.”

“I agree. Well maybe not with the burn part but maybe it should be torn down.” Ana said finally speaking up

“I don’t know if I want to tear it down.”

“Man this place is covered in blood and bad JuJu. Break the cycle, respect the dead and destroy this house.”

“I need more time. We agreed on 3 days.”

“No you agreed. I can’t stay here my nerves are getting worse with each passing minute. There seriously some negative energy here.”

 “How about this we stay in town at night and only come during the day to collect the papers.” DJ said

“Sounds reasonable” Ana said

“Sounds like what I suggested hours ago.” Justin protested

“Yes and I am agreeing with you, but we can’t leave tonight” DJ said hold up his hand when they started to protest. “It’s midnight nothing is open we may as well try to get some sleep and leave first thing in the morning. Agreed?”

“Agreed” Justin and Ana said at the same time.

“But I swear if I get killed I will never forgive you.” Justin added


Chapter 4


“Huh” DJ awoke with a start looking around. He thought he heard someone talking.

It was barely dawn outside. He looked at his watch and it read 4:00am. He looked around and saw Ana curled up on the love seat and Justin sprawled out on the couch snoring like a drunken sailor. Amazing anyone could sleep through that DJ thought smiling. I should wake him up to walk me to the bathroom. Laughing to himself he walked outside to take care of business. Not being stupid he only went as far as the porch. He clean his hands with the hand wipe Ana insisted that they bring and walked back into the house. Mission accomplished with no creepy encounters. He walked back over to the couch and tried to go back to sleep but it seemed impossible especially with the snoring. So he grabbed some papers off the floor and began reading them. About an hour later there was a shrill beeping sound and Justin popped up off the couch.

“Time to go” he announced turning off the alarm on his watch.

The thing about Justin is that he can go from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds. There is no in between with him. No matter what time it is when he’s up he’s up. Personally I think something is wrong with him.

“When did you set that?”

“Why does it matter? It’s time to go.” Justin replied packing his bag

“What exactly do you expect to get accomplished at 5 in the morning?”

“Pack and go find a hotel.”

“Better question, how are you guys arguing at 5 in the morning?” Ana said sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

“Who’s fighting? I’m just stating a fact.” Justin replied trying to look innocent.


“I was thinking that we should do some investigating in town.” Ana said as she helped load up the car.

 “There is a lot we can find out from the locals, especially the older people.”

“That’s not a bad idea.” DJ said

“Anything is a good idea as long as it doesn’t require us staying in this house.” Justin replied.




The figure in the house watched from an upstairs bedroom as the three people loaded up their car and drove away. There was something strangely familiar about the young black kid. Somehow it felt wrong to harm him and that is the only reason he was going easy on them. He didn’t want to scare the little girl but he needed to send a message.  A message that was apparently received and if they knew any better they wouldn’t return to this house.

Chapter 5


They located what looks like the only motel about 15 minutes outside of town.

“Let’s just get one double. It will save money and time.” Justin said

“A double means only two beds” DJ pointed out

“What you don’t want to share a bed with me? We could spoon?” Justin said sweetly fluttering his eyelashes and Ana started laughing.

“I rather go back to the haunted house” DJ replied dryly

“Just kidding we should be able to get a roll away.” Justin said as they went into the rental office.

Justin was right the lady at the front desk said she will send a roll away to the room. The room itself was surprisingly clean. It looked like it just undergone renovations. To DJ’s dismay they could have checked in last night as it was 24 hours a fact that neither Justin nor Ana were going to let go anytime soon.

“Much nicer than that dusty a*s couch.” Justin said

“Yes much” Ana agreed nodding her head

“Whatever” DJ muttered

“By the way you get the roll away.” Justin and Ana said at the same time.

He merely grunted as he stomped out of the room to get the bags.


“Well isn’t she just a lovely person” Justin said sarcastically as yet another door was slammed in their faces. “I thought people in small towns were friendly”

“Why would you think that?” Ana asked as they made their way back to the car.

They had been at it for almost most of the day. Four hours and four door slams later they were no closer to figuring out what happened at that old house.

“Andy Griffin”

“That was a TV Show stupid” DJ said slapping him in the back of the head

“What’s your point?” Justin replied pushing him

“I say we go to the diner get some lunch and hit the library then call it a night.” Ana said

“That is why she is the smart one.” Justin said “For that you get to ride shotgun” He opened the passenger side door, bent at the waist and wave his hand forward for her to enter. Ana smiled at him and got in the passenger seat as he closed the door.

“And who said chivalry was dead” DJ mutter as he got in the driver’s seat.


An hour later they walked into the library.

