Bite of Sanguine Be Weakened!

Bite of Sanguine Be Weakened!

A Poem by Sheila Kline

Vampire and victim's fate is determined as good and evil wage a battle!























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© 2013 Sheila Kline

Author's Note

Sheila Kline
YOWZA.....I have certainly gone outside of the box on this one...or should I say, "Outside of the coffin"?......sorry "Vampires must win fans" did start out as a write of horror. The bad guys can't always have the last drop of blood! Power is in the blood of The Holy One!

Bite of Sanguine Be Weakened!

Razor sharp fangs penetrate deeper and deeper,
Wards off now invitation from The Grim Reaper.
Vampire easily claims prize victim as a keeper.
Blood flows crimson and prey pales now weaker.

Poor victim utters prayer now lifted into Heavens for respite from power of this evil presence. Clouds part and a ray of sunlight dances 'round vampire, but light is soon blotted out by curtains hung by Curse of Dracula. Dark shadows drape o'er Valley of Life.

Bare flesh pierced by fangs tastes delightfully sweet--
Welcomed solution for desire of quick energy treat.
Bites under spell of Wolf Moon but a sensuous feast,
Easily suckled from victim who sinks now lower in defeat.

Vampires gather in circle and chant another howl as they sip from the Cup of Life. Victim feels knees weaken as blood is sucked now at a faster pace. A feeling of frenzy ascends into the night mist as screams echo from tree to tree. Howls intermingle with sounds of "SAVE ME"!

Blood suckers of the eve roam terrain with leisure,
Calculating next adventure for sanguine pleasure.
Fang to fang exchanges deemed choicest of treasure,
Claimed as life blood to ward off death's measure.

Hear ye sounds of Pied Piper's morbid tune as coffins open to chorus of rattling bones. Vultures descend from skies in search of a morsel of flesh not yet inhaled by breath of maggots, and tombstones undulate to gain a closer view of havoc in their playground. All is unsettled, and smell of rot permeates the dank night air. Loud cackling of the village witch joins now howl of vampires and screams of victim.

Sounds travel far 'neath golden glow of full moon.
Glittering now are vamp slayer’s silver crosses of doom,
Vampires scurry to hide from forthcoming noon.
Pied Piper playing now a familiar destroyer's tune.

Silver crosses are clutched closer by side. Holy Water is clasped in vials 'bout Pilgrim's necks and prayers are uttered louder as Sanguine fangs sink yet deeper into victim's neck. Men of God know their mission and rally now in unison as they sing out, "We hear thy calls of fright in turbulent winds. Have faith and know we are near to thee!"
Pray! Heed thee well evil of plans of vampire's kin,
Ready to penetrate another victim's supple skin,
As dirges of horror, cries of death ring out again,
Making risky the journey of unsuspecting men.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me. Holy Mary, Mother of God, blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus." Prayer and supplications of faith strengthen weary victim. Howls grow now quieter.

Vain vampire's strength fades, visibly now weaker.
No longer capable of sinking sharp of fangs deeper.
Released from grip is one considered to be a keeper.
Sanguine desire once strong, eclipses to day meeker!

Vampires are now enveloped by words of prayer and faith. They turn away while drawing midnight cloaks 'bout their faces. Crimson blood seeps into ground now purified by Holy Water.

Vicious bite eternal is no more.

Sheila Bowyer Kline

My Review

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I'm ready for someone to invent a new monster because I'm really burnt out of the vampire craze. I liked the storyline you use in this piece though. It was fairly different from what I'm used to reading. I'm one of those people who gets bored with repetition and I think the vampire thing has been done to death and undeath and back to death again! lol I really liked when Anne Rice went off with Lasher; her Mayfair Witches medium born into flesh; THAT was a different kind of monster. King did Cat People; shapeshifters with special powers which could be killed by the scratch of a cat...that was interesting. And I think it's time for a new cultural urban legend but I don't know what. Maybe a cyborg who sucks life from computers. lol I like to see the good guys win once in awhile myself like in your write here. Well done.

Posted 14 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


Visually stunning and powerfully gripping, you paint a horror tale extraordinaire! You take the imagery and turn and twist it for our reading pleasure. Amazing work!

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

At first I thought, "Not another vampire write!" It seems lately I have gotten more read requests for such stories/poems than for any other type. Then, as I started to read, it was like reading some Steven King book, even though I don't like the subject, the imagery is so good I couldn't stop reading. I must admit I really liked the twist to this one. Great job, my friend.

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

This is not my usual cup of tea..but then again..I am not a tea drinker..It seems this is going into what the younger people are into and watching at the theaters these days..Scary and bloody but I would just hold up my cross so the vampires would and God bless..Kathie

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Yowza is right... you have become the Stephan King of Poetry with this eerie piece of writing... such details in you work that make the story come to life in my mind... Now I wonder if I will ever sleep again....hmmmm

Posted 14 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

I'm ready for someone to invent a new monster because I'm really burnt out of the vampire craze. I liked the storyline you use in this piece though. It was fairly different from what I'm used to reading. I'm one of those people who gets bored with repetition and I think the vampire thing has been done to death and undeath and back to death again! lol I really liked when Anne Rice went off with Lasher; her Mayfair Witches medium born into flesh; THAT was a different kind of monster. King did Cat People; shapeshifters with special powers which could be killed by the scratch of a cat...that was interesting. And I think it's time for a new cultural urban legend but I don't know what. Maybe a cyborg who sucks life from computers. lol I like to see the good guys win once in awhile myself like in your write here. Well done.

Posted 14 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Love this. A great story in this poem. Like how it rises, grows intense, then goes back down again. You can feel the relief at the end as the victim escapes. Great job on this.

Posted 14 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Loved the write and loved your note about it. Great write with an interesting "twist" to the norm.

Posted 14 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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17 Reviews
Added on March 14, 2010
Last Updated on July 26, 2013
Tags: Vampire, Holy, Power, Sanguine, Prayers, Faith


Sheila Kline
Sheila Kline


I am a Poetess of Multiplicity who also enjoys genealogy research, current events, folk ballads and Irish/Celtic music, and I am a grand lover of dogs! I strive to live by the philosophy o.. more..
