The Journey

The Journey

A Poem by timthy

Another piece dedicated to the one true love


From the moment I first saw you

From the moment we first met

I knew you would be the person

That I never could forget

From the day we first united

Knew life would never be the same

Gentle breeze, your arms around me

Rustling wind whispers your name

Vision of devastating beauty

Most innocent and pure

My perception of perfection

In a life once so obscure

Life once seemed not to have

Any specific rhyme or reason

Your breath the warmth of summer

In a lifetime winter season

Dream of growing old together

Your precious hand in mine

Sharing dreams, life, and laughter

Until the end of time

Absolute dream come true

An answer to all my prayers

Would rather die a thousand deaths

Than endure a life without you there

Knowing we will have our trying times

Grey skies are sure to come

Behind every storm that threatens

Is the promise of morning sun

Just know whatever storms may come

Or crashing waves arise

Always remember that morning sun

And the promise of blue skies

I loved you before I met you

A promise tried and true

Just know for your joy and happiness

There is nothing that I would not do

Promise to be there in the best of times

Or when life's portrait painted blue

Promise to be there always

To see the hard times through

So sorry when we disagree

For it turns me inside out

Learning to live in harmony

Is what life is all about

Not always the best with words

With my actions even less

Please overlook my imperfections

I am giving you my best

We tread this world together

Two lives destined to be one

Cherish the magic of our love

For our journey has just begun...


© 2014 timthy

Author's Note


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Added on January 29, 2014
Last Updated on January 29, 2014



coloniial heights, VA

I am a sagittarius, I write based on ultimate highs and surrealistic lows. I usually don't cover the middle ground. Not pessimistic, not optimistic, just REALISTIC. I look forward to critiques, and be.. more..

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