the Doll Eater

the Doll Eater

A Story by J.E. Stroud

 It was a fragile girl, that had been tossed unthinkingly into this desert. She had a tiny, breakable figure that stepped lightly around scrubgrass and dead tires, into trailer homes, that ran excitedly towards assorted desert creatures- the liveliest things on the reservation.
 She had large eyes set in her delicate face, and long black hair that seemed too silky to be real, especially in her climate. She looked like a doll that had been passed through some immigrant family to arrive, unharmed, in the present, locked inside of a dusty cabinet. And while her complexion had the impossible smoothness of a porclein doll, she didn't have the fair skin or the rosy lips, or the defeated look and the glazed-over dead eyes.
 It was she and the dogs that seemed alive inside of her government appointed trap. The sand kicked into her eyes and the sun, too, seemed intent on ruining her vision as it sat, blinding in cloudless skies, but she was intent on showing the world that something beautiful existed, even as her own eyesight faded.

© 2009 J.E. Stroud

Author's Note

J.E. Stroud
Not finished, and not sure it ever will be. I took a break from writing, and this was my attempt at getting back in the game.

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this is a great story. i liked it alot. i couldnt even tell you took a break from writing. it had a great meaning :) great write

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is interesting, I'm unsure what to think of it, now, but I'm sure letting it sink in will help.

Though I may be wrong, but it feels like your telling me what she looks like instead of showing me. There are a few small writing issue's but my guess its just being rusty. I read your other work and it was amazing to say the least. This one just lacks the same feeling as the others.

I understand the whole issue getting back into writing, I've recently taken a break from writing myself, and am trying to write this book I've been trying to for the past year. I find that if you go through sites like these, reading others' work, reviewing and critiquing, helps me get into the mind set and feeling of writing again. Your past pieces are impressive and captivating, I hope you start writing again.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 16, 2009


J.E. Stroud
J.E. Stroud

Waco, TX

Unsure Unwell Uncetera Trying to get back into this- we'll see. If you are kind enough to review, please also choose a more recent piece. I'm barely the same person as my angsty past endeavors wou.. more..

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