cough cough bang bang

cough cough bang bang

A Poem by Colleen Margot Lee

plus unlimited amounts of throat numbing syrup
will do just the trick
to not quite feel the pain
that you know is coming on .
And when the morning rolls around,
after the escape of darkness and night,
everything will seem
at least
somewhat better
for it is blurry and confusing
which is better
than knowing the predicament
you are in
and seeing it clear.
For when you are in that state of full understanding
it only hurts
with incendiary amounts more
seeming like the pain
will last forever,
cause it most likely will...
Why is it that when everything goes wrong
people all ways turn to medicine
acting like it will cure the soul
and heart rather then just the body's feelings.
Why is it than we ever something truly horrible occurs
people rather have the pain either
intensified or dull to a point of delirium

© 2008 Colleen Margot Lee

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Added on February 12, 2008


Colleen Margot Lee
Colleen Margot Lee


I am nothing I am just here I am rejected I am full of fear In this crazy world all that makes sense to me is this world is the words and worlds i place upon paper. To write what comes to mind just .. more..
