At The Wedding

At The Wedding

A Story by Alan B.

Odd rituals.


The couple danced to “Still The One” by Shania Twain at the wedding reception. I thought that was premature, seeing as they had begun their life together only three hours ago. And with the rate of divorce today, marriage seemed to resemble a coma one woke up from after an unspecified amount of time, depending on how much money the groom has. But who am I to question this odd, expensive ritual celebrating the lifelong joining of genitals? The sex drive and procreation were vastly overrated in my estimation. People kept having babies hoping one of them would turn out to be made of gold. What was is that drove the individual to say: “No, I am not unique. So not unique, in fact, that I need to be constantly reminded of how boring I am, how completely in the realm of normal I am, by another who is just as boring and normal.”?

  Then again, whatever behavior that was engaged in by most people would be seen as “normal” and that was truly disgusting. Aside from the couple's family, no one truly cared about this wedding at all; it was just mindless mass enthusiasm. They danced and clapped to bad music and laughed at bad jokes, held rapturous gazes watching the couple slow dance. I was struck with a dark joy at the absurdity, then saddened when it occurred to me that this behavior might be the most primitive in the universe, considering the high status we accorded ourselves.

  Humans wouldn't go extinct, only individuals would. Tyrannical government wasn't needed for that to happen either. The feeling of exclusion from the group was enough. All we needed was a lot of weddings. Get everyone on earth living in close proximity to each other and you could start sacrificing children to Moloch again if the idea was introduced as normal. This was hell, albeit not a fiery one. The earth's beauty, the immensity and almost reverential wonder of the universe, was all negated by our presence. Thank god for open bar.

© 2015 Alan B.

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Featured Review

Going to weddings can be truly enjoyable. I have a feeling you get invited to them a lot. I haven't been to many, but I wouldn't mind. I think I would like to go, like a big party for grown-ups. A celebration for a good cause; life help and love, and dedications, devotions, goodness and celebration

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Alan B.

9 Years Ago

Thank you for reading. Yes, I've been to quite a few and they always seemed odd to me. This was just.. read more


It's better not to accept a wedding invitation than to go and not enjoy it.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Going to weddings can be truly enjoyable. I have a feeling you get invited to them a lot. I haven't been to many, but I wouldn't mind. I think I would like to go, like a big party for grown-ups. A celebration for a good cause; life help and love, and dedications, devotions, goodness and celebration

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Alan B.

9 Years Ago

Thank you for reading. Yes, I've been to quite a few and they always seemed odd to me. This was just.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on January 16, 2015
Last Updated on January 28, 2015


Alan B.
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