Fish Market

Fish Market

A Poem by zainul

I love to visit fish market



I  love to visit fish market .

Walking slowly with a basket

I look at the diverse collection

and enjoy their presentation.


Sometimes I  move around

and listen to  various sound

that a marketplace can offer

with bargain of customer.


I also look at the  fish vendor

to see how happy or sad his face.

This is really a great wonder

how he manages his work with grace.


I am afraid the vendor will lose his job

when the water body will die of pollution.

My journey to fish market will stop

if the anarchy continues without solution.



© 2013 zainul

Author's Note


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An interesting little stroll through one of the happy moments of your life. Thank you for sharing.
Might I offer a few suggestions, to make your poem more approachable to native English-speakers?
For starters, your first two stanzas were in a-a-b-b "couplet" mode, while the last two were in
a-b-a-b "quatrain" mode. I would recommend choosing one or the other and staying with it throughout.
I would like to work with you, if you wish it, to make your flow more natural. Your syllable counts vary too widely, and the stresses do not fall regularly. This is not as difficult as it might at first appear...but admittedly, I would not attempt it in Urdu or Farsi, so you are already way ahead of me!

Posted 10 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank you Mark for stopping by to review my work.
I welcome your nice gesture to work with me .. read more

10 Years Ago

Oh Dear Mark, Consider this please.
I hope Zainul does not change anything... We are so fortun.. read more

10 Years Ago

Must also add, I don't even see any flaws, The whole message is beautifully presented to me .Maybe i.. read more


I like the description of the fish market. The ending was sad. The ocean is a source of life for many. Even in the USA. Most fish are farmed raised. Even the great lakes are polluted now. I like the way you watched their faces. I told my kids. Do your best with a smile in your work. Make the day better and easily. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Your stopping here to glorify the piece is a memorable moment for me.
Thanks for the complimen.. read more
every week i would go to the fish market to buy fresh fish. indeed, if we keep on destroying the bodies of water we may not be able to enjoy the benefits we are enjoying today. very relevant write.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank you for stopping by Gabrielle to grace this piece.
I appreciate your words of more
Dear Zainul,

I am listening with wonder. I can see your country. I have visited it twice. It is a marvel to the US, Canada, what we call Western Society. But we are the minority. You (and China) are the norm. That is an unfamiliar thought for us. And I note the differences in our expression of English. But India is the most populace, English speaking country. So again, you are the norm. We are the exception. There is no difficulty understanding you, My Friend, though your English is different. It is refreshing, actually. Love to listen to it and expand my horizons.

Now, all that aside, what of the meat of the poem? This is so wonderful, too. You have a way of simply setting down life. What more wonderful thatn a fish market? What could be more down-to-earth? And your humanity in wondering if the fish market will close and suffer from the selfish greed of humanity in polluting our oceans, is so wonderful and caring for the human species.

Greatest respect, and kindest regards! If we all thought and felt like you, there would be little danger to the planet and I would breathe more freely.

High marks! Greatly enjoyed.


Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Dear Rick,
I feel very humbled by your generous compliments.
I thank you for the kind wo.. read more
Perhaps anarchy is the only thing that can save the fish vendor. Turning away from commonly held ideals to ones that are more traditional, such as turning away from large supermarkets in favour of small vendors. I too fear for the job of the fish vendor should the oceans be ruined by man.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thanks for the great innovative idea.
I could never think like you.
I am very pleased to.. read more
Your poem is very effective in describing the fish market you enjoy visiting, zainul, and in making a statment about the effect of water pollution on the lives of the fish and of those who eat them and make a living from selling them. I liked the rhyme and the rhythm as well. Good work!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank you dear poet for the thoughtful review.
It makes the circumstances and events surroundi.. read more
Your learning English as you write in it brings a unique sound to your poem.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank you Michael for the very inspiring review.
This means a lot to me.
This problem is faced by all those associated with the fishing industry throughout the world. Modern technology and robbed the sea of too much and pollution has affected the sea, case in point the nuclear runoff in Japan flows into the ocean. I often wonder what the final outcome of that will be. You've created a warm snapshot of the fish market while weaving the problems they face throughout the poem.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thanks for the great contribution.
I appreciate your knowledge on this very aspect.
This.. read more
I do hope water pollution will not destroy the fish market, though this is something I have never seen.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank you dear friend for stopping by and offering your valuable observation.
I have vented my.. read more
I love to visit farmer's markets here where I live, Zainul. Fresh fish is an expensive dish served in my house only on special occasions. The water quality all over the world is affecting the health of the fish. Even canned fish warn of mercury levels and such. I can see the livlihood of the fishmonger is questioned in your poem. It is hard to do anything else when that is all you know. Interesting, thought provoking work, Zainul. I hope you are well. Angi~

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank you Angi for stopping by to bring many vital points for discussion.
I wrote this piece t.. read more
Okay, so let stop using disposable water bottles !!!!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank you Paul for stopping by to offer the admiring review.
The suggestion should be followed.. read more
Paul Seaman

10 Years Ago

It is by me. In my food trailer I serve filtered water with lemon in compostable plantbased cups an.. read more

10 Years Ago

That's a great idea Paul.
Do you purchase the compostable plantbased cups?
How we may ge.. read more

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20 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 29, 2013
Last Updated on November 12, 2013
Tags: fish market, diverse, collection, presentation, bargain, customer, marketplace, fish vendor, happy, sad, face, wonder, grace, job, water body, die, pollution, journey, anarchy, solution



Dhaka, Bangladesh

I am a born writer. But always hesitated to publish. I regret now in vain. more..


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