Michael Handel : Writing

Mi Revolucion es en Mi Corazon

Mi Revolucion es en Mi Corazon

A Poem by Michael Handel

?????? This just happened!!!!!!! I don't know, I'll concede to any assertion that this may be..stupid? I'm not sure of this yet. I'm just trying to ..
House of Wax

House of Wax

A Poem by Michael Handel

It's not really a poem...really a fragment of an essay I suppose. I found (the first paragraph)it flipping through one of my notebooks. And just adde..
Morphine Blues and Rainbows

Morphine Blues and Rainbows

A Poem by Michael Handel

mind-spit at 2 in the morning.
The Joy of Edmund Frost

The Joy of Edmund Frost

A Book by Michael Handel

I started this pretty much immediately after I decided to start writing (like 2 months ago) and havent went back to it since because I wanted to hone ..
The Joy of Edmund Frost----Intro?

The Joy of Edmund Frost----Intro?

A Chapter by Michael Handel

More of an intro really. in line with my whole symbolism and allusion bend the double usage of some words, symbolism of apples and transmission of th..
The Wolf Hayden

The Wolf Hayden

A Chapter by Michael Handel

Just the beginning to what I hope will be at least a novella if I can find the time/desire to continue. It's hard to tell where it is going but it rev..
Running backwards (Scissors Optional)

Running backwards (Scissors Optional)

A Poem by Michael Handel

I just wrote this so it may need editing..I don't know..let me know.
A Map For The Broken Heart-Part 1 - Of Gustav....Autocrat and Anti-llectual

A Map For The Broken Heart-Part 1 - Of Gustav....A..

A Poem by Michael Handel

This is supposed to be a tribute to absurdity, death, oxymorons....and of course..dancing."
English Women

English Women

A Poem by Michael Handel

I love English accents. We all need a Minnie Driver in our lives. An ode to the most androgynous Anglo-Nymphs of Albion...For Minnie..jk