Justice League: The End Begins Part 1

Justice League: The End Begins Part 1

A Story by Matthew Walker

Part 4 and the end of Part 1 of My Dc short story collection


“It was a dark room I felt really lightheaded, barely breathing. I should be dead but for some reason I'm not.” “Doc, he's conscious,” Huntress said excitedly. The doctor ran towards Question to check his vitals. “His vitals are balancing out. I guess all that praying you did ended up making a difference after all,” the doctor said. “Yes it did,” Huntress replied as she looked at her cross necklace. “Now as soon as Question gets better we need to find who did this to him,” she said with a enraged look on her face.

Meanwhile, in an interrogation room hundreds of miles from Gotham or Hub city, Batman woke up. A few seconds later a young woman walked in, “Mr. Wayne we need to talk.” “Who the hell are you?” Batman asked. “My name is Amanda Waller, I am an agent of A.R.G.U.S. Which isn't important right now. The government is passing a new bill which will outlaw costumed heroes unless they work for the government. You know your rap sheet, assault and battery multiple B&E etc. Now this can all go away if you are willing to work with our team,” Amanda Waller said.

“There is no way I will work with your team,” Batman said with a growl. “Well I guess it's off to Super Max then.” Waller said.

At the same time in Starling City, Arrow was once again on the hunt for Count Vertigo. He escaped from Iron Heights Penitentiary with his most addicting version yet. “Felicity what do you have for me?” he asked from the radio link in his hood. “Nothing yet, I can't get a lock on his signal it's like he is everywhere at once or...it's something else,” What is it Felicity?” he asked. “Someone is scrambling my signal, it's impossible. Someone is after you, you need to get out of here now!” she said panicked. “Alright cutting radio contact,” he said. Arrow rode off into the Glades, also known as the Narrows of Starling. He drove down into an old subway station. As fast as he could he drove down the tracks towards the edge of the city. When he reached the end of the subway line he headed out of the city toward the only person he knew could help, Batman. Batman is the worlds greatest detective and maybe he could figure out what the hell was going on. Arrow entered Gotham and found out a shocking discovery, Batman was missing. He was brought up to date that Batman was kidnapped and that Batgirl was spearheading a resistance movement to fight whatever was coming. “I'm definitely in,” Arrow said

“Captain Atom you are in charge of transporting Batman to Super Max,” Amanda Waller said. “Yes Ma'am,” he said. As they chained Batman up to transport him to Super Max he kicked the guard in the face and escaped. He ran towards the hanger bay taking out all the guards along the way. There was an old transport plane in the hangar and that was all. He hopped in it and prepared for take off. “Eff this,” he said as the plane slowly left the hangar. Soon after he was on the way to Gotham revealing the A.R.G.U.S. base to be in Washington D.C.

Together Arrow and Batgirl managed to get in contact with another hero Vigilante. Together they fanned out looking for a location to set up headquarters, Batgirl decided the old subway station of Gotham would be perfect since the new skyway was up and running. They headed there as they tried to contact more members of the Justice League. “Arrow to Batgirl do you copy?” “Yeah I copy,” she said. “We need to get a hold of Shazam, J'onn, and Superman.” he said to her. “Obviously,” she agreed. We need a computer expert to set up down here,” Vigilante said. I know the girl,” Arrow said He gave Batgirl coordinates to his base in Starling City Batgirl took the Batmobile to Starling City got into Arrow's base. “Who the hell are you,” a man said with his gun drawn “Who the heck are you?” Batgirl asked I'm John Diggle and you are....?” “Batgirl she replied. “Oliver said to pick up you and a Felicity Smoak,” “That would be a....me, I mean I'm Felicity,” a skittish young blonde said. “Felicity we need a computer tech, Oliver sent me,” Batgirl said. “Yeah I'll help but for what?” she asked. “Batman is missing, along with some other heroes and villains. We need you to find them and to help figure out what is going on.” Batgirl said. “That could take some time but I can figure it out,” Felicity replied. “Great I'll take you guys back to where Oliver is, let's load up the Batmobile,”

Meanwhile, Huntress and Question were back on their feet trying to figure out what to do next. “Huntress do you copy this is Batman.” “Yeah Batman, I copy what's up,” she replied. “Meet me in Gotham in front of Arkham Asylum,” Batman said. “Copy we will get there as quick as we can,” Huntress said. Question and Huntress jumped into their car and took off down the road. They took the road out of Hub City and headed towards Gotham.

When Batman made it back to Gotham he headed straight for Wayne Manor just long enough to get supplies and headed out in the Batplane with Alfred. “Arrow to Watchtower come in come in Watchtower,” “This is Batman I am tapped into the Watchtower communications system, I just escaped from an A.R.G.U.S. facility and am heading for a new location. The Batcave has been compromised and I think it is safe to say all our headquarters have been, so I am looking for a new location,” “I came looking for you so I am in the old Gotham subway station with Vigilante,” Arrow said. “What about Batgirl is she okay? Have you found her?” Batman asked. “Yeah she was on her way to Starling City in the Batmobile to pick up my friends Diggle and Felicity. Felicity will be bringing her computers to set up down here.” “Copy that. Batman out.”

Just as the transmission cut out, Huntress and Question pulled up to the front of Arkham Asylum to wait for Batman. Soon after Batman showed up, but with a disturbed look on his face. “Batman what's wrong?” Huntress asked. Struggling to breathe Batman managed to get out, “poison gas in plane must be Suicide Squad,” “Who the hell are the Suicide Squad?” “Amanda Waller's pet team for the government, Captain Atom, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang and Deadshot. Drive to Gotham subway station...,” was all Batman got in before he passed out. They carefully removed Batman's equipment from the Batplane and put it in their car.

By that time Batgirl, Felicity and Diggle had all reached the subway station back in Gotham. “Vigilante, meet Diggle and Felicity the better part of my team,” Arrow said. “Pleasure to make y’alls acquaintance. Now what do y'all say we get to kicking some butt?” Vigilante asked. “Let's do it,” Batgirl said. Just as Felicity started setting up her equipment Huntress and Question showed up carrying Batman. “He's been poisoned,” Huntress said quickly. Diggle ran and grabbed him. “Clear this table off ,” he said. Everybody rushed to clear the table as Diggle laid Batman on it. Diggle got the poison pumped out of Batman just in time to save his life. “Thanks for that,” Batman said. “Time to assemble a new league, more of a team really.”

Back at A.R.G.U.S. Amanda Waller was fuming with anger. “So Batman got away, fine I'll just get someone even stronger to lead the Suicide Squad and when I do it will be the end of outlaw heroes that don't work for us!”  

© 2014 Matthew Walker

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Added on June 18, 2014
Last Updated on June 18, 2014
Tags: Superhero, DC Comics, Question, Suicide Squad, Batman, Justice League, Arrow


Matthew Walker
Matthew Walker

Shelbyville, IN

Young adult superhero nerd just trying to find my place in the world more..
