I loved.  November 6, 2008 - December 6, 2008

Contest Completed


The Arterial Pen - But you still have whole of me...
Tear Stained Paper - Oubliette
Hollow Locket - Kill Me Faster Next Time
3rd Runner up! - Blood and Snow
4th Runner up! - Champagne in Coffee Cups
5th Runner Up! - my box


everyone at some point or another has loved. you know the saying "it is better to have loved and lost than to ever have loved at all"? is it really? it doesnt seem like it when you're crying your heart out and all you can feel is hollowness. share with me your heartache as i in my work have shared partially some of my own.


an awesome little ribbon thingy and bragging rights


Katie Snyder
Katie Snyder
Franklin, TN


25 Contestants
53 Submissions
Created Nov 6, 2008