"An Open Apology to the Aliens Who Abducted Me..."  December 7, 2010 - January 20, 2011

Contest Completed


Mega-Cappuccino of Poetry-writer-ness - An Open Apology to the Aliens Who Abducted Me...
Honorable Mention for the Courage to Mention Something Embarrassing - An Open Apology to the Aliens Who Abducted Me...


It's simple. Just write a poem to fit the following title:

"An Open Apology to the Aliens Who Abducted Me and Upon Whom I Inflicted Great Destruction While Having a Panic Attack Aboard the Mother Ship (Autobiographical)"

I didn't make up the title, of course. Those of you who have seen the movie So I Married an Ax Murderer will recognize it. Not that there was an actual poem to go with it, alas. That's why I've created this contest. Let's see your best alien-abduction poems!

(We must request that poets use discretion and not write anything that would require their work to need a "mature" rating. 'Cause, y'know, some of those alien-abduction stories can be icky.)

Winner will receive a metaphorical Mega-Cappuccino of Poetry-writer-ness. In other words, you'll get a little icon of an award ribbon. Cool, huh?



2 Contestants
2 Submission
Created Dec 7, 2010