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A Poem by Sarah Buchanan

Not much to say about it.



Raging through this world,

Seeing all the pain,

Feeling helpless,

Feeling forgotten,

Feeling neglected


Everything is falling apart,

Life is being destroyed,

No one to safe us,

No one to keep us together


Crazy becomes the norm

In a world of vengeance

One where debate

Is a four letter word.


Where is humanity

In a world that has lost

All compassion

For each other

For the land

For mankind.


Raging through this world,

Hoping someone will care

For those who are lost

In this world of ours,

Those who have nothing

Those who can barely hold on


Waiting for a sign,

Humanity has not died

For when it does

We all shall fall.

© 2009 Sarah Buchanan

My Review

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Totally metal. What a great poem. The delivery is intense...I'd like to hear it read aloud. This has got to be one of my faves by you. GREAT

Posted 14 Years Ago

I love these raging at mankind poems- Who's to blame- we all are- Time to lick our wounds and heal the the wounds that we created- keep on yelling at the mountaintop for the sky does listen...

my warmest

Posted 15 Years Ago

God my friend how i get dazzled by these kinds of writing,such a lovely work..
oh yes the world is degrading ,never any show of feelings for others,i can tell you that
for i am a witness of that ,my friend..
there is too much injustice around ,its like the world has gone crazy..
and i will always say,without showing others some kind of decency,telling them..
we are all humans ,different colors ,same blood ,feelings and emotions,
if you try to oppress them show them to be so inferior,like dirt..
thats never human ,and the world will never rest in peace and will down fall and
degrade more and more..
i just loved your writing..
lovely write

Posted 15 Years Ago

I like this.
Most of the time I go through life slightly angry but knowing that I shouldn't be.
"Waiting for a sign,
Humanity has not died
For when it does
We all shall fall."
I like that part alot.
Really great write.


Posted 15 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on February 25, 2009
Last Updated on February 25, 2009


Sarah Buchanan
Sarah Buchanan

Dublin, VA

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mindkind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." --H.P. Lovecraft I'm just another aspiring writer. I'm 28 years old. Work.. more..

Preface Preface

A Chapter by Sarah Buchanan