Abecedarian Poems  August 20, 2013 - August 30, 2013

Contest Completed


1st Place - [writing deleted]
2nd Place - Another Day in Paradise
3rd Place - An Abecedarian Halloween Party
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]
Honorable Mention - Alphabet Soup


Generally with an Abecedarian poem each line or stanza begins with the first letter of the alphabet and is followed by the successive letter, until the final letter is reached, creating a 26 line poem. For an example, please read my poem here:

A Torrential Storm

And the sky
Burst forward, a torrential
Combustion of energy
Dances across the sky
Electric wings
Flapping --
Gale winds
Hurry consumers
Inside buildings and cars --
Jostling leaves gather
Lampposts flicker off and on, a
Makeshift SOS in the storm
No rescue, abandoned all --
Only Nature rules this place, her
Piercing anger howls and then
Quiet and calm
Reward the land
Such peace one has never known
Til the beast spins and rips, tears and shreds
Utility poles and trees to the ground
Vast darkness
Wanders throughout the town, a
Xanthous sky hovers low --
Yet moments later, as fast as he came, the beast
Zips up into the clouds and is gone.

© 2013 Lori Carlson


Ravyne Hawke
Ravyne Hawke
Somewhere, VA


4 Contestants
4 Submissions
Created Aug 21, 2013