Darkness to Light

Darkness to Light

A Poem by Renay

While sitting outside as dusk quickly approached these words poured out from my soul.

The shadows fall around me.
Light fading fast. 
Fear that my past is hiding,
There in the shadows.
Frozen, unable to move
I fear the worst.
Is it monsters hiding in the shadows?
I really don’t want to know.
Safety, where do I search?
For the light runs fast.
Darkness comes in strong.
Unable to stand the fear,
Cry out for safety, 
For love,
For the light.
Hear my cries.
Hear my fear.
A light shines into the darkness.
A lone beam,
Small at first,
Small yet strong.
Growing in size
Growing in strength and warmth.
Growing, chasing darkness away.
Shadows grow smaller,
Monsters, run and hide.
I’m bathed in the light,
Safe, secure, loved at last.

© 2011 Renay

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Added on December 14, 2011
Last Updated on December 14, 2011



Summerville, SC

Hi! I'm happily married and have a wonderful teenage daughter who also writes. We go to several writing support groups. The reason I joined this site is to seek help with my writing. I write ficti.. more..

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