Take Aim

Take Aim

A Poem by Z.Silas

Take Aim

an explosion to the west of me
it takes the breath from me
I'm shaken and crawling on the floor
with my brothers of war
moving through the mud and shame
the blood and pain
I'm ready -- take aim
I cover my eyes and start firing
I believe god hired me
I devastate the calm
remove the ring and release my bomb
I can't stop thinking about you
are you proud of your G.I.
do you except the lie
hold your crucifix and cry
turn a blind eye
Oh God! Why!?!
I don't want to die!!!
I shoot blindly into the crowd
doing my country proud
the greatest pound for pound
I love you girl
and I'll be coming home to you soon
not just once in a blue moon
before our baby blooms from your womb
I'll give these b******s doom
hell in a birds eye view
bring the tanks through
America's coming for you
I can't stand these days apart
I keep our picture by my heart
this war is driving me insane
this lack of love brings me pain
I'm ready -- take aim.

--Z.Silas Herrera

© 2008 Z.Silas

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do you except the lie - (do you mean to say, ...accept the lie?) sorry, occupational hazard!

I love this poem and think you should see about getting it published in some kind of magazine that is designed for GIs and/or their families...I mean, someone should see this besides US in here! This is good stuff, man!

Oh, snap! I remember your work now! It's you - the one whose writing speaks the entire poem in every line of the write! Yeah! Hey, I had something of yours in My Favorites! Hey! Damn Charlie!

Hey, thanks for sharing this but get it out THERE so more people can see it! This is meant to be shared, my man!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Lots of angst and fear in that. Indeed, a fitting visual to war. The rhyme was a bit too forced or simplistic for my taste, but you represent well. Kudos. If you get a chance, check out my poem called "Another Christmas Morn (A Soldier's Toast)". Think you'll like it.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 8, 2008



Berkeley, CA

Made Love Made War Made Peace Made Hate Questioned God And Lost Faith Who is Z.Silas Herrera? I Often ask myself this question and come with no clear conclusion, so these are the facts: Bor.. more..


A Poem by Z.Silas