“Okay so where do we start” DJ said

“Well the date on the journal entry was 1917.”Justin said

“But she also mention being there for 5 years” Ana added

“Okay let’s focus on that time frame 1912 " 1915.” DJ said

“You guys look at the maps and I will go ask about old newspaper” Justin said

They separated and went to work.

30 minutes later that before March 1912 that piece of land was a plantation that was owned by the Barrow family. A Quick internet search revealed that the last living relative died in 1910. So the question was who owned the land between 1910 and 1912? And why was Mary Ann talking about so many poor people?

“We should probably go check in with Justin he’s been way too quiet.” DJ said

They walked over to micro film section and saw Justin plugged up staring intently at the screen.

“Hey find anything?” DJ said as he and Ana pulled up a chair.

“Yes he said pulling out his head phones. Something very interesting, Look like there was some major battle or massacre that took place on that property around March 1912, then nothing. Not a single mention of that piece of land until McDouglas finished building his house in September 1912. It was like history was completely erased.”

“This just keeps getting weirder and weirder. According to the city there was a large plantation there before the estate was built.” Ana said showing Justin a picture of the map she took with her cell.

“I’m going to print this clip out and we can head back to the hotel.” Justin said


Chapter 6

Just as they were about to get the car a police cruiser pulled up behind them and an officer got out.

“Can we help you sir?” DJ asked as the officer approached

“I’ve gotten several complaints about some strangers harassing people”

“I can assure you sir that we haven’t been harassing anyone.” DJ said starting to get upset

“Have you been going to door to door asking people questions?”

“Ye..” DJ began but was cut off my Justin

“Sir, we recently came into possession of the old McDouglas estate. We were merely trying to get some history on the property from the older residents of this town. Our intention was not to harass anyone.”

“McDouglas huh? Y’all some kin to him” he asked with a slight frown

“No sir, Friends of the owner and history buffs we like to explore old houses and learn about the past.”

The cop eyed them for a minute then shrugged. “Very well just please stay away from the residents.” He turned to walk and stopped as he opened the door to his cruiser. “Be careful kids that house has a very bad history if the stories are true.” Then he got in the car and pulled away.

“Why did you lie to that cop?” DJ asked as we got in the car

“I just bought you a couple of extra days. If he knew who we were I’m pretty sure we would have been kicked out of this hick town. In case you failed to notice the McDouglas name isn’t very popular around here.”

“You’re right, Thanks”

“Your Welcome”



The next morning they headed out to the estate; unaware that someone was watching their every move.

“So where should we start today?” Ana said grabbing her backpack

“I don’t know I’m starting feel like everything is a dead-end. The town was a complete bust as was the library.” Justin said

“We can’t give up just yet. Let’s focus on the study today. There has to be something in there.” DJ said

After 4 hours of going through bills and the ramblings of a mad man they found what had to be the best clue yet a letter from old man McDouglas’s wife.


My Dearest Husband

By the time you get this letter I will be long gone. I cannot condone what you did. What’s even worst is that you thought I would be okay with it. You never said that land was occupied. That land is tainted with the blood of the innocent you and your men slaughtered. I cannot live with a man capable of such evil. My GOD Will there were women and children there. Your children are alive and well. No you will never see them again. I will not have them tainted by you. I pray for all the lost souls including yours.



“So the wife didn’t die” Ana said as she finished reading

“But he told everyone one she did. I guess he was embarrassed that she left with the children.” DJ said

Across the room Justin let a low whistle “Listen to this”


Well I am on my death bed I guess it’s a good a time as any for a confession. Maybe I should have listened. Maybe I was the one who was arrogant. I just saw this land and knew I had to have it. All those people didn’t have to die if he would have just sold it to me. All of my men have died because of my stupidity. They say it was accidents but I say it was the curse that blasted fool placed on us. Those that didn’t die high tailed it out of town. That curse took everyone from me.

I am all alone now. But I won’t leave this house. Do you hear me! I shall go nowhere. Throw things at me, yell and move mountains. I am not afraid because you are dead. Everyone else is a coward running away from some goddamn ghost. May GOD have mercy HA! Screw mercy! My blood and sweat went into this property. You’re going to have to pry it from my cold dead hands you b*****d, but be warned when I die I am coming for you. You’re not the only one who knows how to play. Oh no the fun has just begun you son of a b***h! You will pay Axton!


“Well isn’t that nice.” Justin said as he finished reading “ Why does that name sound familiar?”

Before DJ could respond the power went out and the house was plunged into darkness.

“Damn I didn’t realize it was that late. Anyone have a flashlight.” DJ called out

“Yeah on my phone give me a second.” Ana responded

As she turned on the light a high pitched wail sounded through the house and papers started flying everywhere. Then everything stopped. She lifted her phone and saw Justin standing beside her.

“DJ?” she called

“Over here.” He called from just in front of her

She pointed the phone in his direction and froze. The man in black was standing behind him.

