Postabled Posts Posted Post-haste!

Postabled Posts Posted Post-haste!

A Poem by shiloh jennings

Wish I could find the date of when I wrote this .. hrm .... wonder if I have a hard-copy somewhere with a date on it .. I'll look and update if I do.

The disabled are mislabeled
and the public is mislead
afraid to tread
on the toes
of those
they do not understand.
So come and take my hand
and I'll lead you
and feed you
the truth for your brain to see
because its plain to me
that living in this 'mediacracy'
has eaten away at all you say
all you believe and think is real
unable to feel
alive on the inside
forced to hide
whatever scraps of yourself
you've managed to hold on to this long......

hold on ....
its gunna be alright ..
cuz the man with the plan can't stand
to see you fall down ...

© 2013 shiloh jennings

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Added on January 8, 2013
Last Updated on January 8, 2013
Tags: poetry, political, poverty, disabled, media


shiloh jennings
shiloh jennings

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

~//:* I am me, no more, no less. *://~ The film has started. The first scene is of a young woman. She is tall, perhaps 5'10". Her long dark hair falls over her shoulders in a cascade of natural cur.. more..
