A Measure of True Worth

A Measure of True Worth

A Poem by Sheila Kline

What qualities determine the true worth of a man? Such worth is often measured by the value of treasures won, and not worth of a spirit as judged by God.



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© 2013 Sheila Kline

Author's Note

Sheila Kline
A Measure of True Worth

As one sits and contemplates the value of true worth,
Is success noted by seeds sown to increase girth?
Choicest bouquets decorated with colors pure and fair,
Or is focus fixated on savoring scent of nectar's rare?

As one studies words of greatest masters of times old,
What more is reaped if be the volumes bound in gold?
Is understanding gained of messages meant to teach,
Or are eyes diverted by loftiest of goals within reach?

As one seeks peace to soothe the temple of the soul,
What is sought to warm flames of a turned cold goal.
Are the fires fueled by kind deeds shown to fellow man,
Or are winds of neglect allowed to spoil a perfect plan?

As one travels roads paved well with success and gain,
What tokens are plucked as treasures to long remain?
Are the best placed in deep pockets of prosperity's coat,
Or is safe harbor denied by one hiding within his moat?

As one reaps wealth from fermenting of choicest wine,
What does one savor from tastiest of fruit from the vine?
Is a deserved share grabbed from plates of healthy food,
Or are delights selfishly devoured taking only the good?

As one dresses in garments tailored of threads fine,
Does such finery flaunt a statement of "This Is Mine"?
Is experience shared freely when gained from success,
Or is it exploited causing others undeserved distress?

It is sad that the wealthy often shun poorest of poor.
They remain forgotten as the rich hunger for more.
It is fortunate when ones rich do self-endowment shun,
And enjoy happiness as wealth of spirit is humbly won.

Rich and proud often regarded as those of regal birth,
And the lowest of poor may seem to have little worth.
Yet as weighed on scales of life, tilting side to side,
Shall one be deemed more worthy by Heaven's Bride?

When a man or woman stands and faces death's door,
Who is regarded as richest when handed a final score?
Shall it be one rich by man's methods of judging best,
Or poorest of souls regarded as outcasts from the rest?

Each spirit is granted a choice of true worth to measure,
In the end shall wealth be valued as choicest of treasure?
What determines the true worth of each woman and man,
Trophies gathered on Earth, or fulfillment of God's plan?

Sheila Bowyer Kline

My Review

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Very well done..WHAT DOES IT PROFIT A MAN TO GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD BUT LOSE HIS OWN SOUL..I know of one young man from a well to do family who has given back the gold for a life of being a minister of the gospel on the dark streets of an inner city..God be with all of those who love Him and also those who need Him..lol and God bless..Valentine

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


What a pleasure to see you writing again! And WHAT a write!!
The repetitive questioning, followed with potential answers, is one of my favorite formats. Designed not to spoon-feed answers, but to force you to admit the truth, un-badgered.
I saw another recently, perhaps an Emma, perhaps a Froman, dealing with the inequity of resources on Earth, but this tops it, fershurr!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Worth. That is an interesting concept. Potential, there's another! But this much I do know, if you want your dreams to become reality, there is no substitute for good old fashioned work; with sleeves rolled up and ready to pull the extra hour. I believe every life has worth and potential but that both must be developed through exercise of the body, mind, and spirit. It's not the trophys won or the plaques on the wall that matter. It is knowing your life made a difference and you helped someone else along the way. A great write, I enjoyed reading.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I love the last two lines! the whole piece is wonderfully done. It speak volumes and has so much merit. Great job with this!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

What determines the true worth of each woman and man,

Trophies gathered on Earth, or fulfillment of God's plan?

A wonderful write Sheila, with agreat message therein
I would hope that what determines the true worth of
Man/woman would be fulfilling God's plan~ Great pen my friend

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Awesome write Sheila, and so true. As the expression you are not taking it with you, what a waste. A rich man leave this world as naked as his poor neighbor, so sad. You telling it so well my friend, so perfect I have no words to add. I'm so glad God knows all and see all. Your poem is full of wisdom, thank you for sharing your talent with us. God bless you.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oh dear ,dearest Shiela,how much life is worth..
i will tell you this ,Proust in one of his writings,he told of a man who sauaght knowledge all his life,he just kept on reading
day and night..month after month ,year and years to come and go,he was so wise ,a philosopher,all his life went on in a flicker of time
so he looked at himself ,he was just an old man..suddenly he was sad ,all his youth gone by,through reading and reading..
at night while asleep..the devil came to him ..he compromised him ,told him:I know you are sad,i can give you back your youth
but i will take all your wisdom all your knowledge that you accumulated over the years,but you will come back as a nice young man
i will even make you look so beatiful,every girl will just love to love you..and so it was...
but as time went on,and he saw himself as a silly young man he again was so sad,and the devil would bargain back what he took from him
he was so depressed,he knew it was a great mistake he has done..sadness was so strong that killed him in a little time
i meant to say ou would not gather from this life but the love and smiles and happiness you leave on the less fortunate people
you should give everything you can to those who need,too much riches just will not do you any good
when you die ,its not how rich you are that counts..to me and i know..i know..its how much loved you were while you passed away
how many people will remember you with all the good you have done to them,how much happiness you gave them..
this will weigh to much for your account,so as you pass away,its like going on a lovely journey,all those you made happy
they will accompany you,you will never feel alone,always surrounded by grace and laughing people
you will feel your other life,so easy heavenly and happy,take it from ..i know what i say ,i really know
that was a wonderful write my friend ,how i thought about it.its so lovely
lovely write..

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow! Sheila, my friend, I have long looked forward to reading your newest writes, and you never disappoint me. This one is so very inspired and inspiring. Each stanza, each line, causes us to stop and really think about our own worth. Great rhyme and meter but even greater message. I really like this one too.

Friendship love & hugs,

Posted 15 Years Ago

You must of been a English Major in school Sheila......smiles
I could of never wrote anything as perfect as I just read.
The words just seemed to flow this way and that.
The rhyming was perfect and didn't seem forced at all.
Your mater was awestruck by me.

Thanks for sharing and this is going in my fav's.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Brilliant and thought provoking Sheila~
What wonderful questions you put forth here ...and with such a wonderful form and flow1
always love to read your work..

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Wow Sheila you brought on some great philosophical questions here... each stanza in itself stands alone to make you think... one of your greatest points here why if man was created equal why are we defined by our wealth or lack of... better yet why are some wealthier then others... my simple answer to that is those are laws of man not God.

Great write... so good to see something new from you.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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20 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on April 12, 2009
Last Updated on May 29, 2013
Tags: Worth, Values, Quality, Honor, Life


Sheila Kline
Sheila Kline


I am a Poetess of Multiplicity who also enjoys genealogy research, current events, folk ballads and Irish/Celtic music, and I am a grand lover of dogs! I strive to live by the philosophy o.. more..
