A City Of No Consequence Beset in Roses

A City Of No Consequence Beset in Roses

A Poem by Aries

<> This poem has gone a bit more personal than a lot of my others, while I feel it has the same general voice. I wanted to describe my take on purpose in life. This poem is dedicated to Kate.


 No sound issues forth
 from the concrete on which I walk
and the life I lead,
treading on a chaotic nothing
and looking forward to an orderly everything

Distance spans the path
from this place through
and on dark soil I walk
On my way to you

Spread wide is the seed of joy and contentment
over vast chasms of existentialism,
but without pretense or purpose -
just feeling, and action.

I  am, simply put;
for you, I am.

© 2011 Aries

Author's Note


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I love you too - and when I think about you too much, I talk a lot, and that in turn leaves me with a deficit of usable oxygen. So yeah, you leave me breathless too .. =]

Posted 14 Years Ago

When you write things like this, you make me smile, and my heart beats faster. But even without words, you leave me breathless. I love you.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 6, 2010
Last Updated on February 24, 2011
Tags: love, meaning, purpose, existence, futility, light, darkness, chaos, order



Corinth, NY

i write words in broken little lines that seldom flow and occasionally rhyme more..

Keepsake Keepsake

A Poem by Aries


A Poem by Aries

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A Poem by Aries