Only Gave You Every Part of Me  March 2, 2010 - April 2, 2010

Contest Completed


1st Place - You probably made me cry. - A Paper Heart
2nd Place - You made me cry a little bit. - My Once Dearest
3rd Place - You made me want to cry. - Someday I\'ll forget
4th Place - I could see the emotion in your story, but I just couldn't quite grasp it. - Fate Lines
5th Place - You got the concept, but you didn't bring as much emotion to the table. - Faded


Write about getting your heart broken by the last person you would expect it from. The more emotion and passion you put into your writing, the better.


` C u j i e
` C u j i e
Spokane Valley, WA


22 Contestants
39 Submissions
Created Mar 3, 2010