Z.Silas : Writing

the Dance

the Dance

A Poem by Z.Silas

the Dance she moves her hips with hypnotic overtones and I alone can hear her body moan our deepest desires left to roam as my passion finds a..
Wilted Tomorrow

Wilted Tomorrow

A Poem by Z.Silas

Wilted Tomorrow as I stand at the shore the breaking waves remind me of providence of a life long lost to me a life condemned by the livi..
Godless King Obliteration

Godless King Obliteration

A Poem by Z.Silas

Godless King Obliteration we will no longer swallow your hate fueled swine defecation all your blood money will never buy back our generatio..
Blood and Ashes

Blood and Ashes

A Poem by Z.Silas

Blood and Ashes will we ever make it out of here alive escape the brooding of the hive no matter the agony I still strive buried to my neck in t..
the road

the road

A Poem by Z.Silas

the road my long lonely destination has come to an end I’ve abandoned all my lovers and destroyed all my friends I main line the sedi..
Scarred Wrist

Scarred Wrist

A Poem by Z.Silas

Scarred Wrist No doesn’t always mean no and love is a complicated thing I wear my scars like a wedding ring I make love and hate with th..
The Consumption Of Jubilation Pt. 2

The Consumption Of Jubilation Pt. 2

A Poem by Z.Silas

the second part of a 3 part story
The Consumption of Jubilation Pt. 3

The Consumption of Jubilation Pt. 3

A Poem by Z.Silas

the final part of a 3 part arc
The Consumption of Jubilation Pt. 1

The Consumption of Jubilation Pt. 1

A Poem by Z.Silas

the first part in a 3 part story
Venus Fly Trap

Venus Fly Trap

A Poem by Z.Silas

Venus Fly Trap I never knew hate could feel so much like love we played you show me yours and I’ll show you mine she showed me her ..