“LOOK ..” Justin stared to yell but was sent flying across the room.

“I told you to leave now you will pay.” The man said grabbing DJ and disappearing

Ana ran over to Justin who was trying to get up.

“Where did he go?” he asked rubbing his head

“I don’t know they just disappeared?”

“Come on” he said rising and grabbing her hand

The lights flicked back on as they ran out of the study.

“DJ!!” Ana yelled


“That was DJ but where was it coming from?” Ana asked

“DJ Where are you?” Justin yelled

“KIT..” DJ screamed before being cut off

“Kit? What the hell is kit?” Ana asked looking truly freaked out

“Kitchen!” Justin exclaimed grabbing Ana and running in the direction of the kitchen.

They pushed their way in to the kitchen and saw a man in dressed in all black hold DJ pinned against the wall. DJ wasn’t screaming any more it looked like he lost consciousness.

 “This doesn’t concern you two. Leave now” the man said

“NO, We will not leave. You let my friend go.” Justin said as he lunged at the guy

The guy swung his free hand and that sent Justin flying backward slamming in to the door.

“This is between me and McDouglas now LEAVE” the man said.

Ana helped Justin stand up “Are your Axton?” Ana asked

“The name is Axton Mason” the man replied

“Mason” Justin said “Were you married to Mary Elizabeth Mason?”

The man whirled around to face them dropping DJ. “How do you know about Mary?”

“She is my great great grandmother. It makes sense now. Mom told me that a long time ago there was a horrible tragedy and that Mary Elizabeth barely escaped with her unborn child with help of someone woman. That guy you about to kill name is Donovan James Douglas not McDouglas. He is my best friend and you must let him go.” Justin said

Axton stared at him for what felt like eternity. “All this time I thought they killed my Mary and she moved on, but now you tell me she lived.”

Axton looked down at DJ who has regained consciousness. He grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off the floor bring him face to face. “My off spring has just saved your life. Grab your things, get out and never return. For next time I will not be so kind.” Axton said. Then he through DJ through the kitchen door and disappeared.

Justin ran out and helped DJ get up. “Ana get the keys and go start the car”

“What about our stuff” She asked


Ana ran to the living and grabbed the keys off the table and raced to the car. By the time she got it stated Justin was coming down the stairs helping DJ. As Justin was putting DJ in the car the windows to the living room popped open and there things were thrown out. The Justin ran over grabbed the bags and through them in the car.  

“Move over” he said to Ana and got into the driver’s seat. As he sped out of the drive way he glanced in the rearview mirror and saw Axton standing on the porch watching.


Chapter 7

Under the cover of night Justin returned to the house alone. DJ was resting and Ana was taking care of him. She knew where he was going and what he was going to do but she didn’t try to stop him. He turned the car around so that the trunk was pointed toward the house. Leaving the car running he got out and popped the trunk.

“I told you to never return” Axton said from behind him

“You know I’ve never been good at following directions” Justin replied still not turning around

“Kin or no Kin you need to leave”

“All these years hatred has blackened your soul. But don’t worry I have a solution”

Before Axton could respond Justin whirled around and light five Molotov cocktails and hurled them through the windows of the house.

Axton watched as the house caught fire “What are you doing?”

Justin laughed “I never said my last name was Mason.”


“You see I didn’t finish my story. Mary Elizabeth had a little girl Lilly and Lily was last of the Mason line. Little Lily fell madly in love with a young man named Douglas. See where I’m going with this?” Justin asked smiling


Justin lit the last cocktail and threw it at the generator. “Got what you needed old man” Justin asked

“Who are you talking to?” Axton asked confused. Then he watched in horror as the ghost of William McDouglas stepped forward out of Justin.

“Well done boy”

“What I tell you about calling me boy” Justin replied angrily

“Right, My apologies” McDouglas said

 “Whatever, just do as you promised and leave my family alone” Justin said  as he got back in the car a drove away.

Axton watched as Justin drove away “How?”

“If you weren’t too busy scaring that little girl you would have seen me approach the boy long ago. I knew sooner or later you would piss the right person off.” McDouglas shot forward and grabbed Axton by the collar. “Welcome to hell Axton. I have just the place for you.” With an anguish scream Axton was dragged away.

© 2017 Wicked Writings

Author's Note

Wicked Writings
This is another ghost story only this one has more mystery and twist. I am not sure if I will keep the 1912 title. As always please tell me what you think

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Added on March 7, 2015
Last Updated on February 7, 2017


Wicked Writings
Wicked Writings

Washington, DC

I have been writing poems for years and recently started to write short stories. Sometimes I can write nothing for days and then have a moment of inspiration and sit for hours. I'm a bit of a purest.. more..

Soul Soul

A Story by Wicked Writings